Friday, March 8, 2013

Spring Cleaning

It is that time of year…clean some things out and straighten them up so your obsessive compulsive self can have a few weeks off before returning to work on May 1st. 

I am slowly making headway on “the list.”  I have lots of unfinished projects..too many. I should learn to say no.  Some things will not get done… they will wait until Fall and go back on the “list.”


One of the projects in the works is super cleaning the grout in-between the tiles on the lower level of our home.  Far Guy has been use a toothbrush…need I say more?  It is tedious.  The grout after it is dry is resealed for another 4 or 5 years.  The next time it needs to be done I will be older..I hope I can still crawl around on the floor then.  The grout is beige..originally it was supposed to be Hershey Bar Chocolate brown, but that color was backordered.  So beige it is and it is beautiful when it is clean.  We have about 800 square feet of tile and we are half done..and my arms are getting sore. I love my tile except when it comes to cleaning the grout.  The house in Harwood North Dakota had beige tile with Hershey Bar Chocolate colored grout..sometimes I miss the floors in that house…and the lake when it isn’t flooding and the fenced in dog yard and doggie doors…and the neighbors..but I digress.

Betcha didn’t know that I laid all the tile here in the house.  Far Guy and Chance were the tile layer’s assistants.  I read a bunch of books..and figured I could do it..and so I did. The proper tools are essential, a couple of levels, a great trowel and a good mud maker/tile cutter (Far Guy).  It took us the better part of a month from start to finish..because you have to wait for things to dry out before you can grout..and then that grout has to cure a bit before it is sealed. It was a huge project, but well worth the time invested versus hiring a professional.


We are supposed to get some weather again..a wintery mix..which could mean freezing rain or snow Friday night and Saturday..lately these storms seem to be an every weekend kind of occurrence.IMG_0841

A beautiful yellow Pansy will chase the winter doldrums away:)

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  1. Such pretty pansy photos today. What a huge task to clean the grout. We have been deep cleaning the house for the last few weeks and we both have sore arms from mopping - I have named it "Mop-itis!"
    I'm impressed that you guys tiled the bath yourselves. I know it is pretty.

  2. Morning, yuk, not one of my favorite jobs but looks great once done...........Love the pansy`s, one of my Spring fav`s. so pretty, Francine.

  3. That is a job I would not want but I would enjoy the tile.

    You are proof to my belief, we can do anything we set our mind to do.

    OCD down this way...I don't even have a list but I bet you could find plenty to do. What could be better than a "vacation" on a farm in Arkansas??

  4. YOu are multitalented, for sure! I am impressed to learn you are lay down tiles, too. Love that yellow pansy, your favorite color. :-)

  5. You never cease to amaze me with all your talents. But you are right about a person - if you set your mind to something you can do it. Love the pictures of the flowers. Sure do need some Spring about now. More bad weather on the way. Have a great weekend.

  6. Nothing like a pansy to give some cheer! Spring cleaning is a royal pain.... that's when I wish I could hire someone to do it for me.

  7. Some deep Spring cleaning happening here too. You sound like me. We (I) did quite a bit of tile laying here too. Not that difficult if you research it and take your time. I learned to do a lot of things by reading and just 'doing it'. These days there is so much information available via the computer, especially Youtube videos, you can learn to do just about anything.
    Love the smiling pansy faces:)

  8. Your pansies say Spring! I haven't started any spring cleaning yet. First I have to clean out my mom's apartment.
    I'm impressed that you learned how to lay the tile.

  9. Am here I though people and bears hibernated in the North Country. Wrong, I guess...:)

  10. You laid your own floor tile! Oh wow! That a big job. I know all about cleaning grout with a toothbrush - what a hard job that is but does look so nice when done. You and Far Guy so talented in doing all these home improvement jobs. Sure saves a lot of money.

  11. Wow you ARE a handy woman. I really want tile in my new bathroom when I finally redo it....just not sure if I can manage it.

  12. My spring cleaning will be in April as it is warmer and I can have my windows open whilst I am spring cleaning . Oh I cant wait till my pansy's have bloomed ! Nice to be a handy team isn't it? Lovely photos and post ,have a good day !

  13. I know that crawly feeling. When I was young and stupid I put white tile and white grout in my bathroom....STUPID! I finally painted it all with porch and floor enamel and this year my plan is to tear it out and do it all over using a good dirt colored grout ;)

  14. I was impressed that you were cleaning the grout with toothbrushes, and then you have to go and tell us that you installed it, too! I really need to clean the grout in our kitchen. It's acquiring tiny bits of Play-Doh along with all the regular stuff. :)

  15. Kudos to you for gearing up to do those tile floors yourself. It certainly is a challenging DIY project. When we built on a new wing on to our home, we decided on a glass block wall. After getting a quote from a respected tile contractor, my husband said "no, thanks," and pretty much did what you did. While he is quite handy, believe me, those guys certainly earn their fees!

  16. Better you than me on a tile project! Good for you for doing it.

  17. What did you use to clean your grout? I have 2 bathrooms of floor tile and my Dad built this house and he loved tile not so much! He laid 2 inch tiles on the floor and I think the grout was beige at one time but it is dirty. I tried to clean it once but it did no good. I might have tried vinegar or baking soda or something. I may have to re grout in places. I laid tile years ago behind my stove and that was a job! The tile cutting is the worst...that's an art in itself! Congrats to you both for laying it AND cleaning it! LOL!

    1. Hi Sam I uses a product from Mennards called Professionals Choice Tile and Stone cleaner. You can mix it different strengths. I mix it in a spray bottle, squirt it on let it set and hit it with the tooth brush..wait a bit brush it again and then wipe the dirt away with a dry rag to capture all the dirt that is loosened up. I am also using their grout sealer. Hope this info helps:)


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