Friday, January 11, 2013

Out and About Before The Storm

We are in a winter storm watch.  Rain and then snow and blowing snow are forecast.  This storm has a name Gandolf.

I am writing this at midnight..and it is raining out now.  The windows are wet.  It is 30 degrees F or –1C.  Yesterday was sunny and warm 41F or 5C. I finally got all the ice off of the walk and the patio!  There are certain things I like to do before a storm.  Make sure our supplies are adequate and that the bird feeders are full.  Check on the elderly..I called my parents to make sure they were doing Mom has a terrible cold…but is feeling better and they went to the store to get what they needed to survive for a few days.

Chance and I knew that if we didn’t go for a ride.. we would be SOL for a few days.

Shell Lake Ice Houses

This is Shell Lake.  Those little buildings are Ice Fishing Houses.  And yes, there are vehicles out on the lake.

Minnesota Landscape

This was a scene on one of the back roads that we haven’t been on in a while.

When we got home we could see the storm system moving in from the south.

Storm heading in

Ready or it comes.

We are ready and we will stay hunkered down here at home for the duration.   The worst thing that will happen here is that our Satellite Dish will ice up and I will have to resort to watching DVDs or old VCR Tapes.  If we lose electricity we have a generator and we have a gas fireplace so we will not freeze to death..I will put an extra pitcher of water in the fridge so Chance has water.  Of course if we lose electricity most communications will come to a halt.  If you are close to the storm area..stay safe and stay home:)

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  1. Whenever another winter storm comes along, I always tell myself that the 1930's winter storms seemed to be the worst possible. Like most farm families, we then had ropes tied between the back porch of the house and the barn and from the barn to other buildings. Without those ropes, it was easy to lose one's way in a blinding snowstorm. Anything now, stormwise, is an improvement. :-)

  2. Well, we are in a blizzard watch here in Winnipeg today, yikes.......Keep cozy my friend, Blessings Francine.

  3. And we are getting a spell of dry weather for a change! It's supposed to be getting very cold, but so far it's not bad. Glad to know you are staying warm and dry inside, no matter what happens! :-)

  4. We are getting very warm temperatures with rain followed by much colder temps. Stay safe up there.

  5. No wonder they named the storm. It appears to be a big one. Friends in Northern Wis are saying they are having rain, which is to freeze. Let 'er rip, you're ready!! Stay comfortable!!! Its a joke here, unseasonably cold... lows in the 20's. The news folks are warning everyone to bring pets inside, let warm water drip to avoid freezing. etc. Just common sense things for us northerners

  6. Be safe! We have rain here in Michigan. Supposed to go up to 50 today and 55 tomorrow. Then I think winter may return.

  7. Thanks for your comment , I will be keeping up with your blogs.

  8. Nice photos ! It is pouring rain here and mild whilst other parts of Canada are getting hit by a huge snow storm . Stay cozy , warm and safe !

  9. Hi will be staying home. Nothing but Ice out there. Sewing machine here I come. Maybe some baking but G weaver

  10. We are sort of in the same weather as DJan, so looking forward to the blue skies and sunshine today. Just below freezing overnight, and just above freezing during the day. Makes for cleaner dogs than our usual mud:) Stay safe and warm if the storm hits you hard.

  11. For a second I was wondering about the water for chance in the fridge and then I said oh yah they're on a well.
    Stay safe and keep warm.

  12. Stay snug and warm! Now I need to go and recheck what is forecast for us. I got soaked in rain last night going to and from our carousel board meeting. I think it gets very cold tomorrow.

  13. We are in about the same boat! Close to freezing, but not frozen. Fireplace good to go!
    THe dish was covered in snow last month, with about 15" of snow. sigh.
    You hunker down!
    Cheers from Cottage Country!

  14. I love the anticipation of a big storm - the after effects? Not so much!
    Stay warm!

  15. I don't blame you and Chance for getting out for just a while before the storm. I enjoy your photos very much. Praying you all stay safe and that your mom feels much better soon.

  16. Hope you will be safe and warm, Connie. They always did ice fishing on Muskegon Lake, too.
    Have a good weekend!

  17. Stay safe...and enjoy the storm...we need snow here...maybe your storm will come our way...

  18. I'm late in commenting, how did you do in the storm? We don't get those kind of storms too often here, and of that I am glad.

    Lot's of ice?


  19. We're farther north than you are. We got rain all Fri. Husband's work was cancelled. Some people have too far to drive to chance it when there might be ice. The workplace mostly Just decides based on what the schools are doing, but it has to be OKed by someone in another state. That must have been strange: you want to close (and pay the people anyway, why? Because it is raining? Oh sure.

    I want to know what SOL stands for. Abbreviation and acronym websites list >100 meanings, some suite funny in your context.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie