Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wistful Wednesday: 1944 and 1985

I found several old photos to share with you today.

The first was taken in Omaha Nebraska in 1944.

Marvin Evelyn Esther Jim Omaha 1944

Marvin, Evelyn, Esther and Jim.

Marvin and Evelyn were thirty years old that year and had been married for four years..

41 years later another photo was taken.

evelyn Marvin Esther Jim 1985

Evelyn, Marvin, Esther and Jim.

Marvin and Jim are brothers.  Marvin and Evelyn are Far Guy’s parents.   This photo was taken at the farm at Christmas time.   Arch (another brother) and Liz and their family were living at the farm then. I see cousin Robbie’s artwork is in the window.

The farm was always a good place to gather sometime over the holidays.  1985 was no different.  Grandma Tracie died in 1983 so she was noticeably missing, she loved the holidays and family gatherings.

Other people near and dear to us were there that year.

Arch Ron and Paul 1985 Christmas

Arch, Ron ( our Brother in law who will soon turn 71) and PD or Paul ( Arch and Liz’s oldest son).

Janice, Jenny, Connie, Gene, in front Bethany and Robbie 1985 Christmas

Jan (Far Guys sister), Jennifer ( Our daughter), Me and Far Guy

Bethany (Jan and Ron’s daughter) and Robbie (Arch and Liz’s youngest son)

Now a days Arch and his wife Helen have moved into town for the winter.  Helen has arthritis and her house in town will be easier for her.  From what I understand Robbie is at the farm keeping the home fires burning.

This was one of the few Christmas/New Years that we didn’t make a visit to the farm.  I missed not going there…that place holds lots of memories of the past..times of happiness and great sadness..but mostly good times spent with family:) 

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  1. Such treasured photos. Holidays are filled with sweet memories from the past and as we grow older, we really miss those who are no longer with us.

  2. Love and happy times can be found in houses in town and in city apartments, too, but farmhouses seem especially blessed with more of life's positives.
    [Charlotta's Colonel]

  3. You're so fortunate to have all these pictures to help you remember what might otherwise get lost.

  4. Wonderful photos and memories ! I often get out my old photos of when I was on the farm as a kid , I miss the farm . Have a good day !

  5. Great photos. Time may pass but the same humanity shines out of all the photos. Happy New Year.

  6. Wonderful warm post, always enjoy when you post about family and pictures......Ahhhh the farmstead, miss also going yearly to visit it.......Such memories of family gatherings......Blessings Francine.

  7. Wonderful pictures. My parents had an old foot locker filled with photos that were spread out between all the kids once they died. I didn't want very many, but now I wish I had them to look through. What memories they bring up! :-)

  8. Well done to show the passing of time in a family. It's also a celebration.
    Some things we lose like the old farm and gathering place. My farm home is now a rental. My brother still owns it bust none of us live there any more.

  9. Wonderful memories! I wonder why you looked so sad in the photo, though. You make me want to sit and sort out all my old photos, but I forget about it once I leave the computer.

  10. Isn't it interesting how so many of the family photos like that look the same no matter whose family they are? :) Made me smile and remember I have some of those photos around too!

  11. Nothing says Christmas to me more than a family gathering in an old farm house - good food, good-natured teasing, and genuine concern and love for one another.

  12. The war years. My parents generation. I see it all now... The greatest generation....

  13. Wonderful photos and beautiful memories.

  14. Wonderful to have the photos and the memories. I love to hear about your family!


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