Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Sweet as a Strawberry

 Just yesterday she was little.   I have proof.

1983...lets see that was 41 years ago.  Her shirt says Sweet as a Strawberry. 

Today is her birthday...the glue that holds our family together often putting her needs and wants aside to take care of others.   She often asks me "Mom what can I do for you?"

 Always just a phone call away or in the Winter time just a holler away. 


We are so thankful to have her in our lives, God has blessed us! 

Me and Jen 1975

She loved those big birthday cookies! 

Me, Far Guy and Jen in Hawaii a few years ago.

Happy Birthday Jen!  Have the best birthday yet!! Love you lots!


  1. The years go by so fast, don't they? It is indeed a blessing to have children we can turn to as we grow older. I am so thankful for mine. Mxx

  2. Lovely daughter! Wonderful she is there for you both!

  3. Oh how sweet, it just goes by too fast. In the Hawaii pic, she looks just like you! :)

  4. Happy birthday to Jen! Such great photos.

  5. Happy Birthday to a wonderful woman we admire and love because we know her through your blog. She is super talented, hard-working, and very creative. Plus she loves her family a lot!

  6. Happy birthday. Your Jen and my Laura are help in our time of need. We are blessed to have them. Laura is 50.

  7. Time does fly by. Happy Birthday to your girl. She looks like her dad. You have been blessed and I think she has been, too.

  8. Happy birthday Jen. Aren't we glad we took pictures through the years? I am beginning to sort through ones I want to pass on to special people.

  9. Happy Birthday to your Jen! She's clearly very special and dear to your heart.

  10. Wonderful, wonderful photos. How blessed the two of you are to have her in your lives. I think it also means that you are a great Mom too. Happy Birthday to Jenn!
    Blessings and love,

  11. Happy, happy birthday, Jen!!
    Love the pics! :)

  12. Happy Birthday Jen! What a blessing she is.
    My son-in-law turns 50 today. And it's my birthday too. Somehow we are the same age? LOL

  13. Jen is a very special daughter. Happy birthday to her.

  14. Wishing Jen a very happy birthday🎈🎈🎈🎈

  15. I hope Jen gets to read this post...and to see all of her Birthday wishes. Blessing to her for a beautiful day and may she have many more sweet birthdays to com.

  16. Happy Birthday. Family is so wonderful (Homeschool mom at

  17. She is three months older than my oldest son. She is a rock, being there for so many people. I enjoy seeing all of the different things she does including her artistic works.


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