Tuesday, January 22, 2013


It is just cold.

I have thoughts of warmer times. 

Roses on the wheels

When the roses were in bloom and when everything was green instead of


cold and white..yes that is a frosty grass in front of the wheels.

Family history, reading and scanning old obituaries has kept me occupied.

AND work..I had office work to catch up on for one of the huge mailings. Scheduling authors is a nightmare…fitting our schedule to their schedule is proving to be harder than I anticipated.   I scheduled speakers/programs for 2013 meetings a long time ago, the Board added a series on Minnesota local authors..we have four that they would like to feature…some time or another over the summer. I still need a catchy name for the series..got any ideas?  If I schedule everything for Monday evenings I could call it Monday’s at the Museum.  Since Mondays are one of my days off I am shuddering at the thought of giving up four of my Mondays over the summer.


The low Monday morning was –28F or –33C.  I took this photo at 9PM on Monday evening and it is –20 F or –28C.

There are wind chill warnings for bitterly cold..imagine that:)

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  1. As my Charlotta mentioned in her comment on today's vintage photograph, it is minus 23 F this morning – so far. It may be colder by sunrise. For breakfast my Charlotta is fixing some pancakes [with red raspberry syrup], bacon, eggs and toast [to go with her homemade grape jam]. That should hold me till lunchtime but I'll need something more substantial for supper! :-) This cool weather is going to stick around for a few more days.

  2. Mrs. John A. AndersonJanuary 22, 2013 at 5:46 AM

    In the 1930s our community had weekly book club meetings. On the occasional evenings when guest authors were present the meetings were called “Pen Nights.” I do not now recall any author in particular but the meetings were usually well-attended. Being a child, I was more interested in radio. I better recall FDR's wonderful “fireside chats” that were so comforting and appreciated during the difficult times of the Great Depression and World War II.

  3. Morning, yes, this is crazy cold weather, this morning here in Winterpeg, ha, thats our nickname, wonder why..... -39 this morning, oh boy, Stay Warm, FRANCINE.

  4. We are above freezing for the first night in awhile, with fog. It might seem warm to me after how cold it's been. I haven't experienced anything as cold as you've got right now in ages! What do the critters in the forest do when it gets this cold? Brrr!

  5. I'm waxing nostalgic this morning on a positive note. It's been a decade since we had a "real" Minnesota winter. That is way sub zero wind chills. Now all we need is 12 inches of snow and blowing drifts with school closures for a week..... Wait a minute. Some form of delusionary confused thinking has set in... Maybe it was early Alzheimers. Baron does like it though. Whenever the temps drop below zero he gets to sleep in the house instead of the garage...:)

  6. It seems warm here at minus 7 degrees F compared to you. Keep safe and warm. I am thinking South Pacific thoughts to keep me warm.

  7. We are single digits but minus digits. Yikes!

  8. Stupid cold! we are right at 0 Celsius today (32 F). So much for Canada being the land of ice and snow at least in this corner of Canada!

  9. It is so cold here too, but doesn't compare to what you are experiencing. I am waiting for spring.

  10. Tuesday Tales, Wednesday Writers

  11. The winds are howling here and the temps are -14°C with the wind chill it feels like -26°C . Raw and brutal that's for sure ! Stay cozy and have a good day !

  12. You're making me colder than I already am!! Are the speakers giving talks about history? Maybe "The Magical History Tour?" Too Beatle-ish?

  13. I don't envy your temps. I hate ours at minus 6. We are really having a normal winter it just that the last two winters were so mild, we forgot.

  14. Brrrr - minus 33 C - COLD!

    I like the Magical History Tour idea too.

  15. Man that's cold!
    You have an interesting series where you feature authors. For programs like this a catchy name does wonders.

  16. I feel for you, well inbetween my shivering...and hot cup of tea.

    It's warming up here to -4 right now, and I find it colder then when it was -17...go figure. But then again so does the cat, so I am justified in saying this.

    I sincerely hope your deep freeze breaks soon...spring won't be far behind that.


  17. I can't imagine such bitter cold. Take care.

  18. BTW, I am SO glad your eye tests came out fine...I meant to mention that the other day and forgot! My feet are cold here and I have a basement so I'm not sure why that is happening....bad circulation I imagine. You've been on the weather report nationally and this morning on GMA along with North Dakota. They're calling you the new North Pole! I'm beginning to wonder if I've gone soft down here? Will I be able to take it when I move back? My biggest thing that I disliked was trying to drive my grocery cart to the car in the snow. They need to put snow tires on those things! Stay warm!!!! I mean it! I wouldn't even take the garbage out or get the mail!

  19. Don't give up your Monday's. It could be any night at the Museum. What are the speakers/programs about? Maybe you can find a name in that.
    Good luck, Connie!

  20. Stay warm and cozy inside. Make sure the generator is ready in case the power goes out with those winds.

  21. Surely if you give up a Monday, you'd get another day off to replace it? Readers came up with some good names, and I like your's too.
    Brrr, I'm cold thinking of your temperatures.

  22. Your cold is just out there. We get cold but nothing like you and you have all the water to make you feel even colder, not to mention wind chill........brrrrrrrrrr. the wind is blowing here and we are very cold again. But not like you. All we can do is wait it out and be delighted when it warms up even just a tiny bit.



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