Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring is postponed

Winter Snow has postponed Spring.  Way below zero weather and sub zero wind chills have postponed spring.  Who would want to show up anyway?  What a greeting.

My feeble attempt at Spring decorating was covered in snow.

Spring has been cancelled

It began snowing on Sunday.  It snowed all night..then the wind came up. It wasn’t fit for man or beast.  Monday afternoon the sun tried to shine through the blizzard.  Chance and I went out and wandered around.

The fence is completely coverd.

Only the tops of the fence posts are visible toward the center of the photo..the railings have disappeared.

Here is the snow stick.  Good thing I have a zoom on my camera.

31 and a half inches of snow at the snow stick

I have to stand on my tippy toes to peek over the snow bank to get the photo.  We have 31 1/2 inches at the snow stick.  More in other places..where the wind blows the snow and where it slides off the roof.


I wonder if that steel wagon wheel will be covered up before it is over.  I wonder if the snow stick will completely disappear.

I got my computer back.  It was wiped clean, I still don’t have all of my programs loaded yet.  Luckily I have simple saves for my photo backups.  I do a double back up and had it on my list..I usually save to disk. So I need to catch up with that..it is still on the list.  I also use Drop Box..it works great between me and the museum…I can access info when ever I need it.

I am still working on “Winter House Cleaning”  I would call it Spring House Cleaning ..but I am being realistic:)

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  1. 31 1/2 inches! I don't know if southwestern Ohio has ever had that much snow on the ground. We've been having overcast days with drizzle that occasionally becomes sleet or snow flurries.

  2. Morning, oh my, I thought we had it bad, you too.......I wanted to hang my Easter Wreath on the front door but just does not seem right with Winter still here......Looks like we will be hiding Easter eggs in the snow, :) Francine.

  3. Just the thought of all of that snow makes me shiver. I don't want any more snow!!

  4. You sure do have snow, I was just saying this morning that I shouldn't complain about our measly 8 to 12 inches that is headed our way! We only had about 3 inches this morning when I woke up but now it has been snowing for about a hour and it doesn't look like it is going to stop for a while!

  5. Oh, man! I just read another blogger who lives in southern Texas and it's in the high nineties, and then... I read about Minnesnowda and wonder how it's possible to be the same US of A. We had a sunny day here in the Pacific Northwest yesterday but the rain comes back today. Weather! Sigh. :-)

  6. Wow, I can't believe you have had that much snow. And I thought our snow piles were bad. It sure doesn't seem like Easter will be in a little over a week. We had a little very wet snow yesterday and today the wind is really howling. Keep safe.

  7. I think so to ! We don't have the snow you have but we have this high freezing winds with blizzards snow and white outs , we have had a mixed bag of weather since yesterday , rain , snow , wet snow and freezing rain . They predict spring wont show till April for us , last year we were sunny and in the high 70s and this time ! Oh well that's just the way it is ! Weather one of the most unpredicted things on earth I think ! Glad you got your computer back hope all works well now ! Have a good day !

  8. You really have a lot of snow! We missed most of the snow storms that you've had. We still do have snow in town but it's pretty much gone from the fields. But we are having those same cold temps. I haven't put up one Easter decoration.

  9. Yikes! You really are in Minnesnowda!! We've had hardly any all winter -- a bit unusual. Now I know why -- the midwest stole it all!! (Love the bunny wreath!)

  10. I just can't imagine:(
    Our lawn got mowed on Sunday for the first time. There were definitely parts of it that needed cutting.
    Here's to you warming up and a slow gentle melt, starting....NOW!

  11. I facebook with a friend from Blackduck. Oh my, We don't want to come home in two weeks, except that we haven't made out our taxes, half the stuff is here, and half is there. I still think you should have a contest as to the date of the last pile to melt!! My wish for you is those warm schnook (sp) winds to warm up your world!!!

    1. Hi Muffy, I am working on two small carvings for a give away. it will happen soon. :)

  12. Sorry that your Spring will be delayed, but when it does arrive, I hope with all that snow that it doesn't cause massive flooding.

    Pull out a jigsaw puzzle or a good book and settle by the fire for a bit.

    1. We have sandy soil here so we usually don't flood..we have water but usually no flooding..at least not like in the Red River Valley:)

  13. Whoever heard of Winter Cleaning? Relax. Spring cleaning is for the Spring! ;)

  14. I am glad you kept things saved. I will probably lose a lot of things some of these days as my old laptop dies. I still have a Christmas wreath hanging so I guess I could put Easter eggs on it to update it.

  15. COME ON SPRING...Bring in warm lush days, with lovely green grass and delightful kite flying weather!!!! PLEASE!!!!


  16. One thing for sure, You've had lots of exercise this winter with shoveling snow. last year at this time we had a heat wave. This year very cold temps, wind, snow blowing snow...just like January.

  17. My mom said Michigan is expecting more snow too.
    Stay warm!

  18. Wow. Well, the first day of spring will be bitter sweet for you. I hope spring, when it finally comes, will be glorious.

  19. Glad your computer is up and running again and you don't seem to have lost too much. At least your snow is the proper stuff, not like the miserable sleety stuff falling here at the moment.


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