Thursday, March 25, 2021

Old Tool Box Cover

 Far Guy's Dad built a wooden tool box a long time ago.   Far Guy inherited it.  

We were talking one day about how the new /old car may need a few tools in the trunk.   Far Guy said he might finally have a use for the old tool box that we have been carting around for 25 some years.

He cleaned it up ...leaving scratches and paint smudges as part of the character. 

He had an image that was applied to the top cover.   It turned out great! 

I am still working on the cover for the front seat...I had to order more yarn...


I saw a was for a diabetic medication...apparently they want you to feel safe using their product...a gal is texting someone on a dark street at night, another gal is grilling food and her floppy scarf is very near the grill...who comes up with these ideas for commercials...idiots or do they think we are the idiots?

Far Side


  1. I like the old box. My hubby had one that he inherited from his grandfather- they have so much character. i think most commercials are made for idiots.

  2. The target demographic for those ads is are mostly idiots.

  3. Perfect use for his dad's tool box!
    They think we are the idiots.

  4. Saw that same commercial - and had the exact same thoughts about it as you. Maybe the same Minneapolis advertising firm that did the anti-Meth commercials for the state of SD did these. "Meth - we're on it!" That was the catch phrase! And our governor bragged about how clever it was until she got so much backlash that the commercials were pulled off air.

  5. Old Tool Boxes and Old Tools, every scratch, dent, and paint blob tell a story. I still use some tools that my father used. We also inherited a handmade tool box and tools from my wife's grandfather including a handmade kitchen knife that he made when he worked in the steel mills in Pittsburgh. I love this post!

  6. The inherited tool box is perfect for FGs car. Funny the things I am sentiment about. My dad had a match box that must have been thirty years old, twenty years ago. It was full of nails. I still have and treasure that. Hope you feel better Connie.

  7. I'm with Cathy we are dumbing down more and more.

  8. That toolbox is so neat. It's perfect for the new/old car.
    It's funny that you wrote this today. We rarely watch TV, but had the news on last night and a commercial came on. I don't even remember what it was for. I looked at Dennis and asked if it was just me or was it a ridiculously stupid one. He agreed. I think they are idiots that think we are the idiots. :-)

  9. The old tool box cover looks great. There are a few advertisements lately that just make me shake my head, one is for Home Hardware here in Canada - they have a notice as it comes up that it was filmed locally, as if that explains the lack of masks and social distancing.

    Take care, stay well!

  10. Cool use for the old box.
    I often wonder about drug commercials too, I love the one that says don't take this if you are allergic to it. How would you know if you didn't take it?

  11. You guys were keeping this special tool box for the perfect use, you just didn't know it yet. That Desoto graphic is perfect, and love that Far Guy kept the original character!! Hope today finds you feeling better.

  12. The old toolbox handed down to Far Guy is perfect for his new old car!

  13. You certainly seem to be getting your mojo back! And I too love that tool box, it's perfect for the new/old car. :-)

  14. Love the keepsake! I listen to all those side effects they go through at the end of drug commercials and wonder how anyone is surviving modern medicine.

  15. They think we are pretty dumb. I like the tool box restore. Thanks for the wonderful card. I really like the stamp design and the whole card assembly.

  16. Love the look of that old tool box! Great job!

  17. I like the old tool box. Oh, I can barely watch anything on TV any more. Commercials are so stupid, but then so are most of the new shows. I feel like Matt Dillon has moved in with us.

  18. I love old anything! I can't wait to see your seat cover! Oh, yes, they do think we are all idiots.

  19. Yes they do think we are idiots....and frankly in some instances they are right or they wouldn't continue with that nonsense. I love love the old toolbox! -- Sherry in MT


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