Wednesday, April 26, 2023


 Here is the little blanket I made for our newest Great Grand due in late June.

This is Bernat yarn that is so soft, cuddly and warm.   I finished it pretty quickly and have one less project!  I still have five crochet projects happening at once.  ( scrubbies, a lace shawl, another shawl, Winter Wonderland and crochet bags)

I was not feeling well enough to go to Far Guy's Doctor appointment yesterday.  I stayed home and slept the entire time he was gone.  He is a big guy and can go to appointments with out me! 

I am chilled and exhausted and hope I feel better soon.  Far Guy is making eggs for supper...soft foods for me, not much chewing or opening my mouth is a good thing.

FYI I made it through the pain with Ibuprofen...not much fun at all. They never did call in the prescription for the pain med that they said they would....the bums.

Far Side


  1. Oh yikes and wow and oh so sorry!
    I sure hope you get to feeling better very quickly.

  2. The baby blanket looks so soft and cuddly. Lovely job! I sure hope you can shake that bug soon, and feel good again.

  3. The crocheted blanket is beautiful... well done... congratulations.
    Get well soon. Have a good rest, your body needs rest now...
    Viola sends you many greetings.

  4. The blanket looks lovely!
    I hope you're feeling better soon!

  5. Lovely blanket!

    Rotten service from the dentist's office. If it isn't relieved soon, I'm wondering if you still have some infection. The chills and exhaustion might be an indicator.

    Take care!

  6. Oh that does look like a soft cuddly blanket! Sorry to hear about all the issues with pain meds and hope you recover quickly. I am contemplating getting a tooth pulled, the fillings aren't staying in long enough for them to keep trying. Not looking forward to that at all.

  7. Bums, is right! The dentist needs to know the office staff dropped the ball. I hope today is a better day.

  8. I am in agreement with other comments - - - from the beauty of the blanket to wondering if you still have infection. Are you still on an antibiotic? You don't want to become septic - - - which I am sure you know. So very sorry you are experiencing this. Are you still in town with Jen or did you go home? I am hoping the first.

  9. What a bunch of jerks! I guess they were just TOO BUSY!!! I'm sending healing thoughts to you!

  10. Sorry to read about the pain. Love the blanket. Looks sooo cute.

  11. I can see the softness of the blanket in the photos. Bums is right.

  12. That blanket looks so cozy!
    I hope you feel better soon.

  13. Robin from P'villeApril 26, 2023 at 1:23 PM

    Hope Far Guy is taking good care of you.

  14. Love the blanket!
    Those bums! Those bums!!

  15. That's frustrating they didn't call in the prescription when they said they would. I hate when that happens. Anyway, feel better soon.

  16. Rapid recovery to you my friend.

  17. Oh my gosh, that blanket is so soft it is almost a 3D picture!

    I am livid you didn't get your pain meds. The Dirty Bums! I hope you are feeling a little better and the soft eggs helped. I am sorry you are miserable.


  18. I sure hope you're feeling a bit less chilled and exhausted as the day goes by. That doesn't sound good at all.

  19. Oh, I hope you are better soon. If it were summer you could feast on milkshakes, but brr you’d freeze for sure it the chilly air.

  20. So sorry to hear you're feeling so lousy. Hope you are better soon. Can't you call the Dentist and have them call in that prescription to where you are now? Or don't you need it anymore? I love that blanket you beautiful. Do feel better soon!!!

  21. You take care. So sorry to read this.

  22. This blanket is beautiful! Feel well soon!

  23. I could tell by looking at it that the blanket was soft....some of those new yarns are amazing. I'm so sorry you were in pain! I hate pain and I refuse to tolerate it as I know they have meds that will take it away. That was really nasty to not send in the prescription.....karma will get them!


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