Friday, January 25, 2013

Day at the beach

Sometimes it is a tad chilly at the beach.

Cold at the Osage Beach today

There is plenty of room in the parking lot on the hill, the benches are empty, the diving platform looks frozen in time and water.

Chance and I open our windows to see if we can catch a whiff of summery air.

Osage beach 2012 June (2)

Children laughing and splashing are a distant memory..did the sun ever shine?

The lake is frozen, the ice road snakes out amongst the fish houses all colors and shapes. Chance and I are like kids in a candy shop..the trip around the mill pond at Osage was the high point of our week.

A new fish house location

Someone was cutting a new hole for his fish house. He was using a gas powered ice auger.  His ice house looks brand spanking new to me.

Straight Lake Jan 24

We were sad when our icy voyage was over.

It was a great way to end our trip out for supplies..tomorrow we hope to go off on another adventure:)

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  1. Great pictures,tried ice fishing once, never had a bite but the lake frozen over and the land looked so beautiful....... Even in the dead of Winter, trips are always enjoyed.....Blessings Francine.

  2. I don't think gas powered ice augurs had been invented yet when I gave up ice fishing... maybe that's why.

  3. Wow this looks so cold...glad you made it back to safety

  4. A tad nippy to go to the beach now lol ! It looks pretty though all fresh clean and snow covered ! It is snowing here now and to be snowing all day and into the night .Stay cozy and have a good day !

  5. Glad that you and Chance enjoyed your walk. I'm intrigued by the fish house - do you fish while sitting in it? I wouldn't fancy sitting outside waiting for a bite! Jo

    1. Yes Jo you do sit inside..on little stools or a bucket. The Dark Houses have a square hole about 3 feet by 3 feet..and you put a decoy in the water and spear the fish. In an angling house, you just have a little hole but deep about the size of a dinner plate and you drop your bait down and wait for a fish to bite. I hope this helps..ah yes there is always heat..LP or wood gets warm and you can take off your jacket and mittens..and drink coffee and eat cookies! It is great fun :)

    2. Ice fishing while keeping cosy and having coffee - do you position the hut over the hole and fish "indoors"? Apologies for all the questions, but I've never seen anything like it! In Scotland the ice rarely gets thick enough to walk on safely, although they used to have "curling ponds" in the last century, health & safety have probably put a stop to that :-)

  6. That sure looks cold. Glad you and Chance had a chance to go for a walk.

  7. Winter offers so many adventures if we only venture outside. I like the photos in your header, too.

  8. There is so much fun to be had in the winter. I have my skates, snow shoes and cross country skis. I must confess the older I get my skates have been hang on the same nail for a very long time. But I do get out at least a couple of times to either snow shoe or ski. It had better warm up a bit though....

  9. Are the fishermen catching anything on the lake? Glad you and Chance were out and about. It must be warming up a tad!! Stay warm and stay safe.

  10. You are in Winter's waiting room, and I tell you that receptionist is snarly....

    Take hope, she will be fired soon, and the one in Spring's waiting room, she's very pleasant.


  11. Are you ever afraid, after a long spell in the house, that you'll forget your public manners when you do get out? My mother always joked about that. Explain to "imagespast" that indeed one does sit inside and fish, but there's usually a little stove, a coffee pot, some warming adult beveridges, perhaps a deck of cards; some of those little houses get pretty fancy.

    1. Thanks for the explanation - I was quite curious :-) Jo

  12. Looks like it must be warming up just a tad there. I love going out to the lakes in the winter, it is so very very quietttttt....

  13. You two are brave to get out in the bitter cold! Such grand views though. Wishing you a nice weekend.

  14. It must be hard for you to imagine the lake being like that summer picture, with the cold you have right now.

  15. Ah, summer! It will return, but until then we will make the best of winter, eh? Love your pictures as I'm sitting at the airport waiting for my flight.

  16. Did you drive out on the ice? Just like Ice Road Truckers? LOL! (I loved that show)
    Isn't it strange how we always want what we don't have? In the Summer I was boiling up and swore I would be outside every day once it cooled off and now I'm cold and thinking how nice it would be to have the windows open again to look at green trees. Your town looks like it could be in a movie and that it hasn't aged at all since you were young...that's the way my hometown is....ahhh....those sweet memories.

    1. Yes we drove out on the was way too cold to walk very far:)

  17. With all your cold weather the ice should be lots thick enough for vehicles.
    Sounds serious when you're going to town for supplies.

  18. The minute I saw the title to your post today, I couldn't help but think of my own mother, who used to drag us kids to the beach in mid-January to "take a walk." We'd drive out to Jones Beach on Long Island--admittedly a tad bit warmer than Minnesota, so no "ice houses"--and walk around the sand dunes on the deserted beach. I confess, despite the freezing temps, we did get a good walk in, and always headed back to the car rosy-cheeked. Quite a different style of workout, but it worked!

  19. Ah winter......I'd rather visit that in any other season.

  20. Wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing your trip with us!

  21. A lovely icy walk at the beach! Our lake gets busy at the weekends with all the skaters and skiers.


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