Monday, October 29, 2012


We woke to snow on the ground on Sunday morning. What most of you know I am not thrilled about snow or cold…

Snow early Oct 28

Time to get out the snow boots…or at least socks with crocs.

The roads were icy..we headed up north, turned around and came back home after a half an hour of icy roads.  Then we both had a nap.  Why travel on treacherous roads if you don’t have to?

Snow Oct28

See the wheel all decked out for winter.  Things can change just like that overnight.

The Junco’s came..I call them Snow Birds I watched them out the kitchen window.  They are ground feeders. I guess a person could eat all day long if they hopped everywhere they went on the ground..think about it!

Then all of a sudden the Pine Siskins arrived!  They like the new thistle feeder just fine.

Pine Siskins at the thistle feeder.

Finally..I was beginning to think that this feeder was a lost cause.  I love the way they can sit in the inside of this feeder and eat.  Several of them hogged the center little birds.  I wonder how long they will stay…I bet they are just passing through.

This is snowfall number three.  The snow will most likely melt it is supposed to be in the 40’s this week:)

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  1. Your wheel with snow looks like a Christmas card. I know you enjoyed watching the birds. Take care and have a good day.

  2. Lovely photos ! We have hunkered down awaiting this storm Sandy to hit Southwestern Ontario.

  3. How lucky you are to see so many Pine Siskins. I've only seen a few over the years in this part of Ohio. We do see plenty of Juncos but they aren't here, yet. We're in the leaf raking season.

  4. I had an influx of pine siskins one year, but last year there were only a few. They come and go. I really like that feeder, too! They are smart birds. I think the snow looks nice, but I hear you about the cold. :-)

  5. Love your birdfeeder!! Snow ugggg!! I don't have Juncos yet, but no snow either. Stay warm, and keep your feet warm!!!

  6. When I lived in IL, I enjoyed watching the Juncos, lol - they are snowbirds.

  7. Nothing like a bit of nasty weather to make juncoes and pine siskins visit your feeders. Smart idea to turn around and go back home. I hope our snow melts but we've had such a long cold spell that I'm beginning to lose hope.

  8. Oh the white fluff! I can't tell you how I feel, I don't have thoe letter yet.

  9. That wheel really stands out in the snow!
    That's great and very interesting bird feeder. Glad the siskins deemed it suitable enough to visit:)

  10. At this point, I wish I was getting snow rather than what is coming our way!

  11. Snow in the north cascades Mt. Baker got lots, oh for the shi season to open, Mt. Hood is getting a little and Bend well they got lots and Sisters these are Oregon, Mt. Baker is in Washington state so is Mt. Adams they are getting dustings Mt. Baker always gets lot and lots of snow, it is the ski industry here that prospers thanks to God for that, many are unemployed but the mountain skiin, and hiking and all manner of snowboarding in washington state is a big business so many get employed and places to eat..we have a huge wine industry in the east of Washington state that is growing bigger each and every year YEAH..Love the birds when it snows here I get my big feeder out and up into the big cherry tree I have away from roaming cats to ever get, I have a tree guy come and put it way up in the highest tress no chipmunks get there and I fill it up with suet and black seeds, it is huge for them to get to and rest a little I have the guy come out 3 times in the winter and we clean it and they get more food, sweet birds who need nourtishment and I take it down when the weather starts to get warm no use tormenting the chipmunks and squirrels to try to climb up a huge cherry tree. Love your blog, I could not live in Minnesota or Snowminnsota, we don't get snow here in our town much when it comes the whole town gets cut off, I get a kick out of it, tiny amount of snow and everything shuts down, schools, etc. I say the people are whiners and whimps, when we lived in colorado people went on their way day and night it dissapated and I missed anykind of moisture to me driest state I have lived in water was precious and is precious in colorful Colorado!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Halloween, Thanksgiving day, hanukkah and christmas and newyears 2013 it will be here before you bling and eye~!~

  12. That's a lot of snow. We had a tiny sprinkling the other day. I'm hoping for cold weather first so the lake freezes over and then snow...

  13. Driving on icy roads is something I avoid whenever possible.

    Snow #2 fell here last week. I'm in no rush for #3.

  14. No snow yet. But a thin rind of frost on the car windows this morning which made me slightly late for exercise class. I saw the first snowbird down here(almost at Arkansas)a few days ago. They are not flashy like some of the other birds but I enjoy watching them anyway -- I see them as a harbinger of winter.

  15. Ready for a long winter? It is cold here but not likely to have snow until Jan. then mostly ice.

  16. I hate snow and cold but I love your birds at the bird feeder.

  17. Between snow in MN and the entire east coast in the midst of severe storms, I feel almost guilty enjoying sunshine and temps in the 70s.

    Just thought I'd throw that in. You're welcome. ;)

  18. That's a wonderful feeder!
    Stay warm and have a great week. *hearts;

  19. The juncos arrived here about a week ago, too. I love your pine siskins, and your new feeder! Are the openings small enough that squirrels can't get in there?

    1. The squirrels don't even bother the feeders..the pole is too small for them to climb and on the other pole we have a homemade squirrel guard (an upside down plastic coffee can) ! :)

  20. Bird identification through your blog....I think we might have some of those...

    Our piliated woodpeckers are going crazy over the suet feeders we put up, and they bring the Flickers...

    I need to figure out a good site for bird ID in the Okanagan.

  21. Although we need snow (if it doesn't snow LOTS this winter we will not be one in our area will be farming)I can't seem to get myself ready for it in my head!


  22. Lovely snow! Came and went here the same day. Those are some cute birds. I envy you your bird feeders. ;)


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