Sunday, September 22, 2024

Oh deer

 The twin fawns were at the bird bath taking turns getting a drink.  They are losing their spots.  I went to get my camera and they left...but

their Mama came in for a drink too.

My what big ears you have.

She sauntered over and began nibbling on the chokecherry bushes.  She is a very dark color now. 

Far Side


  1. She is beautiful. How great to be able to watch them so close by.

  2. She looks pretty sleek too! Some of the ones I've been seeing look pretty ragged in our area. Of course they are full of burrs so that doesn't help.

  3. Deer are everywhere around here in NE Georgia also. So gentle and lovely. We have a bit of fall in the air. (Homeschool mom)

  4. She's really beautiful and healthy looking. You get very interesting critter visitors. :)

  5. I enjoyed watching the doe and her twins when they showed up here. I think they are beautiful.

  6. Deer are so pretty, but I now they can be pests in gardens and crops.

  7. Our town is completely overrun with deer. They have destroyed numerous gardens all over town and are causing lots of vehicle accidents. One even jumped through a plate glass window into a store on Main Street. We are evenly divided as to those who want to eliminate the problem and those who are feeding the deer. Our city council is mulling allowed bow hunting in city limits which is apparently allowed (with permission of cities) in our state. I am completely against this - I just see lots of injuries of persons while the deer scamper away laughing. Several people are advocating allowing rifles in town, which is totally against the law. Who would have a problem with that? (Me, I have a problem with that. I know my neighbors). I'm not sure what the answer is.
    We do have a lot of deer hunters in the country surrounding us. Several schools are closed the first day of deer season. Hunters can buy up to 3 permits. My personal solution is that we don't allow hunters to buy any beer until they get a deer.

  8. Big ears? Nothing like their cousins the mule deer.

  9. She is a beauty, and as interested in you as you are of her.

  10. Mama deer is sleek and beautiful. Also very alert!! Great picture.

  11. She knows she's pretty!! We haven't seen much of the fawns around this summer. Seems like they have passed through quickly instead of hanging around like most summers. We did see twins on the golf course about 2 weeks ago. They were losing their spots too.

  12. LD...I have mentioned it before that you need a self watering stock tank. I

  13. The deer are really moving in our area. Sam and I saw a doe and 3 little ones yesterday. Nice that they feel safe coming up to the bird bath to drink . Fall is here! 🍁

  14. The deer are beautiful. We get them here, too. I refuse to think about them carrying the horrible ticks. I wear my high rubber boots whenever I am in the yard. I have learned to take off outside clothes immediately after weekeating cuz it throws chiggers on me sometimes. Those are beyond annoying for about a week, too. Thanks for sharing the beauty of nature.

  15. She is so pretty! There were two in our campground today and they walked right up to about 15 feet of us. I'm thinking that people must be feeding them which worries me when hunting season begins. Although I think we're on National Forest land here so maybe they don't have to worry.
    Blessings and hugs,

  16. They are so sweet. I feel badly where they over run a town. But when people move into their territory... :-)

  17. How fun to have all that wildlife to watch!


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