Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Happy Birthday Trica!

 Our oldest daughter Trica is 51 years old today.  

Recently I ran across this photo from the summer of 1972. Much happier times.

The babies were born in the Spring.  Far Guy's Paternal Grandmother Tracie is holding our daughter Trica, my sister Julie is holding Kathy. Kathy is a Granddaughter of Tracies.  Trica and Kathy had matching dresses.  I believe the photo was taken at the summer cottage on Straight Lake that belonged to Kathy's parents Archie and Liz.

Our oldest daughter Trica is not in good health.  She has been in and out of the hospital most of the winter with ovarian cysts, bowel blockages, dehydration, kidney stones and kidney/liver issues. 

 If I could wish or pray her healthy and happy I would. 

Today I can only wish her a happy birthday!

Far Side


  1. I'm sorry to read that Trica is not doing well and in and out of hospital. Sending well wishes and big huggs.

  2. Praying a happy birthday that gives her encouragement towards better health. As we get older - - and we know 51 is still fairly young - - - we recognize that good health is one of the best gifts of all. I will pray for her.

  3. Happy birthday, Trica!

    Sorry Trica is dealing with so many health issues. Hope she gets better soon - or as near as is possible, at least.

  4. May Trica's birthday bring her good health!

  5. Happy birthday to your daughter, and wishes for a healthier year.

  6. Happy Birthday to Tricia! It's sad to hear she's having so many health issues at a realitively young age. I do hope she'll find her way back to good health.

  7. I am so sorry for the health problems. I pray things even out for here and one by one the problems are healed away. I hope she has a Happy Birthday.

  8. Wow, poor Tricia. She’s too young for all that. I hope she has a happy birthday anyway and a much better and healthier year ahead.

  9. I hope Tricia can enjoy her birthday. Chronic illness is very hard to live with.

  10. Happy Birthday, Tricia. I pray healthier times are in her future.

  11. Sorry to hear about Tricia. It's a great stress for the whole family. I wish here a speedy recovery.

  12. Happy birthday and many many prayers for her health.

  13. So sorry to read this. I hope Trica has a good birthday.

  14. I wish her a happy birthday. I have been praying for her. What cute babies they were!

  15. Oh, I am so sorry that your daughter Tricia is struggling so with her health. We never stop being parents, and when our children are hurting so are we.

  16. I'm sorry your daughter is having such health problems and at such a young age. Hopefully she can have a happy birthday in spite of the problems. Sending good thoughts and many prayers on her behalf.

  17. Poor health destroys happiness. Blessed Birthday to Tricia!

  18. I'm so sorry Tricia has had such a rough year. Birthday wishes that things turn around and straighten out and heal. What a precious picture!

  19. Living with chronic illnesses is difficult especially when it is painful - I Have to imagine it is. I can only wish Tricia a better year ahead and healing for her medical issues.

  20. Oh Connie, I am so sorry to hear about your daughter Trica. I will add my prayers to yours for her. We have just found out in the past two weeks, that our son-in-law has Leukemia. He and our daughter have 2 kids graduating in May from High School and College. Will keep everyone in my prayers. God bless them all.

  21. Far Guy's grandmother could be my grandmothers sister, they look so much alike.
    Happy Birthday to Tricia. I'm so sorry to hear that she's been struggling with her health this past winter. I will definitely be in prayer for her and you too.
    Blessings and love,

  22. Sorry to hear about Tricia and her ongoing issues.

    But wow, look at that family!


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