Monday, September 23, 2024

Happy Fall

 Lots of the leaves are just turning brown and falling off the trees...especially in our Oaks. 

Fall is here, our temperatures in the 80's might be history along with the humidity.  The potato harvest has begun after the temperatures cooled off. 

The little Asters are blooming quite nicely.  

Far Guy is feeling a tad bit better, improvement is slow.  Yesterday we recycled, searched for something lost that was eventually found and went out for lupper at our favorite Mexican place...we can still sit out on the patio there.  One more Sunday lupper and they will close until next Spring. 

Grandson Noah has Covid, praying he makes a full recovery.  Grandson Adam has started a new job in Western North Dakota.  The giggly Grand girls Savannah and Paige called me on my birthday.  Maddie messaged me that Grandpa should spoil me all day long. 

So Fall is here, I wonder if we will have good Fall color or not. Soon I will begin mulching leaves with the lawn mower.  

Oh and some of the Lilacs are looking better with new growth and some are even blooming again...who knew? 

Far Side


  1. Our season changes are also becoming more noticeable, although we are going into summer instead of winter (as you know!). Take care, Mxx

  2. I love that you have the lilacs re-blooming. As I have probably mentioned before - - and maybe every year - - it reminds me of the year and a half my mom, siblings and I lived on our grandparents farm while my dad was deployed at sea while in the Navy. After the sheets for the beds dried on the clothesline, she draped them over the lilac bushes when they were in bloom. - - - - The favorite Mexican restaurant - - My thought is you may try and go there one more time before they close?!!

  3. Yes, great joy seeing the wild asters. We had a last lupper, too!

  4. The leaves on our tree out front are just starting to turn yellow, but they are curling up and not looking as full. It won't be long before they are lying on the ground needing to be mulched or raked.
    Sending best wishes to both Far Guy and your grandson Noah.

  5. I'm so glad that FG is making some improvements. And hopefully your grandson will shake Covid and be back to normal quickly. We're enjoying some lovely fall weather right now.

  6. My lilacs still look miserable. I've read about the blooming again. I think we still have some 80s in our future but hopefully the horrid humidity is done. Iy sounds like you had a really good birthday.

  7. Glad FarGuy is slowly feeling better!!
    Sorry Noah has covid, though. Hopefully he will get better, too.
    Good news on the lilacs!
    Hopefully the worst of the summer weather is over this year. This cool weather is wonderful!

  8. The little blue asters are pretty. It’s dry and hot down south, but soon your cool air will drift our way.

  9. Glad your husband is feeling better. If they feel good, we feel good. Very sorry to hear about your grandson and COVID. Our oldest son had a case a while back, and none of us caught it (4 of our family live together in a smallish home). He thinks it was a weaker strain. Hoping the same for Noah. (Homeschool Mom)

  10. I love this time of the year. Our trees are beginning to change now, looking good. I got covid last week, and boy have I been sick! Makes me grateful for my usual good health. And so glad to hear FG is slowly getting better.

  11. Poor Noah. I hope he feels better soon.
    Our trees are losing their leaves but most of the leaves are dry and brown due to the dry and hot summer.

  12. We're sure having a good time here in Custer, SD but we have to pack up today and leave early tomorrow morning. We'll stay the night in Mitchell at a KOA and hopefully be home early afternoon on Wednesday. Lots of things going on starting Wednesday late afternoon so it's back to "real" life.
    I'm very sorry to hear that Noah has covid. It sure seems to be getting around again. I hope he has a weaker strain of it. I'm glad Far Guy is improving again, albiet slowly.
    The trees are turning here in the Hills and our low Saturday night was 33F! At home it should be in the 80's when we arrive and we much prefer the cooler. :-)
    Take care and stay well.
    Blessings and hugs,

  13. When I was younger I didn't understand what fall meant, I would hear it mentioned on TV shows and movies, I didn't connect it with Autumn

  14. Jake came back from a trail maintenance volunteer job in the wilderness near the Canadian border with COVID. He is testing clear now.
    We are enjoying a few mild days on Whidbey Island before the gray rainy days start. Fall is here. Our big leaf maples look to just be turning brown.

  15. oh...I do hope that Noah feels better real soon and that no one else in the family get the horrible C. Congratulations to Adam on his new job. Hope this is a really great job for him. Isn't is always nice when the grandkids remember their grandparents birthdays? Sweet girls. Glad you all got in that last meal at the favorite Mexican food restaurant before it closed. Enjoy those cooler temps..

  16. Your asters are pretty, and your lilacs are blooming again? Wow. So fun to hear all the news about your grand kids too...but .hope Noah is a lot better soon. Hope you get some good color by you. It's looking hopeful here so far!

  17. Prayers for Noah to have a full recovery quickly. And glad to hear that Far Guy is making steps in the right direction. Today we had a twenty degree drop in temperature and no humidity. It was heaven! We are having a drought here and last night also brought 9/10 inch of rain. Woo Hoo.


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