Saturday, March 27, 2021

Yarn and other stuff

 I HAD to order more yarn...three times...go figure.. the last order I just kept clicking until I got free shipping.   I am at a standstill with the car seat is turning out real is a custom cover so that required many trips out to measure and fit it to the space.  When the yarn arrives I should be able to finish it up in a few days.  In the meantime I started a baby blanket....I want it to be a mixture of many different colors....hence the clicking for free shipping.  Doncha just love squishy mail...I do!

My Big Girl Camera is back.   It was cleaned.  ( The auto focus was acting funny...but the grumpy gus said nothing was wrong with it)  I emailed them several times the month it was gone with no response and called them one time and their voice box was full...and then I read several bad reviews.  I told Far Guy we may never see my camera again...but it came in the mail this week...whew...big sigh of relief.  It takes pictures just fine.  The camera (Canon T4i is nine years old.)


I am still watching Anne with a is quite a progressive story for its time in history.  Now I am wondering if the screenwriters strayed from the book. Far Guy even watches the show if he is doing his afternoon in the house walk about round and round.

I think I am tired because of the vaccination, the time change and old age.  I know I am still having effects from the vaccination because of the hot flashes I have been having.   I am going to bed before 10:30 at night and that is unheard of for me since I am a night owl.

Far Side


  1. Being a photographer, my big camera is always out. Don't you just love the feel on it in your hands? I used a Nikon D40 since 08, playing with a D60 and D200 along the way but LOVED the D40 the best. Still works great but last yr I jumped off my sanity wagon and bought a Nikon Z6. I LOVE IT. Have a great time shooting.

  2. So glad you got your camera back and I sure hope you are feeling better soon!

  3. My daughter got her second shot yesterday. They shot the teachers before school and she felt find all day. By supper time her arm ached and she called last night and said she ached all over. We have her four year old and one year old here today which I am now calling Side Effects Saturdays. One more daughter in law to go and then it's our turn for the second whammy.

  4. I can't get free shipping on yarn unless I buy $150 worth...a little steep for me so I wait until our local Michaels has clearance. It doesn't always work though I can't get the colors I want. :(

    Glad you got your big camera back. Mine is a Canon T3i and I'm hoping it was last for several more years though I do notice the auto focus sometimes sticks.

    Take care!

  5. Man, I just read a synopsis of Anne with an E -Go read the book instead or see the old serial (1985 one). This one deviates so much from the books - toning down the real hardships and adding political correctneess ect. URGH

  6. I'm glad your big girl camera is back. I'm sure you were concerned when you could get no answers so I'm happy for you that it all worked out okay.
    Squishy mail is wonderful. I'm looking forward to stocking up on yarn again once we get settled. I haven't bought much in the past year or so and gave a lot away when we sold the house. I click away on the Knit Picks site until I get free shipping...every single time I order. Their yarn is great and reasonably priced so it's worth it.
    I hope you feel better soon. Dennis did so well with his second shot that I'm afraid karma will catch up with us and I won't be so lucky. It seems you've had a hard time with this one. How is your arm? No covid arm this shot?
    I'm thinking of you and praying for you Connie.

    1. No covid arm this shot and my arm is just fine not even a sore spot!

  7. Glad your camera came back and fixed too! I talked to my cousin who is a year older than me. They had the Pfizer vaccine just as I thought. Very little reaction sore, red arm but that was all. The Moderna seems to be the one with the chills and tiredness and headache. Mine lasted a good week or more! I too thought it was old age but it was the shot! You will recover eventually!

  8. My wife still has some aches and pains from the shot. I can't tell if it is the covid or my surgery pains. My camera acts funny some days when I am out on a cloudy day.Flad you got it back ok.

  9. What a relief to get your camera back after their unresponsiveness. We got our second shots Thursday evening and Friday and Friday night were not fun. Only a headache left today. The fever and joint pain is gone, thank goodness.
    I totally agree with the excitement of getting squishy packages in the mail!

  10. Free shipping is a good incentive to purchase up to the minimum. My knee joint became stiff and achy right after the second vaccination, so I’m wondering if that could be a side effect. I’m relieved I didn’t have the COVID arm this time. I hope your Grand has recovered.

  11. I read Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea so often when I was a child. There are lots of sequels but I wouldn’t recommend any except the last book which is mostly about Anne’s daughter Rilla. Rilla of Avonlea is set during WWI and is very sad. But worth the read as it feels very true to the time l

  12. I feel almost guilty for only having a sore arm from my second shot and a little dragginess, which could be from just being lazy. Glad you had no problems with the second shot! :-)

  13. I can't wait to see that cover in the new/old car! You have the perfect colors for it. I'm so glad you have your camera back. I get nervous about things like that too.

    When you said you were having hot flashes from the shot I realized that is what I'm having too but I didn't think of it that way. I had fever the first day but since then I keep feeling "flushed" and you know, it is like hot flashes. I'm very tired and almost heavy feeling too. I'll take it all though just to know I've had both shots now!

  14. Good to know your camera came back and works fine.
    I hope very soon you'll be back to your old self.

  15. Have fun when all your new yarn arrives! Hope you're feeling better by the day!

  16. I bet you are relieved to get your camera back- and we are looking forward to your photos!
    Good job on the seat cover, by the way, the colours are quite lovely.

  17. Yup sounds like your poor immune system is trying to cope! Will check out Anne with an E though and glad the camera wasn't lost forever! - Sherry in MT

  18. We've had both shots, Moderna. Dan did fine with both but eight days after my first shot my arm swelled and turned red and itched. That lasted only one day. After the second shot I woke up the next morning feeling like I had the flu. That only lasted one day. But, Dan and I both have felt tired, with no energy. Hope you're feeling better now. Glad you got your camera back.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie