Wednesday, September 25, 2024


 I had a small bigger than I thought surgery yesterday at the Dermatologists Office.  The biopsy on my shoulder came back as atypical cells and the spot on my cheek came back as malignant melanoma. So both spots were taken care of.  I have a considerable amount of discomfort but am glad to have it behind me....keeping fingers and toes crossed that these biopsies come back clear and the huge hole in my face heals well.  They will do some kind of genetic testing on the first samples...some study to see if there is a genetic link to melanoma. 

 Hopefully I can cross this off the freaking list. 

All my eye tests came back okay/normal for aging eyes...cross that off the list too. 

Far Guy is taking good care of me.

Far Side


  1. That sounds rather painful, but I'm glad they caught that melanoma early. Yikes!

  2. Thankful you got these two spots seen about and taken care of. Prayers that all will be benign. It can be stressful having any kind of test done on the skin. I had to have a spot removed last year on my cheek...I had a big hole and was worried that it would never go away. I can barely see it now. Trusting for the Best in the test results. I never get tired of seeing sunflowers...Rest and let FG take care of you.

  3. Very happy for the eye test results. I now have cataracts which the first one is scheduled to be removed the day before my birthday in January. We are due for our dermatologist appt. I need to make it especially after hearing your report. Praying the tests come back clear that they got it all, too. That is scary to hear.

  4. Oh bummer!! Glad it appears to be caught early and hope those tests all come back with good results. But it sure sounds painful.

  5. Ouch! It's comforting to have someone who cares for us when we need them.

  6. Fingers crossed, the doctor got all of the malignancy. Wishing a short recovery too.

  7. I pray they heal well and quickly. My dad had many, many skin cancers removed the last 30 years of his life. I think all of them were removed in his dermatologist's office.
    So glad your eyes are doing well. The appointments never seem to end.
    I hope FarGuy is doing better and better, too. :)

  8. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. Glad the malignancy was caught. We are fortunate to live at a time when the diagnoses are caught sooner than when we were children...and that there are more successful treatments that can be done.

  9. I have had two melanoma removed (one on my face). Happy for you that they are GONE! (Homeschoolmom)

  10. Prayers for healing and good pathology reports.

  11. I'm so grateful those were taken care of and now are behind you! Happy Healing

  12. So glad they caught the melanoma early! Praying all test results are good.

  13. Hoo-boy! You've sure had a time of it recently my friend. I'm so sorry. My sister just had another melanoma taken off the front of her calf a couple of weeks ago. She had a huge chunk cut off the back of her calf in the same place about 2 years ago. Melanoma runs in our family so we all try to take care of getting checks. I've had one place off my leg 3 years ago. As soon as I get Medicare I'm heading in for my body check.
    I'm glad Far Guy is taking such good care of you. You are blessed to have each other.
    Blessings and love,

  14. Yikes. We haven't had any of that in our family, but it sounds pretty scary.
    Well the eyes were normal then right? Whew.

  15. It's always something, isn't it!! I'm glad 'they' caught it early.

  16. That's a lot of punishment for one day. I hope this all turns out positive.

  17. Oh gosh! Sending good thoughts your way as you wait for resluts.
    Goodnight Gram

  18. Oh ouch, that isn't fun! Sounds like the drs are doing the right thing, hopefully that heals up quickly for you. Take care!

  19. Praying that you get the all clear! Thank goodness you have each other to take turns as caregiver.

  20. After melanoma surgery it looked like a shark bit my arm. But over the years it filled in. Hoping you have clear margins. P.s. it's 23 years later

  21. Bless your heart! Praying everything comes out good for you!

  22. Glad they got the malignant melanoma removed. It will be interesting to see if they find a genetic link. Hope you heal well!

  23. Sunflowers almost history. Surgery history too. Get well soon. My Laura is a red head. She had 5 places remover last week. Nasty big blisters. She’s really a gray head now.

  24. Melanoma caught early has a good prognosis. I'm also interested in the genetic link as my mother in law was a melanoma survivor. Hoping for a rapid recovery from the surgery.


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