Sunday, March 24, 2013

Seen in Minnesnowda

Perhaps some of the white stuff will melt now..the worm has turned and it got up to nearly 30 degrees yesterday.  Uffda..shirt sleeve weather.

If you need a job and are not afraid of heights practically everyone needs their roof shoveled off.

Minnesoda Winter jobs

There is nothing happening at the Cemetery ..if you croak you are most likely going into cold storage. Most of the headstones are covered.

Grave yard

The fence has disappeared in some spots. Only the top of the posts are visible.

Posts on the fence at the graveyard


Our mail box. The mailbox

It was half shoveled out one day after the repair and then the wind blew and the snow plow never showed up to clear the snow or knock over the mail box again.

Friday Far Guy decided we had to shovel it clear.  The mail was not being delivered.

It was a monstrous snow bank.  Our west driveway is in that snow bank someplace..good thing we have another driveway to use during the winter.  This is not the first time we have abandoned that drive during the winter.  The wind blows the snow off the fields and sucks it right down our lane.  IMG_0423

That packed snow was heavy. Far Guy and I were both tired of shoveling when Josh and Missy stopped to help the elderly. Now the mail man can deliver.

Yesterday Far Guy and Chance were happy.  They had a whole sack full of mail:)

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  1. That is a lot of snow! Here in Scotland we're struggling with a tiny amount by comparison - but we don't normally get it on the coast so it's a bit of a shock. Makes for lovely photos though but roll on Spring.

  2. Oh my, Connie. I think I would be going stir crazy if I was still covered in that much snow! Just keep thinking that warm weather is on its way!

  3. Lucky you, still have the white stuff...we are at the in between stage of brown/gray/mud...

  4. I hate to brag but the rain during the night took most of our snow with it.

    I could NEVER live in a place with that much snow. Cold is not my favorite thing...but I can see the beauty.

  5. Oh WOW ! you do have a lot of snow . We used to get snow like that way back in the winters and well into spring but the climate here has changed so much . Ours is all gone now just frost on the ground in the early mornings ! Spring still hasn't really arrived here yet temps need to warm up more . Hope all that warmer temps and sun melt all that snow away for you ! Have a good day !

  6. Wow! That looks scary! It's been awhile since you've had this kind of winter, Or should I say spring? :-)

  7. Greeting from Winterpeg.......Glad to hear all the white stuff is finally melting.....yesterday the snow was melting slowly, today, not so much.....Blessings Francine.

  8. We have been keeping up with your posts and you guys are real troopers.So glad the temp is up. This will make you laugh, we got 3-inches of snow and was gone over night.

  9. Enough is enough!!! I hope and pray the melting is slow and continious. We're heading home next week and I will be going from flip-flops to Sorels (sp) Grrrrrrrrrr. The year that Spring forgot to visit!!!

  10. Wow. I was feeling sorry for myself, chopping ice from the front walk, until I saw your snow piles and your mail box. You and Far Guy are hardy people!

  11. Connie, I simply don't know what to's overwhemling.

    Is this normal? When do you think it will go away?

    And how soon are you going to move here? In comparison, it's balmy here at just below zero, and no snow left.


  12. When living in a suburb of Minneapolis MN we had to keep the snow around the mailbox shoveled away or the mail would not be delivered. The truck had to be able to come right up close to the box so the carrier could reach from the truck. I always made sure to get that done right away after a storm so the snow bank wouldn't turn to concrete.

  13. There's no debate about having to shovel your roof off. I resist shoveling as I think I ruin my shingles bit if there's too much snow , it has to go.

  14. Wow, you really have a lot of snow to melt up there! Hope it melts for you soon.

  15. If it is 30 degrees, it's time to roll out the barbecue grill.

  16. AND you have a green mail box to match your sauna and green roof oh and the green grate to clean your feet off with.

    2 above this morning and 39* right now...this winter is never going to end.


  17. So glad you all were able to rescue your mailbox! Now that's some snow!

  18. Okay. forgive me if this is a dumb question, but I am from the Pacific Northwest where we just do not get snow like that. Ever. I was wondering if a leaf blower would be strong enough to blow the snow off the roof? Just my thinking that there's got to be an easier way...
    Hope Spring arrives, for real, soon.

    1. I am not sure that a leaf blower would work..someone may have tried it. The snow packs and gets a crust on it from the sunshine. :)

  19. The only plus to your mail box being snowed in. No bills. ;-)
    Stay warm! ♥

  20. Wow. And it's not going away very fast if the high is 30. But you do need it to melt slowly. that's a lot of water. Good luck!

  21. These photographs could have been taken in West Yorkshire this weekend. It is amazing that, even though we are thousand of miles away from each other, we share the same weather. I suspect that the snow you clear from your roof blows straight across the ocean to us!

  22. The white plague which antibiotics will not affect. Hot coffee, lots of cake and pie and good movies is about all that can be prescribed.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie