Sunday, April 23, 2023

Still not Springy

 We went to recycle and to the local grocery store.  

The fields are filled with snow again and snow was drifting across the road.  The sky had some blue spots. 

Seems like all I have done this last week is cook!  I made some lasagna yesterday...I like it once and Far Guy will warm up the extra frozen servings. 

I finished the baby blanket I was working on...haven't taken a photo yet.  

Far Side


  1. Can't wait to see the baby blanket!

  2. We had snow off and on all day on Saturday. I just gave up and put on coveralls and a stocking cap to get all my outdoor work done.
    More snow today?

  3. The snow is rapidly melting here where the sun gets to it. Hope you get some warmer weather soon.

  4. Spring seems to be missing from your pictures, but I'll bet that will change very soon. Hoping so, anyway. :-)

  5. Hope you get some warmer weather soon.
    Well done finishing the baby blanket.
    Hopefully all the cooking now means there will be options for plenty of easy dinners later.

  6. I get that. I spend so much time in the kitchen because we are an ingredient household. Though I am happy to be back to cooking again. I found I started to rely too much out grab and go. Look at that snow! Burrr.

  7. Amazing how much food has to be prepared even if it's for only two people.

  8. Some leftovers work for me, but mostly they don't. Terry likes leftovers.

  9. I know what you mean about tooo much cooking. At least when a roast a chicken and make rice pilaf today I will have leftovers for tomorrow.
    I do hope that is the last of your snow storms. We will be warming up by the end of this week. I hope you will be too.

  10. We are ahead of you by some. No more snow anyway. I really like lasagna, Two, three, four times...ok with me!
    I am waiting for the photo of the blanket.

  11. That is fun, a baby blanket. I'd like to knit, but it just didn't take!

  12. Lasagna - - - - BIG YUM! Do you freeze individual portionw or the leftovers or does FG just eat it until it is gone?
    Glad your roads are clear.

  13. That was a tremendous mount of snow.

  14. So many days of snow. Spring really will come. It really will come....

  15. I'm one of those people who likes a dish once. It perturbs me when my fella makes a great cauldron of something and figures we should just eat it until it's gone. No thanks! We are only two for goodness sake!

  16. Yup, your pictures look a lot like right around here....except our snow piles are about 5 feet high yet...probably like your June! Ah well, eventually it has to melt, right? Glad you got the baby blanket all done. You are a good worker...always accomplishing great things! Your lasagna sounds good to me!

  17. Lynda, The leftovers are frozen in individual servings, taken out and warmed in the microwave. I also froze individual servings of soup so we are set for no cooking days!

  18. We had snow flurries yesterday. It's crazy for the end of April. We're still hoping to go camping this week for a couple of days, although it was 25F when we left for church this morning!
    I finished a baby blanket tonight too. I'll wash it tomorrow and take a picture.

  19. I'm not sure if I would get sick of the snow or not. It's been so long but I always loved it especially when I was home. I'm sorry but honestly...Spring is right around the corner!


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