Monday, October 8, 2012

Sunrise on Lake Superior

I had a wonderful time on the photography trip with my daughter Jen.   The photographer who we met up with was very knowledgeable and kind.  (He didn’t call me stupid..or ask me what I was doing with a camera I knew so little about!)

We began at O’ Dark Thirty.  I need to put a small flashlight in my camera bag..our instructor wore one of those headlamps.

just before dawn Lake Superior

This was one of the few places where we did not hike for miles.  We just traipsed up and down the beach.

Sunrise on Lake Superior three

We learned all about aperture and histograms..and ISO..I am not sure that I will remember it all.  BUT with practice I will get better…stepping off the automatic photographic bandwagon..and trying different settings will make me a better photographer…I think.

Sunrise on Lake Superior four

The sunrise was beautiful.  I love the sounds of the waves coming ashore.

Waves on Lake Superior

I loved being able to capture the water in motion.  It was a wonderful beginning to our photo adventure.

On this trip I had two goals.  To photograph “soft looking” water and get some hints about successful night photography. More about those adventures later in the week.

Far Guy and Chance survived without me..Far Guy has a terrible cold and is on medication. Chancy was happy to see me..  he didn’t stop watching me until my suitcase was unpacked:)

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  1. Beautiful pictures. I look forward to seeing more!

  2. I love all the pictures, especially the first one. I have ventured off the reservation of automatic settings now and then, but mostly I just stick to what I know. I've tried to figure it out myself but it's really complicated, those ISO and aperture settings.

  3. Great shots of the lake and sunrise. Your photos almost make me want get my SLC Minolta out of the closet. Is film even processed anymore?

  4. Those are some awesome pictures. For someone who claims she doesn't know how to use her camera you did an excellent job.

  5. You did good kid and can't wait to see the rest!

  6. Beautiful photographs! Hope Far Guy is better soon.

  7. Sounds like a fun weekend, and you did good:) Yes, keep practicing and using all those settings. I've slowly stopped using things I learned at the not so good photography class I took, although I usually use the aperture setting rather than the auto. I do remember thinking though 'oh that's what you do to get that kind of shot'. The point and shoot cameras have lots of those settings too, that 99.9 % of people never use.

  8. It's very ambitious of you to take a photography course. I'm not quite ready for that myself. I fear my camera too much :o)

  9. I don't know about anyone else, but as far as I am concerned, you know that camera pretty darn well! Night photograpy is one that I really have to master, so you can give me some pointers when you master it ;)

  10. All are lovely photos!! I would love to take a photography course.

  11. Spectacular photos! One nice thing about an expensive camera: It inspires or obliges us to make a little more effort, like getting out of bed and onto the beach at o-dark-thirty. I just looked again, and I think number 4 is my favorite, but I love them all.

  12. Your shots are so grand. I really like that third one especially. I am sure you will remember a lot of things and some things you will have to revisit. Great shots and great camera. I am impressed.

  13. I've had pets do sit-down strikes in my suitcases. Glad Chance kept an eye on those offenders until they were safely locked up!

    Those beach shots are beautiful. Much as sunrise and I don't mix, I have to admit I like the pre-dawn shot the most.

    Looking forward to seeing the rest of the trip's results.

  14. Beautiful photos! So happy you had this opportunity. Hope FG gets better soon and give Chance a hug from us!

  15. BEAUTIFUL!!!!


  16. Yes you really did catch the moving water. It's good you told me as I can look for that in other photos.

  17. What a trip, worth every penny, those are stunning. Simply beautiful, I can see that you have learned many things during this trip.

    And thank you for posting pics of water, it sure makes me feel at home.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  18. Superior photos! I should learn how to use my camera more imaginatively than "point and shoot" :-) Jo

  19. Oh that last picture! Did you wish that moment to last forever?

  20. OMGosh! You now know some of that foreign camera-speak! Whoohoo! Beautiful shots, too. Lake Superior is so pretty. Sorry FarGuy is sick. Glad Chance keeps an eye on you. ;) Have a really nice Wednesday. :)

  21. What fabulous shots - you're really honing your skills, I see.

  22. Gorgeous photos here! Making me think I need to learn about camera settings.


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