Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Chance : New Balls

Hiya!  It’s me Chance! I got new balls!
There was a sale at Walgreens and balls were 49 cents so I got six new balls.
All different colors!
Six new balls
I got them all just a little slobbery..
Chance and the balls
So I could figure out which one I like the best.
Blue Ball
I finally decided on the blue one.  Far Side says she thinks I can see blue better than any other color.
Did you know that after so long  balls rot?  It must be the combination of being outside in the sun and my copious amounts of slobber that deteriorates them.  Miney helps too..she chews on my balls when she visits.  Some have chunks out of them..Far Side has been known to shout “Quick hide all the good balls Miney is here.”
Soft balls are hard to find, these high bounce balls are perfect to play ball with.  They are soft but not too soft..perfect for a Border Collie ball connoisseur:)


  1. Love your new balls, Chance! Lucky you... :-)

  2. Chance, Good for you! I love these photos of you. Harriet is not interested in playing ball but my cats are!

  3. Ya gotta have the right ball to play ball! Great that Far side found the perfect balls.

  4. Good for you Chance nice soft balls that bounce are hard to find, soft ones are easier on your teeth. Have fun.

  5. Okay, I had to laugh at the title.....:)

  6. Oh Chance - you're so handsome! Enjoy your play time!

  7. Oh Chance, you truly do love your balls. A dog can never have too many. Have fun with all your new balls.

  8. Morning Chance, you are a lucky boy to have so many new balls, yippee!!!!Hugs Francine.

  9. Love the second photo! I swear he's smiling!

  10. I made the mistake of buying a bunch of squeaker balls on sale. We haven't had a quiet moment since. I can't wait for them to rot.

  11. We have a male Boston Terrier that loves to play fetch and tug of war with very small tennis balls. The color doesn't matter to him and he would play ball 24 hours of day if he could find a willing participant - meaning one of us 3 that live here. He has learned to catch the ball in mid air but it has to be thrown just right. He wears us out. Shirley H.

  12. Oh my... that title had my brain going the wrong way.

    :) Nice to see you enjoying a good slobber Chance!!!

  13. You are one lucky dog. Our guys don't have any balls. I could be crass and say that the vet took care of that - but that's not really what I meant! Tucker and Gypsy don't like balls. They are crazy, right?!
    Nothing like a stash of new balls to make a guy happy!

  14. Lucky Chance! Duke's favorite is a Jolly Ball. Dad kicks it and Duke tries to catch it before it bounces twice. It has a handy handle for carrying and he can toss it at Dad's feet to kick over and over (and over and over). He doesn't like me to play because I can't kick high and far. :/

  15. Good for you Chance, and you look very happy with the new balls.

    Hope that the weather is allowing you outside a lot.


  16. Love the middle picture it looks like he is smiling. Miney is coming on Friday, so hide the balls.

  17. Good for you Chance. You work so hard around there that you deserve some different colorful balls to play with. Our Barney was scared of a ball and frisbies when we first adopted him. I think he had lots of things thrown at him while he ran the streets of a town in Missouri. He now can play ball, very fast runner, but he just doesn't like to give up the ball unless he is really impatient with us and just finally drops it. Playing with two balls at a time helps the process. I hope you are enjoying your summer Chance and you get to swimming a lot in your pool.


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