Friday, April 21, 2023


 The snow was almost gone...just snow drifts remaining.

I could almost imagine some green grass.


and still more

Who knows when it will end. 

I am trying to make the best of the situation and will make some vegetable soup today...and have a nap.

Far Side 


  1. I don't remember being especially despondent about the late spring during my time up north in the "frozen tundra" but sitting here much further south, it would really depress me now!

  2. As beautiful as snow can be... but at some point it's enough and we want to see flowers.
    Make yourself comfortable inside.
    A warm greeting to you.

  3. Now, I'm one of those people who loves snow. But I think even I'd be sick of it at this point. Hope this is the last snowfall you get this year, and Spring finally shows up properly.

  4. Soup sounds good for a snow day. The snow looks pretty, though we've already mowed our yard several times here in GA. Karen

  5. I remember those days from when we lived in Alaska. Napping always helps me, whatever the weather and a hearty soup soothes the soul too!! 🥰

  6. Yikes. This would feel like a never ending winter to me.

    Things will eventually melt, but then you have spring flowers which will immediately come up right?
    We have a snow mix of moisture coming in tonight.

  7. Well, it WILL end, but surely a nap is called for!

  8. Spring is slow to arrive all around the country, it seems. Especially up there in MinneSNOWda. :-)

  9. Oh, I'm so sorry....but if you were down here where Spring has been sprung for weeks would have to sleep with a weather radio on so it could wake you up many times in the night to warn you about severe weather in another county. People here are all running around with bags under their eyes from lack of sleep! LOL!

  10. Someone forgot to tell Mother Nature that we say, "April Showers bring May Flowers".
    She decided to mix it up and send the showers in a frozen fluffy form. Maybe it will melt quickly? The soup sounds good.

  11. Mother Nature is such a tease! It is hard to wait. We are south and therefore a little ahead of you, but experiencing similar. Our recent snowfall (and then melt) really greened everything up. It won't be long for you too!

  12. Spring is so fickle. But some homemade soup and a cozy nap sounds perfect. Enjoy the day. Linda

  13. Oh no - how disgusting to see that much fresh snow again. It rained and snowed here yesterday, but the snow melted as it hit the ground. But we could sure use some warm sunshine now. The wind is howling this morning and it's cold.

  14. I was so happy when my front patio and deck were clear, and like you we now have enough snow that everything is covered up again. Hopefully this is the last blast of winter.

  15. Gosh! Maybe it will melt fast. One can hope!

  16. The good thing is, it will be gone soon. We had rain all day yesterday, if it had been snow it would have been a couple of feet. It's coming.

  17. We got a good inch or more. But not the 2-6 they had talked about, so that's okay. Too early to assume it is the last one. We've had snow and frost in May fairly often. But spring is around the corner, for sure. ;)

  18. Spring storms are the worst and can be very damaging. we missed it this time.

  19. Ours melted quickly. Hope yours goes away in trade for flowers and grass.

  20. Oh no! I don't want to see any of that! Tune into my blog tomorrow for some nice spring flowers to cheer you up!

  21. Hopefully it soon melts away.This is getting ridiculous.

  22. That's what it's like in Montana too. Our son sent us a picture of their driveway yesterday with the only caption, "sigh". He's sick of it and wants to ride his motorcycle.

  23. I mentioned your plight at breakfast this morning. The same thing is happening to the sister of one of our group who lives in the mountains of Montana.
    We are just hoping for temps above the 40's.

  24. Vegetable soup sounds mighty good during these early Spring snowstorms. We are working on getting the snow melted off our grass again too. Such is Spring this year up North, I guess.

  25. No! No! No! It must stop! It’s time for strawberries and rhubarb and asparagus, not soup. What’s the latest date on record for snow in your area? You must be approaching a record I would think.

  26. I’m visiting my sister in Colorado, and it snowed last night (Friday) and some this morning. It made for a chilly and dreary day.


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