Friday, October 26, 2012

Busy Days

The days are busy..filled with projects.  I just finished up the Newsletter for the Museum and reports for the annual meeting..and a bit of a slide show program. all takes time.

Chance as good looking as ever

This is Chance’s birthday photo.  He is focused on Far Guy.  Imagine that.

The birthday boy Chance Oct 25 2012 Eight years old

Hard to believe “our boy” is eight.  We are very lucky to have such a wonderful dog!

I cleaned up as in vacuumed out my garage..I almost finished before killing Far Guy’s vacuum cleaner…it made a funny squealing noise and abruptly quit.  Darn thing.  Had to go to town and buy another one.

I finally said goodbye to the Sunflower.. and welcome to the witch. I use that same old twig wreath for everything.  I like it. Welcome witch

I spent the better part of one day washing some dog nose prints off vehicle windows and cleaning up vehicles before the winter.  The pickup could use a good vacuuming ( read dog hair) that I am back in business with a new vacuum cleaner IF it warms up I could accomplish that.  Our weather is cool.. highs in the 30’s F  and lows in the 20’s F. That is –1C to –6C…very coolish.  There were some little snowflakes in the air yesterday…not enough to accumulate..just enough to remind you that yes this is Minnesota and one of these days we will have snow that comes and stays for the winter:( 

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  1. Chance looks so regal posing for his birthday photo.

  2. Busy here doing those last minute things... still have "one" bulb to dig up better do it today! Chance is a wonderful dog! Have a great day!

  3. It isn't quite that cold here yet but there is a definite nip in te air. Chance does take a nice photo. He is a goodlooking dog. Don't work too hard and don't break the other vacuum cleaner!

  4. Chance is a very handsome 8 years old!

  5. It's cold here in the High Country but down here it's not freezing yet. At least I don't think it is. Love the pictures of Chance, every Chance I get I look at Chance. :-)

  6. Love your witch, not to mention your dog!

  7. Love your wreath idea!! Great minds must work alike. We cleaned up our vehicles before the cold set in too!! Luckily didn't burn out a shop vac!!

  8. Brrrr -- too cold for me! we're getting our cold next week -- 50s. I'll wait until the real winter for your kind of temps! What a good looking doggie is Chance.

  9. Dog hair in vehicles, yep, we've got lots of that:(

  10. Chance's birthday portrait is wonderful: he certainly is handsome.

    I woke to an inch of snow and fog this morning. This is storm #2. I think the ground is still warm, so it should melt by this afternoon.

  11. We are not much warmer than you, but warmer. I am not ready for it being cold everyday for forever.

  12. Dog hair? dog nose prints? Ya don't say! We won't mention the doggy dust bunnies under the beds either.....
    Tess turns 6 today.

  13. I wish I could be more enthusiastic about cleaning! We had snowflakes yesterday, too. At one point while we were out they were coming at us sideways because the wind was so fierce.

  14. You have encouraged me to go look for my witch somewhere. OH THERE SHE IS.. in the mirror. ha ha ha ha

  15. Great photo of Chance. I love your header, too. My MN nephew and his wife have just settled in their home in Hermosa Beach CA. Baby girl is due Jan 5. Get some rest this weekend.

  16. Oh my - - highs in the 30s! We have been in short sleeves down here all this week from mid-morning until suppertime. It's good you are moving around and doing all that work to help you stay warm! Chance takes a very handsome picture!

  17. Happy birthday Chance! And you are always busy with things aren't you! Do you ever slow down? LOL

  18. Chance looks so handsome. Karma will be 8 in February. How time flies. I notice she is getting stiff when she first wakes up from her many naps.

    Too bad about the vacuum, but a new one seems to be inspiring you--LOL! ;)

  19. Well, happy birthday Chance!
    I thought you were finished with museum stuff for now? They get a good deal when they hire you. They pay you for the summer and you work all winter for nothing!!!

  20. Great picture of girls won't give me eye contact....when they see the camera in my hand they look the other way! LOL! Especially Nitty.
    We're having our first frost tonight...seems early but then at my age everything zooms's almost 10 p.m. and it seems like I just got up a little bit ago. Ha! Ha!
    I like the wreath....all purpose...that's the way everything should be. TTYL!

  21. Brrrr it's almost the same temperature inside our house, well, that's my version, my husband says it's cooking in here.

    We have slightly dipped to below freezing a couple of times at night, but no real frost, just that fake snow that one day.

    Chance is so handsome, such a beautiful dog to have in your life....

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams


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