Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Can you believe it?  We are on the precipice of another year..all the talk about fiscal cliffs and who said or thought what..the whole lot of them should be run out of Washington DC if you ask me..do your job for goodness sake.  Most people get paid for a job that they do..not for a job they didn’t do.  Sometimes the world is ass backwards.   I am about ready to go on a news blackout again. Buggers.

Yes, my panties are in a bunch..buggers.

I ran onto a quote that says it all for me this New Years Day.

I am not sure who Pearl Aman is..some elusive chick..with good quotes.

Begin another new chapter and remember that you have 365 days to make every page of the chapter worth remembering when you finish the year. - Pearl Aman

So what can I do?

I decided I am not making any resolutions…but I am going to set some goals.

Goal One: De clutter, get rid of some things that I just don’t need anymore.  If I have not used something in the past year..possibly I can get rid of it, sell it or donate it.

Goal Two: Organize..organize..organize.  I have many projects to tackle….I won’t get them all done this winter.

Goal Three: Lollygag..yes lollygag. Stop and smell the roses..chill out..veg on the couch..you get the drift.  After all..I will remember the times I lollygagged..I am sure of it!

Three goals are enough for me.. I wouldn’t want to over do.

We went to the neighbors for New Years Eve..we were home by 10 PM and will most likely be asleep by midnight, we are real party animals:)

Frosty Coneflowers

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  1. Ditto, well said, I also will de-clutter, try to get orginized and lollygag, love that word.......Happy Happy To You,Francine.

  2. Let me know how the de-cluttering goes. The more I haul out of here the more I keep finding. I still have too much and have averaged more than one box a month this past year and the year before. Apparently I was an American consumer?

  3. Happy New Year! Great goals - - sort of what is planned for retirement for me but mine also include cleaning all the corners - - - starting at one end and finishing in another - - plus painting almost all the rooms. It is past time for that here. Spending time lollygagging is the best and is necessary to re-energize ourselves. Plus it generally gives you time with those you love most.

  4. What great goals. I like the thought of goals rather than resolutions, too. I cleaned out my drawers in the bedroom in anticipation of having more room for new things, and I do. But maybe instead I will consider leaving them sparsely populated! :-)

  5. I agree with you about the members of the U.S. Congress. Even though they each ran for office as either a Democrat or a Republican [or whatever], it is their duty to represent ALL of their constituents while serving in Washington, D.C. And the U.S. Congress is intended to be where its total of 535 members come together to discuss issues of importance so that compromises will be ultimately reached in order to pass legislation to address those issues. Those in Congress, of any persuasion, who are not willing to compromise, thereby obstructing Congress' intended function, are not only shirking their elected duty but are un-American threats to the future of our country and its peoples. That's my two cents. May you and your readers have a more productive 2013 than Congress!

  6. I like the idea of goals rather than resolutions!! Of course I'm unmotivated to even begin with goals. But I could teach you a thing or two about lollygagging. (hehe) Glad the cops didn't have to come to your house to tell you to keep it down!!! Happy happy everything!

  7. Happy New Year. Hope you and FG have a happy and healthier new year. Hugs and smooches for Chance from Harriet!

  8. Happy New Year. I love your goals. I don't make resolutions cuz I would just break them. I was sleeping when the 2013 arrived.

  9. Great resolutions for the year - I especially like #3.

    I couldn't agree more with you about our lawmakers in Washington, D.C. Every one of them have long forgotten to put Country before Party. All they think about is being re-elected rather than serving, and it is a shame and a disgrace!

  10. The only reason we were not asleep before midnight is because we haven't been sleeping well.
    I'm with you. I wish we could fire the whole lot in DC.

    Happy New Year!

  11. I love your goals. They sound very reasonable, especially the lollygag one. I may have to steal that one for myself, although I do quite a bit of that now. Happy New Year, Far Side. I hope this year holds all you wish for it.


  12. I'm partly with you on politicians. We're the ones who elect them. If they were all banned and new people ran we'd still vote for the same kind of parties and people.
    I own the territory on your goals and I don't intend to change. I've recognized that I will be disorganized and cluttered until I die.
    I'm in your league...leave the party at 10:00 . I can't believe it. I was an all nighter at one time.

  13. I avoid the news like the plague to depressing ! Canadian Government is not much better either ! I don make resolutions either just go with the flow take my time and love to lollygag . Party animals we are not these days I was surprised we made it to midnight not a second past Papa and I were fast asleep lol ! Happy New Year !

  14. Lollygaging is my only exercise.

  15. I'm with you on the resolutions. New Year's Day is a resolution-free zone around my place. But I do join you in having goals. Goals are things that actually get done--instead of resolutions, which often gather regrets along with dust.

    Loved joining in your life's reflections for 2012, and look forward to following you for another year. Best wishes to you and your family for the New Year!

  16. Good goals! Well done.
    I never do resolutions!
    We celebrated Christmas yesterday. We're doing things differently!
    Cheers from Cottage Country!

  17. Gooooood goals! We have a lot of organization and decluttering to do ourselves. Think I'll join you in your goals!

  18. Love your goals and adore that photo!

  19. Happy New Year you guys!!! I used to be so big on doing goals and action items...the whole nine yards but this year I'm just adopting yours! LOL! They sound good and apply to me also so there you go...I'm done.
    Have a great start to the new year and I hope the whole year is wonderful for all of us!

  20. Our neighbors have tween-agers ... so they put off some very loud fireworks.
    But I just went to bed and let them go bang ha ha

    I need to organize, but I need to do less lallygagging. I'd prefer no gagging at all.. snort.

    Happy New Year.

  21. ps. at our house it would be me telling Far Guy to leave my stuff alone

  22. A Blessed and Happy New Year!!! GW

  23. The older I get my goals shrink. Works for me ...and you know what?! I still have way too much to do!



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