Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wistful Wednesday :1952

This is an old photograph from April of 1952.  We were probably gathered for Hilda’s first birthday.

April 1952

My Mom, me, my cousins Hilda and Geraldine and My Grandma Y holding Gloria.  Gloria was a cousin of Hilda and Geraldines.  I think this was taken at Hilda and Geraldine's home place, their parents were my Uncle Ervin and Aunt Violet.  Geraldine is trying really hard to hold onto her little sister.

Aunt Violet probably took the photo..or maybe my Dad.  I can see the flash of the flash attachment of the little Brownie camera that was my Mothers.

Hilda, Gloria and I are about the same age give or take a few months.  I was always scared of Hilda because she would bite me and leave those terrible teeth marks on my arms.  I am sure I never bit back.

Sometimes on Saturday nights we would go for sauna at Uncle Ervin and Aunt Violets.  They had a sauna in their basement.  It was under the basement stairs.  I cannot remember what else was down there..but I can sure see the stairs and the sauna.  Having a sauna indoors was a real treat.  Most saunas are the winter it can be an invigorating walk back to the house:) 

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  1. Aren't you supposed to sit in the sauna and then roll in the snow? Did you do that back then? If it was inside, probably not. I've thought about how good that must feel, the intense difference. :-)

  2. Morning, love those old terrible for her to bite you, I would be terrified too.......What fun at Uncle Ervin and Auntie Violets place, memories, :) Spring Blessings Francine.

  3. Wow a sauna in the house. That would have been quite uptown for those days! PS I hope you bit back!

  4. Laughed at the looks on the faces of your mom and grandma:)

  5. I love looking at old baby pictures when the girls (and boys, too, I guess) wore those long white stockings. My mother hated them, but to appease her mother-in-law, she always put them on us when we went to see Grandmom!

  6. Wow, to get three littles to sit still for a photo must have been a challenge. I'm sure there was lots of wriggling going on. I love Grandma Y's plaid dress.

  7. "...and then roll in the snow"?!?! Bracing!

  8. A houseful of little ones - must have been fun!

  9. You were a healthy lively looking bunch! I can imagine that these four scrambling around on the floor could run into some disagreements.

  10. Lovely photo ! Relatives were weird back then lol ! Have a Happy First Day Of Spring !

  11. I always enjoy the family photos and stories. I remember a classmate who bit!

  12. That's a great photo, and I see that it evokes great memories, well, except for the biting!


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