Friday, March 5, 2021


 Seems they lost our grocery order, they said it went out for delivery and we must have wanted it delivered rather than picked up.  We said "They deliver out 14 miles?"  Yum no.  The friendly but clueless fellow said he would re pick the order and have it ready in a little while.  Off we went...Far Guy was with me as I had labs done at the clinic and then waited for him in the Infusion Center.  So nice to visit with the gals up there!   They have been one of our only links to the outside world!

The next grocery order was ready across town when they called from the first grocery store and said "We made a mistake, your order is ready to be picked up."  We attempted to get me some lunch as I had fasting labs...and they are all just perfect too according to my Doctor.   Even my cholesterol is perfect!  Anyways the line was way to long to get that burger I wanted.  Fast food is no longer fast food but wait in line food.

We stopped by my parents.  Mom has a problem with her email as she cannot recall her password...uffda.  

The first set of groceries were finally picked up...they were sorry for the delay and mix up.

The Butcher Shop was our last stop of the day.  Some hamburger and the best bacon you ever tasted was purchased.   I buy enough hamburger so that it is repackaged at home into the sizes we use...usually 1/3 to 1/2 pound and I make patties and meatballs too...which all makes my cooking life easier.  

I have been online grocery shopping and doing curbside pickup for 51 weeks now.    Seems like longer than that...this is the first time that they lost an entire order and found it again in a few minutes.

Mom's Lilies last summer.

Far Side


  1. Congrats on your perfect lab work, that's awesome! The rest is just a thing, no biggie :)

  2. Your problems with online grocery shopping sure make me wonder about the people working in those stores. it is one of the reasons I still shop in the store but I use the "early bird/senior" hours, when the store is pretty empty of people. Glad your lab work came out so good. Have a great weekend.

  3. Sounds like an uffdah day all the way around except for the lab work of course! Was there something in the air? We had a oops-dah day here!
    At least you finally got your groceries.
    There is no service like yours around here for what ever the weird reason. Two of my neighbors are getting orders delivered from Imperfect Foods. Me? Just going once a month to stock up at the stores and meat place.
    Love the Lilies. Get your camera back yet?

  4. Glad your grocery order was found and corrected fairly quickly. I have friends who are ordering groceries also.

  5. 51 weeks - they have certainly been dragging by!! Glad they got your grocery order straightened out. In 2020 we spent 4 days with family and friends at the Summit League college basketball tournament in Sioux Falls. Drove home on the Tuesday and heard on the news that the first cases and first death in SD were in our home county. By the next week schools were closed, tournaments cancelled . . . and we know the rest. I nervously met a friend for supper last night at a local restaurant. All staff wore masks, and so did most of the diners. Plus they kept people seated fairly far apart. It was so nice to let someone else feed me.

  6. What a mess with your groceries... and congratulations on your good lab results. That's wonderful. Well, the labs are... not the grocery mix-up! :-) And oh, your mom's lilies!! Gorgeous! I have a few that color too. ~Andrea xoxo

  7. I guess if you've been ordering groceries for so long and they only messed up really big once, that it's OK. I'm sure it was inconvenient though. I wish you had been able to get that burger, I've noticed that since sit down restaurants aren't doing much business, the drivethru places are SWAMPED! I relied on them on my trip South and back. Once down there I went to the store a couple times in the 4 weeks, and just ate the same stuff every day. It worked out just fine. I've heard from other people that they don't get their meat from the grocery store, but from a butcher. I don't think we have a butcher around here, but I should check.

  8. What a riot! Lost the whole order? How many orders do they have that they could have lost one? I am now going in person since our pantry is so well stocked. I use a locally owned store where the prices are higher, but there aren't many shoppers. They are mostly my age and most of them play by the rules. I try to go on "off times" when there aren't many cars in the parking lot. We ordered a freezer in March, it came in mid-July and in August we bought a 1/4 beef. Our producer's little sons raise chickens so we are set with frozen chickens, too.

  9. My goodness your grocery order is always a bit of guessing game but this time took the prize. I hope they gave you a deep discount or at least a freebie!

    Hope your mom is able to recall her e-mail password or better yet re-set it. I actually have mine in a document so that if anything happened to me, my adult children would be able to get into it. They have the password to my laptop so could easily access it and they know that info is there if they need it.

    Lovely lilies! The Asiatic lilies were my mother's favorites too. The colors are so vibrant.

    Take care, stay well.

  10. CashWise in Fargo has done that to Leah twice so far in the last year. You'd think with all the cur bside pickups they would get plenty of practice to get things right--LOL! Anyways, glad your tests went fantastically and you got all your running done for another week. :)

  11. What a mess with your groceries! Congratulations on your lab results! I don't think I've ever had perfect cholesterol. I bet you were starving if you had been fasting all day. It's good you were able to see your parents while out. Yesterday must have exhausted you both with all you had to deal with. I hope you and Far Guy have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Congrats to perfect lab results! What gorgeous lilies!! I love lilies, one of my fav! So many varieties, colors, easy to grow and not invasive. The only problem with them is critters love them too.

  13. When I read about people's grocery orders getting all messed up I realize how fortunate we are here. We have been picking up grocery orders for a year now and other than a few out of stock items we have had no problems at all. I'm sorry you had to go through all that

  14. Congratulations on having perfect lab results. I'm only a little jealous. I'm thinking I'll remember 2020 for all the things I didn't get to do. Hoping things will be getting better and that your Covid arm is feeling better by now.

  15. I can see why tempers get a little short with these waits.

  16. Good lab reports are a good thing. When I read about your grocery adventures, I remain happy that the Safeway store is near, we can go when it's not crowded, mask wearing is a rule, and it is well stocked. We are safe at Safeway.
    Oh, but they did not have tapioca. I use tapioca for thickening in fruit pies and I was almost out. It turns out there is a tapioca shortage due to droughts and Covid issues with the workers who produce it, mostly in Brazil. Who knew? Fortunately I had just enough for Jill's cherry pie.

  17. Everything seems to be a long wait these days but of course with nothing to sit on. I confess I find standing in a queue a whole lot more exhausting than walking about.
    I hope your arm is a lot better?

  18. This kind of thing is part of why we stopped doing online orders. We even had one where they cancelled our order, confirmed they'd rescheduled itfor the next day, and then had no record of either thing being done... Messed us about for several days, and then claimed it was all our fault. Anyway, glad you got your order in the end.

    Glad the lab work was good.

  19. Sorry about the grocery mix up and the no burger lunch but very happy for you that your labs were all good. I finally got an appointment for my first vaccine. It's on Monday morning and the Phizer vaccine. Yay!

  20. We still go inside to get our groceries but we have to fight all the workers who are collecting other's things. They push carts around with eight bins in them and block the aisles and merchandise. They aren't taught to be polite. I am glad that the miracle of finding your groceries that they had filled happened. My insulin orders work that way so I just wait and go late in the day so they can put it all together and dig through all the refrigerators to find it.

  21. Your moms lilies are beautiful. Sorry about your order. Congrats on such good labs. Wishing you two a nice weekend, we are soon moving to South Carolina, if you want to follow along in a few weeks, the link is

  22. Oh, well, at least you can't say your life is uneventful!💖

  23. Some good news here, not the grocery stuff up that was annoying

  24. I hope your Mom can get in her email. My daughter does the grocery pick up. I still go in. I try to go early as it’s less busy.

  25. Congratulations on your perfect lab results. I recently had mine done and the only thing a little amiss was my potassium which was high. No more bananas for me for a while.

  26. I’ve grown to enjoy having a personal shopper, and frankly I may continue getting groceries this way. Congratulations on the good lab report.

  27. I have used the online shopping for Walmart several times and have had good luck each time ~ it is really pretty handy! We are enjoying the warm weather :)

  28. We haven't tried the curbside pickup for groceries yet. I still shop by sight and mood and not by list, so I don't think I could ever try a personal shopper. Congrats on your bloodwork. I need to do that soon, but trying to get mammos and dentist out of the way first.

  29. I have to order groceries today for pickup tomorrow. So glad you had such good blood work results! Cholesterol is my problem but that statin drug helps it. I love daughter and I consider ourselves bacon connoisseurs! LOL! If I ever get up that way I'll have to try yours! We love us some good bacon! Glad you finally got your grocery order.


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