Friday, October 5, 2012

Snow Daze two..and a winner..and painting

It snowed.  I was in the museum..painting…again.  I am so done with that place..stick a fork in me done.

I walked Chance..he had huge white flakes covering his back.  They quickly melted.  I have no photo. 

So..big drumroll.  Rita is the Snow Daze winner..she guessed October 11.  She has a video of the snow over at her blog..she lives 95 miles straight west of me.  Congrats are a winner!  I will mail off your note cards next week.

Well..shall we continue the Snow Daze with a Snow Daze two?  I think so.  I will keep all the same guesses..and see who wins next. I will send four notecards to the next winner!

October 4th and it snowed.  Hard to believe..but this is Minnesota…eighty degrees last week..snow this week.  Uffda.

Military Room

Military Room used to be baby is now Sunlight White.  The exhibits in this room should really pop now..before they were lost in a sea of baby blue.


My office making the transition from Royal Blue to Sunlight is such a small space it is hard to get a good photo. Yes that horrid blue is took two plus coats of paint.

The winter storm warning brought the AmeriCorps kids back to the museum for the day on Thursday.  They finished up most of the painting…cleaned up the paint spots on the floors..and helped to get some items moved back into the newly painted High School Room and petted Chance.  He has been a real hit with these kids. 

The janitors from the courthouse came over and purged the dehumidifier and picked up my Fire Extinguishers for testing and recharging.  One of our members who owns an Electrical/Alarm Service Company donated 12 feet of fluorescent lighting for the High School Room..his workers came by and did the installation.  Cross lots of things off the list!  Now to raise some money for book shelves in that room.. but first..

I am going to enjoy some time off.  I am heading out with my youngest daughter Jen and one of her friends for a girl only photo weekend:)

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  1. Good job! That dark blue was I'm sure not helpful in a small room. Have a great weekend off, and I'm sure you will enjoy taking pictures with that new camera. :-)

  2. Wow, can't believe you had snow! We are having a high today of only 55 after a high of 74 yesterday. Fall is definitely in the air. Glad you got your painting done - looks nice.

  3. At least the snow put paid to the fires. Do enjoy your weekend off and have fun!

  4. This is too early for snow, even in Minnesota!! Thief River even made national news!! Keep it OK? We're getting winds and cold, oh so cold!! Stay warm and dry and enjoy your new freedom!!

  5. My sister in Fargo called yesterday to tell me they had snow, so I knew Snow Daze had a winner. Congratulations to Rita.

    It is cold here and is supposed to snow/rain today. The sky is overcast, so it could happen.

    Glad the painting is finished and that you have some new lighting. Lock the doors and walk away for the winter.

  6. Really does sound like you've gotten some good help recently so that is great! You are right, the white will pop the exhibits AND help your office. Amazing what a bit of paint will do. Enjoy your weekend and we look forward to seeing the results!

  7. White will make the rooms seem so much lighter and bigger, and help to make the exhibits pop.
    And snow....yuk:(

  8. Ahem, well congrats to you for winning the first snowball contest, and to Rita for guessing correctly. Do you really have snow, wow, I certainly hope that it's a little ways away for us, although it's cold out here now.

    What a great feeling it must be to have white walls, get rid of those oppressive colors.

    Enjoy your weekend with the girls, and the camera. Show us some of the pics when you get back.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  9. Girl, ya had me at SNOW!!! Noooooo!!! It was in the eighties here yesterday and today...not so much. The weather folks are hollerin' frost! Booger...there goes my flowers!

    I'm sure the little room feels more light and bright!!! Great job! I'm kinda of Navaho White freak myself.

    God bless and enjoy your weekend sweetie!!! :o)

  10. So glad you and the kids got all that painting will be a real treat next season. I saw on the news that you had snow, and apparently lots of it! Have a great time on your girls' camera weekend!

  11. I guess that put the fire's out. Didn't think about snow so soon for you guys.

  12. Snow? Seriously? This early?
    Enjoy your weekend -- you certainly deserve it!

  13. Well , we haven't had snow and I'm not sorry. We've had snow all around us.
    What a star when you go back to the museum after your job time is over!

  14. Wow, snow already.

    Room looks great! Have a wonderful weekend!

  15. I am so excited that I won! I just knew it would be early this year because we had so many 30 degree days in September already. (And I was still off by a week--good grief!) Whoohoo! Thanks, Connie!!

    Love the whiter, brighter rooms. Glad the group came back to help some more. I'm not surprised they loved Chance. How could they not? It's wonderful you are getting things crossed off your list over there. Stay warm!! :)

  16. Congrats to Rita! Of course, that's after I pick myself up off the floor, stunned that snow could come anywhere this early in October. I remember growing up in New York when getting snow before the end of October was a big hit.

    Wonder what kind of winter we're in for this year....

  17. Snow already. Well done on the moisture. We might get rain next Friday. Right now all we're getting is early frost. Your girl photo weekend sounds like fun and a very nice break from the volunteering at work!

  18. I'll bet Chance enjoyed those young people, too. What a blessing they were to you. Sounds like they accomplished a lot!
    Bummer on the snow. When you wrote that, we were enjoying eighty degree weather. However, it will be in the low forties tonight.
    Hope the weekend is as wonderful as you are anticipating.

  19. Good grief! Snow already. You deserve a lot of credit for willingly living someplace that gets snow so early. I'm in upstate NY--it's bad enough here. If I never saw snow again in my life it would be wonderful.

    Photo weekend for the girls...sounds heavenly. Have fun.


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