Thursday, March 7, 2013

Snow Report

Ya, You betcha we have enough snow for a little while.  My snow stick shows that we have 24 inches of snow on the ground.  Ten inches fell in that last storm.

A snow  monster walked out to the snow stick before the last snow.  It measured 14 then.

 She it left huge tracks that were filled in by the new snow.  The snow was over the snow monsters boots.  She might need some of those gator things or woolen leggings…or snow shoes.


No one is going to venture that way for awhile…not even the snow monster.  We will watch the snow stick from afar. I think a squirrel visited the snow stick.


This is the view from my bench on the patio.

Besides moving snow around. I have been busy doing “stuff” on my list.

I had another big project to work on for the museum and it is ready to go out in the mail…pleas for memberships to be kept current.

Chance and I enjoyed some golden time outside just before sunset:) Golden Sunset March 6

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  1. Morning, oh to much snow, really can feel cabin fever setting in, Yikes.......Will be nice to have the longer days starting this weekend,even if we loose an hour sleep, Blessings Francine.

  2. Nice to see all that sunshine peeking through the trees, after the snow piled up so nigh. Spring is coming, I promise! :-)

  3. I am finally seeing the sun this morning. After getting the driveway plowed out for the third time in a week we have huge 5 foot piles of snow next to the garage. It is supposed to warm up the rest of the week so guess we'll know have to worry about flooding. Glad you are getting "stuff" done.

  4. Way too much snow. The sunshine melted a great deal of our snow yesterday.

  5. Being snowed in does sometimes help get those little pesky projects out of the way!

  6. Isn't any time spent with Chance golden?

  7. Nice photos love the last one with Chance ! Our snow is melting and grass is showing it was snowing wet snow then raining earlier and the temps are very mild , the sun peeks out every now and then to ! Hope the snow is done for you now and spring is in the air there as it is here ! Have a good day !

  8. Wow, that's a lot of snow!
    Chance would get tired out really quickly trying to bound through that stuff.
    I got a lot more rototilling done in the garden yesterday:)

  9. The plea for membership...oh, how I know that feeling. At this moment we are pleading for people to come visit the museum...winter time is always a slow time. The other thing I'm interested in and working on is an on-line class for people to take about the History of a plenty out there.


  10. Yep, one thing for sure, you have won the race and now have the most snow. It has to be difficult to get around with that much on the ground. We are shoveling for the animals at the zoo in Des Moines so they can try to have semi normal lives.

  11. I am so glad that's your stick and not mine.

  12. Well, that's too much snow for me--now. I remember that snow monster stage of life, though, when two feet on the ground (of snow, that is) was a magical time, indeed...especially when school was cancelled :)

  13. Oh boy, and here I was complaining about getting a measly 3-6 inches of the stuff tonight! Now I feel bad :~)

  14. The only good thing about all your snow is that it's close to spring so it won't be around for long. 12 inches is a lot of snow!

  15. Beautiful shot of the golden glow to the sky.

    And remind me never ever to complain about how much snow we get again.


  16. Pretty pictures of your winter wonderland but I sure glad I live "down here". Of course our wonderfully mild winters will be balanced by the long, hot, humid summer!

  17. We had just a trace of snow when we woke yesterday. I thought of you!
    I always enjoy your photos.
    Wishing you a nice and safe weekend.

  18. Oh, it all looks so pretty with all the new snow!


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