Saturday, March 30, 2013

The lake in the yard

The water is cold..really cold if you wear Crocs outside.  They are is getting too mucky for my good snow boots.

Chance needed a foot has been on my list.  The hair around the pads of his feet was really long..and he was tracking sand in from the edges of the lake.  It happens every spring.

The reflection of the trees in the lake

There is no place to play ball.  The options are the muddy driveway, through the lake or in the deep snow banks.  He finally just gave up and wanted to be inside with me..especially after all the snow on the woodshed came down in one fell swoop.  Whilst he spent time with me I attacked his feet.  He was ticklish..but patient as I clipped and trimmed.  He was happy to get an extra treat for being a good boy. 

Far Guy found out that it was a hose that disintegrated that caused the leak in the woodstove system..he attempted a repair but the hose kept falling be repaired it will have to be dug up and replaced. We feel fortunate that this didn’t happen in the middle of the winter.  Last year the end of March we stopped burning wood because it was so dry outside. 

The lake at the end of the walk

The lake begins at the end of the walk.  I think spring is trying to come.  It will be a slow process..we have lots of snow to melt.

The snowstick

There is still 24 plus inches of snow at the snow stick:)

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  1. Morning, oh the lake is coming our way......finally the snow is melting, we`re in the pluses, YAY!!!!!.....Easter Blessings Francine.

  2. Oh good boy Chance sitting for mama to trim your paws ! Our Miggs is the same and I have to trim it all up ! Oh WOW ! you still have lot's of snow there , ours is all gone and the temps have been spring like with lots of sunshine ! Hope you have a nice Easter weekend .

  3. You are still pretty much buried in the white stuff, but it's coming... Happy Easter to you and yours! :-)

  4. It's coming (at least here to Michigan)! I know it is. I heard the songbirds yesterday. They are back. There's hope!!

  5. I am so glad the hose held out for the worst of the cold - it wouldn't have been nice if it waited to summer to disintegrate because then you wouldn't have known about it until it got cold again... NO - I can't think about that now!!
    The 12" of snow we got last Saturday is just about gone. There are a few patches in the shade of the house and a tree that are hanging on. I look at the mess made by that, and can't imagine having 3 times that amount of snow melt!

  6. Spring is settling in here in central Illinois. I hope your snow melts soon.

  7. The pathway and straight into the lake would be considered a good ball playing area by our dogs:)
    Looks like the snow will melt fast though, especially if it stays warm and sunny. Hope your lake doesn't get too much bigger.
    I don't usually have to trim foot hair, but I did trim all the toe nails yesterday. Would have thought that Jake and Luna's would have been short enough, with all the trotting they've done on pavement lately, as they accompany us on our runs, but they weren't.

  8. That is still a lot of snow! Wishing you all a wonderful Easter weekend with love.

  9. So nice to see that brick sidewalk again.

  10. Hi, Thanks for stopping by! I have been reading your comments on Karen's Blog for several years :) I blog mostly about my dog Ryker. Started the blog as a way to organize and share his photos with friends and family.
    Looks like we both have a lot of snow to melt before we can play in the grass! But odds are you will have a warmer summer than we do!
    Have a blessed Easter and stay dry!

  11. Spring can be very messy for us and the dogs. I always wonder how my Mom coped with 4 little preschool beaners in the spring time. We would always be wet and mucky because there wasn't a puddle we couldn't like and we usually fell in it too. Remember those days?

  12. Will try to pull some of those warm schnook winds with us as we travel east next week. Happy Easter!!

  13. For your sakes, I hope Spring tiptoes in quietly...too much snow melting all at once could be disaster! Glad your hose leak didn't happen til the end of the season. What a mess. Hope it gets fixed soon!

    Happy Easter to all you snow bunnies! Hope some intrepid crocus or daffodil blooms can poke their way through all that snow soon and brighten things up. :)

  14. Yep....she's lake season here too.....and boot sucking mud but I'm happy to see it!!

  15. It looks lovely and a little hopeful!

    We still have freezing temps and thick ice on the lake. I don't think spring will be here until May...

  16. Looks like snow for a while and then yup mud and water till the ground thaws but hey, moisture will mean green soon!

  17. Yes, it looks like sloppy spring is here! Freezing and melting--back and forth. I don't blame Chance for being sick of the wet-wet yard. Glad he was good about the foot hair trimming. ;) And that you don't need the woodstove as much right now and have time to get it fixed during nicer weather before the next cold winter--lol! Glad to be able to be visiting again--have missed you! :)


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