Friday, October 12, 2012

Second Snow

We had our second snow.  It started snowing late in the evening October 10.  Chance came in full of snow flakes.

I got some photos yesterday morning before it melted.

Cold Seat


I mailed off Rita’s cards yesterday, she won for the first snow. I will mail out Blissed Out Grandma’s cards very soon, she guessed Oct she is the second winner!  Congratulations Gals! 


Kinda depressing isn’t it..unless you are a skier or an eskimo.

As you can see the leaves are mostly out of the trees.  There are a few cling-ons left.  We raked a half a million leaves into the woods.  There is still a million or two to move to the woods. Hopefully the weather will warm a bit enough for the lawn furniture to dry off so it can be stored for the winter.  I have not taken my garden ornament inside yet. 

Chance was invigorated by the snow.


He thought it was a big pain to sit and pose for me..when he should be off checking out all the tracks in the snow.

We have two feral kitties. One is grey and white and one is black and white.  They come up to the house in the evening and scratch on the window and then run away.  I suppose someone nearby at the lake had kittens for their kids for the summer and just let them go.  Buggers:(

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  1. Nice pic of Chance. Yes, snow this early is depressing! So sad about the cats. Are you and FG feeling better now?

    1. Hi Mildred, Far Guy is improving, this cold/whatever seems to be better one day and then worse the next...and then it repeats.
      I am just fine..getting rested up! :)

  2. I just saw on our long range forecasts snow is possible for next weekend. Bummer is right! But Chance is still handsome, so life is good. :-)

  3. Sure hope both you and Far guy are feeling better. This is too early for snow, but the pictures are very pretty. Snow is pretty to look at; I just don't like having to go outside when there is snow on the ground. Chance is as handsome as ever.

  4. Uh-O, looks like a short fall and long winter. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  5. Hi Connie....It's been a long time since I came by your wonderful blog. I just got caught up a little bit but couldn't seem to go back far enough to find out what's going on with Far Guy? Is he alright? I am pleased to see that the wonderfully handsome Chance is still looking just gorgeous!! Love that dog! They are talking about snow here in Maine too and it has been very cold for October....and then one day it is supposed to be 70...very strange. We still have not even taken out our air was an intensely hot summer for Maine...hated it...I hate the heat. I love your fall heading on your blog. Do you do it yourself or have help? I want to make one similar. So glad you are still around...enjoyed coming by.:)

  6. Is the snow early? That's twice already for you guys.....congrats on winning the snowball trophy's warm here still.

    What will happen to the kitties...oh my heart breaks over them...

    Gorgeous shot of Chance...he's so handsome.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  7. Chance did a great job of posing for you, I really love that shot!

  8. Do we see two kitties in your future? Would Chance tolerate them? No snow here yet, but no rain is red flag dangerously dry. We'll take anything that's wet! Hope FG beats this junk soon. He's had enough.

  9. Sorry to hear about the early snow! Hope it doesn't stay. Sooooo are you going to feed those poor kitties?

  10. It looks like Winter is teasing you with these two dustings of snow.

    Animal abandonment is common in my area, too, and it angers me to no end.

  11. Buggers is right, some people sicken me. Glad your snow disappeared, and hope you get that warm weather and the 'real' snow takes a month or two to arrive.
    Unfortunately our rain has now begun, and is forecast for every day in the coming week, although I see the last four days have been downgraded to ONLY 60%, woo hoo!

  12. We're far from having snow yet -- still in the 60s/70s here. We may not even get any, same as last year. Chance is a darling, and those poor little kitties. Sure hope they survive.

  13. It isn't a pleasant sight to see snow. I really am not a fan of cold weather anymore. We are having a lot of wind and now tornado warnings for Saturday.

  14. Brrr...I feel chilled just looking at that snow on your photo. It seems like it comes to early but maybe it isn't for you. I know I'm not quite ready for it, nor will I ever be to tell you the truth. Will you take care of those two kittens? People can be so cruel and selfish and not consider the life of an animal as being something to worry about. xox

  15. It is raining lightly not too cold, first measurable rain in an extraordinary dry dry and more dry summer 89 days of heat, sunshine..People here were complaining since it normally in the pacific northwest is raining and cold about 297 days of the year. We have moss in our patio we have to scrap off and put somethingon the grass to prevent it..50 years ago today Columbis Day there was a storm to beat all others, winds over 120 miles an hour from Portland/Vancouver to the coast and back, killed over 50 people, I was only 14 and headed to a friday night football game, when the goal posts snapped like chopsticks we ran for our lives, lived at my grandmothers home for 2 days, she had gas and we could cook, all electric was out, but she had oil lamps, it was not scary with my granma, we ate chicken, beef, lasagna I made, even on the weekend of the big storm to top storms my Grandmother made a turkey, made me stuff it baste it and tended over that huge bird!!! I so learned her secrets of homemade delish from scratch food, I am 64 and I cook everyday for my hubby of almost 40 years we just prefer good food to whatever at a fast food place of which most ingredients will eventually do you in your body and mind...LOVE your blog, you live a wonderful life with Far Guy and your sweet Chance and daughters tooo! Not many get to live in a rural place amongst their kin, know their history and have some land, no they do not, My grandmother hated the city of portland but lived on the outskirts and actually had a home and huge land with it, hazelnut trees, apple trees galore, pear trees, a huge huge garden, hens, chickens and the neighbors raised turkeys and other animals..on a huge huge plot of land several acres which was unusal..She did not last longer than Oct 12, 1962 as she was about 88 at the time but taught me well and I got to stay with her many years as my parents strived to work many jobs to take care of their huge family...Have a wonderful fall and winter..Happy Halloween too!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. And here I though it was cold here ! Not that cold for it to snow yet for us but I can feel and smell it in the air ! Years ago here in Ontario Canada we would have lots of snow I remember trick or treating as kid in lots of snow but the climate has changed so much here ! Lovely photos . Miggy just loves the snow as for me not so much unless it is a mild sunny day then I can handle it ! Congrats to the winner of the snow day ! Have a good day !

  17. Don't get too depressed. After all, think of living in Canada...

  18. Gives an Eskimo nose rubbing to Chance.... :)

  19. Woo-Hoo! I'm happy to win, but sorry that you've had TWO snows already. Sounds like much of the state is in for precipitation of one kind or another this weekend.

  20. The first snow is always a bit of a shock. It seems we are never ready for snow.

  21. I think the pic with the birdhouses and the bit of snow is quite colorful - - almost seems like a contrast of seasons. We are still in the seventies here - - thank you, Lord! Tomorrow I plan to plant some pansies to help dispel the gloom of winter when it arrives. I didn't know there were so many varieties - - - little ones like violets/forget me not type flowers - - - and the ones without faces - - but pansies smile when they have faces so those are the ones I got.

  22. Would Chance put up with cats? Maybe you can catch them and bring them to a shelter or advertise to give them away or something. Poor things!

    I didn't see any snow here that day. But you sure got yours! That's two for you now! Makes one remember the Halloween blizzard--what year was that? We had a blizzard on Thanksgiving that year, too. I was living in Minneapolis. 91? 92? Long ago.

    Thanks so much, Connie! Your cards are just gorgeous! And Karma says thanks, too. I'll post pics on Monday. :):)

  23. I hate when people drop animals off. :o(
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  24. It is barely autumn and snow already? We have a feral cat too, and we can not tame it. It is very sad to see. We feed it but can't touch it.


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