Friday, April 14, 2023

Out and about

We went for a Ranger Blue ride.  Looks like a beaver has moved in down at the Dead Beaver Area...unless he has been trapped.  The river is up a bit. 

The snow is melting slowly.   It was a great evening for a ride.  We could smell smoke as soon as we left our house...we confirmed that it was stumps burning a mile west of us.

They had all winter to burn the darn things...I suppose they will smolder for days. 

We are happy to put this week of appointments behind us and look forward to staying out of Clinics for a few days. 

Far Guy is still struggling with shortness of breath and some congestion...I have one eye on him. He had lung function tests this week and is at 20% lung function.  He has been worse and he has been better.  One day at a time. 

Far Side


  1. Yikes that stinks. I am thinking of you guys.

    Honestly we are having such strange weather. We have a flood watch, Red flag warning, and Weather Advisory for Thunderstorms Saturday evening and Sunday snows!

    I think I'll just sit back and watch Mother Nature.

  2. Glad you could get out for a drive, and this week's appointments are behind you now. Sorry Far Guy is still struggling... Hope he feels better (or as close to it as he gets these days) soon.

  3. I'm glad FarGuy is still able to get around to view the sights. The smoke won't help though. I hope it quits smoldering soon. I didn't know they would trap the beavers. I hope they would just relocate them.

  4. I used to love the smell of wood fires but since becoming allergic to some trees, my throat almost start to close now when I get a whiff. It's a bummer. I can imagine the smoke must be difficult for your husband, also.

  5. Hope that Far Guy gets to feeling better. One of my best friends is on 24-7 oxygen, and like FG, sometimes she's better and sometimes worse. She is currently part of a drug trial from an Omaha hospital. I feel like she has fewer really bad days since beginning this, but will likely never get off the oxygen. She wears a pump to deliver all the different meds she takes, including this new one.

    My daughter is an RT in the pulmonary functions lab in one of the Sioux Falls hospitals. She chose the respiratory career after having pulmonary issues of her own.

  6. Glad you managed to get out and about. I hope you can manage. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  7. I do hope that Far Guy's lung function improves soon. I'm sure it's worrisome for both of you.
    I like the first two photos from your ride. At least the burn is happening when the weather is wet.

  8. I'm sorry Far Guy is struggling but glad he got out and about.

  9. Going for a ride and just looking is a favorite thing for me. I love observing.

  10. The first 2 pictures show just how much winter is still hanging on. Sooner or later Spring will come again but you must be wondering When!! Maybe this is not that unusual for your area?
    Too bad about the smoldering stumps.

  11. Good to be out in the fresh air.

  12. Praying for far guy that he feels better soon. Hope you're doing OK too. Glad you got to go out for a ride and watch the snow melt. It is melting here but still has a long way to go. There is a little bit of water at the edge of the lake now! Progress???

  13. I'm glad you and Far Guy were able to be out and about and I hope the snow has stopped permanently for the season. We're in the middle of some doozies of thunderstorms. Up to 2 inch hail a few miles south of us. Another line of storms are on the way. We rarely watch TV, well, we never watch cable unless the weather is bad. We definitely have it on tonight. I hear thunder in the distance coming our way, and although I love the sound, when it accompanies the nasty things it is tonight I'd rather not hear it.
    I'm praying for Far Guy daily for relief in his breathing and congestion. He's a definite trooper!
    Blessings and hugs,

  14. What a great day for a ride in the Blue Ranger! And how grateful to have a week off to relax with no appointments. Prayers for some relief for the Far Guy and I hope your mom is doing better, too. One day at a time.

  15. Hope Far Guy feels better soon!

  16. Sending good healing vibes to Far Guy!

    Love the beaver dam! That is so cool!

  17. I don't imagine those burning stumps help Far Guy either. I hope being at home with the windows closed helps him regain some breathing functionality.

  18. The Blue is giving you some great get a ways. I hope the weather gets better for Far Guy.


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