Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 26 1954

March 26  1954 was a day that changed my world forever.  Life would never be the same again.  I was no longer the “only child” I wasn’t the baby anymore. My spot had been taken..just like that  things changed. The world did not center around me.  From then on times would be tough, I would have to learn how to share both of my parents..and most difficult of all I would have to learn how to be a big sister.  Of course I would have to find new ways to get attention..holding my breath and then throwing myself on the floor until I turned blue worked for a very long time.

A girl and a boy..perfect.  My brother was always my Mother’s favorite.  I think because he was a colicky sick baby that cried ALL the time.  Anyways that would make me my Dad’s favorite so that wasn’t all bad, my Dad would take me places and the baby and my Mom would stay at home..perfect.

“Be careful of your brother”..I must have heard that a million times..”Be nice to your brother”  “Don’t do that to your brother.”  “Connie Joy!!” I was only 2 1/2 years old..and he was like a big doll. ( I never liked dolls very much…but real live babies were another story.)

Now I am old..and he is getting older.  Happy Birthday to my baby brother!

Carey and Connie Summer 1954  Summer of 1954 my baby brother and me.

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  1. Oh Happy Birthday to your baby brother ! Mine was yesterday hehe ! Cute photo ! I was the last child the baby of the family ! Thanks for sharing . Spring has sprung here for us as the night temps are now above 0 and the days are getting warmer today it is to be sunny and hit 43 °F not to bad compared to what the temps were just a few days ago . All our snow is gone . Hope spring shows up there for you soon .Have a good day !

  2. Morning, oh what a sweet picture, love it, to cute......Hope Bro has a Happy Bday, Blessings Francine.

  3. My sister was born on March 25, 1950. I was seven when she was born, and I remember that day very well. My sister Norma Jean is only two years younger than me, and I received that rude surprise to find I was not the only one any more. Happy birthday to your brother! :-)

  4. Happy Birthday to you "baby" brother. I am the middle child - the one where the older is old enough to know better and the younger is too young to know any better; so it is always your fault child. Hahahaha

  5. That photo is absolutely precious.

  6. I always wanted a baby sister or brother...but then I learned to embrace being the baby. :) Happy Birthday to your brother!

  7. Ohhhhhhhh those baby brothers, I got one too!!! Know how you feel!!!

  8. Quite a story but I bet a very common one. By the time I was 2 and a half I had a brother and a sister so I have no memory of what went on. I'll bet it was chaos.

  9. Happy Birthday to your baby brother!

  10. What a cherubic expression on your face. Cherubic. Right? Right???

  11. I can see the devil shining through those eyes of yours! Happy Birthday to baby brother!

  12. I was about 3 1/2 when my sister was born, and I don't remember my reaction. I suspect my grandmother, with whom we lived, paid attention to me while my mom was busy with the baby. But my mother went into labor on my 8th birthday and they tried to pass it off as "she went to the hospital to get you a brother for your birthday." Hah. I seem to recall that I didn't mind having him around but he didn't make up for my mom being gone on my birthday.

  13. happy Birthday, little brother.

    1954 was the year I ruined my sisters' life too.


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