Sunday, April 30, 2023

Ice and Cooking

 The lakes still have ice.  It will be a late Ice Out this year unless we get really warm.

This is the West side of Shell Lake.  We went to Detroit Lakes on Friday because the Highway will be under construction all summer. Yes All Summer....I feel sorry for anyone living along the road.

Saturday Far Guy and I made took us half the day...the other half we went to play cards with Steve and Jo and afterwards we came home for our naps. 

Jambalya and flat bread was supper.  Want the recipe for Jambalya?  He follows the Jambalya video for The Cajun Ninja.  I am just the Sous Chef and part time stirring assistant.  It freezes well and will be enjoyed on nights no one wants to cook.

Got your May Baskets ready?  

Far Side


  1. Oh wow that looks gloomy and cold. Brrrrr here we have already mowed the lawn once and it needs it again. I cleaned out my herb bed yesterday and planted the dill seeds.

    Oh by the way, what is a May basket?


  2. There obviously is a reason why the northern Minnesota lake water is so cold to swim in - late ice. Like cooling a glass of iced tea. LOL

    Wish I could just be the Sous Chef once in awhile. The supper sounds wonderful.

  3. I'm always interested in recipes whenever people want to share them.

    Bet the lake water is lovely and cool when it's hot out.

  4. When I lived in northern Saskatchewan, I recall one year the ice did not go out until late May. We had American fishermen arrive in their big bus expecting to fly out to their camp. I remember telling the owner there was a thing called a telephone; he ought to have phoned ahead. They ended up sitting in the lodge for a few days drinking beer before heading back to the States.
    I don't know about the lakes nearby, but our pond is definitely open.
    No May baskets here, but I'm definitely happy May is nearly here!

  5. Enduring road construction can be exhausting not to mention messy.
    I haven't had Jambalaya, in years, even then I was eaten in Louisiana at a restaurant.
    I do enjoy Cajun cooking.
    The weather pattern this year seems to be so confusing, a beautiful photo!
    Thank you for sharing.

  6. the ice will be late here too. However, the river is very low for this time of year. Flow will increase once glaciers start to melt.

  7. YES!!!! I would love the recipe!! Please

  8. I learned about May baskets from you and did it for a couple of years and then stopped. Nobody seemed as excited about it as I was, and that was because of you. :-)

  9. I’ve never made jambalaya. It sounds so difficult.

  10. It does seem late for frozen lakes.

    Brad makes the jambalaya in our family. Not sure what recipe he started with, before tweaking it. We love it!! There are plenty of leftovers, but our jambalaya never makes it to the freezer :)

  11. I don't have my May baskets, but I do have my May flowers!
    I look forward to seeing your May Basket post.

  12. I think the ice is off the lakes now. It's cool here but not as cold as you have up there. We get jambalaya once a year from Mark''s brother. They have a group of friends who get together to make it once a year. it's good!

  13. Had to look up to see what a May Basket was! Our country doesn't have any May Day traditions, perhaps because we are heading into autumn and not spring and nobody feels much like celebrating with winter looming on the horizon :)

  14. It snow, rained, sleeted, and the sun shone today all at the same time. April is on its way out but winter wants to hang on.

    The grass here is green and growing as are the plants in the forest.

    No May Baskets here!

  15. Construction Season seems to start earlier each year. Laramie is digging up Third Street AGAIN, and the road to Denver is a perpetual construction zone. Sigh!

  16. Look at all of that ice! We had 25-30 mph winds today, all day and they were from the north. It made it downright chilly outside and pushed the car all over the interstate going to and from church.
    I've never had jambalaya but since it even sounds spicy, I doubt if it would be a favorite of mine.
    No May baskets here. I always forget about it until it's too late to do anything about it. I'm guessing you did them again this year. Have fun!

  17. Your Jambalaya sounds great! Yes our lakes still are covered in ice here. And we just got another 6 inches of snow overnight with more expected tomorrow. What a strange winter/spring this never ends.

  18. It's been grey, and wet and chilly here, but no ice!

  19. I have seen one guy on pbs make that Jumba. It sounds good and does need to sit and cook for quite a while.


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