Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Vintage Paper

 I made a big ole project for myself.  

I wanted vintage looking cotton watercolor paper for the Christmas cards.  

I could only buy large sheets...but if I ordered them I could make my own size papers. 

They had a deckle edge... uffda...I watched some You Tube Videos...but finally just went out on my own and figured it out. 

I scored the paper...turning it every which way. 

Then I ripped and ripped...

Perfect vintage looking papers to watercolor on...maybe I have not tried that part yet. 

Lots of scraps. 
Far Side


  1. I've always wanted to try my hand at making vintage paper like that since I bought a journal comprised of such paper and handstitched together many years ago. I found a lot of joy filling it's pages with ink from my fountain pen.

  2. Those are going to make some interesting cards, cannot wait to see the final product!

  3. You are so creative and I will be excited to see what these look like when you are finished. I know they will be greatly appreciated from all those you send them to. It saddens me that not many people in our area send out Christmas Cards any more. I always sent them out up until just a few years ago. This is one of my favorite things about Christmas....the beautiful and meaningful Christmas Cards.

  4. You haven’t dreamed up one of these complicated projects for a while! Looks like this one will keep your mind and hands occupied for some time! I can’t wait to see the beautiful cards you create! Galla Creek

  5. I am so very thankful you have felt well enough to do crafting and a new one at that! Praising God for these events. Are your exercises given to you by the PT still giving some relief? At least your sessions with him are getting closer.

    1. Hi Lynda, I do the PT exercises everyday without fail, I still have a considerable amount of pain...I am anxious for October 10 as that is my next appt with PT.

  6. I've only torn down large watercolor sheets a couple of times. It's intimidating!
    Good on you! Wow! :)

  7. One year I got the bright idea to make my own paper. WHAT A JOB!! A HUGE job!!! Then using it was hard. But knowing you and your creative talents everything will turn out perfect

  8. I am interested in seeing the results. This sounds like something you may enjoy and that will be beautiful.

  9. I admire the love and talent that you and Far Guy put into both your cards and the ornaments too. So much work! I think these cards are going to be beautiful.
    Blessings and love,

  10. A wonderful idea! You can find a video about anything on youtube these days.

  11. Can't wait to see the finished cards... You have far more energy than I do to tackle something that envolved. But, it will be worth it.

  12. You will have plenty to keep you busy as the cold weather sets in. We all are anticipating the finished products.

  13. Hopefully you'll enjoy painting on these interesting sheets. No doubt the cards will be lovely.

  14. It's wonderful you were able to create what you wanted. Very creative!

  15. I can't wait to see what you make with this unique paper!!!

  16. You are so clever with your projects! Can't wait to see how this turns out. You are one talented lady!

  17. Your cards are always beautiful and unique.

  18. Oh wow, what a cool project. I think we made paper once from scrapes and it was messy and fun with the kids who didn't care what it turned out like as long as we made a huge mess.

  19. That looks pretty neat! but quite a project :)

  20. Textured paper! It does look cottoney.


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