Saturday, September 21, 2024

Birthday report

 I woke up to my husband singing Happy Birthday! 

I escorted him to Urgent Care because his breathing had changed...he has meds on board now and should improve every day.   The covid vaccination last week may have been too much for his system and he needs a bit of help to feel better. 

We still managed to go out for lupper,  had afternoon naps and then headed to friends who had baked me a cake.  

Thank you for all the birthday greetings! 

The last card on the right is from my other baby says "If anyone asks how old you are tell them to count your fingers!!"

Far Side


  1. Despite the hospital visit, it sounds like a nice day. Wishing Far Guy a return to his normal soon.

  2. Love all your cards. Your brother sounds similar to mine when it comes to my birthday...he always gets me a funny card. Glad you all were able to celebrate with a meal out and with friends baking you a cake. Hope your Far guy feels much better today, with the meds he was able to get. Happy Birthday again!!

  3. You had a wonderful day, other than the Urgent Care visit, which actually seems to have been a good thing.

  4. Happy, happy Birthday!!!! With each year that passes, it makes us appreciate each day God has given us that much more. So thankful for your celebrations and that your husband is on meds and doing better.

  5. Oh! Gosh! That was tad scary. I'm glad he is much better.

  6. Even on your birthday it seems you are such a good pal and friend to FG. Happy Birthday.

  7. Hope Far Guy is better. Shot made my Sister Helen sick too. I’m taking mine in October. Bet it makes me sick too. Last one did.

  8. I had your birthday post open yesterday and I have a feeling I forgot to post, or got distracted. So let me wish you a happy belated birthday. We who live into our senior years are truly blessed. I'm sorry your husband had to go to urgent care, but happy that he is doing better.

  9. I hope FarGuy is lots better. You guys managed a happy birthday, regardless. :)

  10. That card is hilarious!!!! I personally would not pick to spend my birthday at Urgent Care, but I do hope they were able to turn things around for the Far Guy. Happy Belated Birthday and I am glad you got to enjoy your cake with friends!

  11. I don't have that many finger. :-)
    I love it that FG sang you awake.

  12. Bless you all. Yes, the Lord works things out. Glad to see someone else using the word “lupper “. (Homeschool mom)

  13. I love that Far Guy sang to you even when he wasn't feeling up to par. Good meds on board and a fun lupper along with cake with friends and it turned into a great day didn't it? Sorry I didn't get a card to you but it looks like you got some good ones anyway.
    Blessings and love,

  14. Oh gosh! The card with the pic of you sweet and yet....the finger made me laugh. Best birthday wishes and many more! And sending good thoughts your way for Far Guy.
    Goodnight Gram

  15. Nothing like getting happy birthday sung to you! My husband does that too. Belated birthday blessings!


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