Tuesday, March 30, 2021

There and back

 We were gone 11 1/2 hours yesterday.  The moon was beautiful in the Western sky when we left and the sun was slowly coming up in the East.  Our youngest daughter Jen helped drive...since I am still feeling tired and my very handsome husband does not drive in "The Cities."  

Far Guy had a bunch of special tests...and we will not know the results for a couple of weeks.

We watched a helicopter land on top of the hospital in the distance.  Someone was either having a really bad day or a good day (maybe a transplant organ arrived).   It was very windy and the helicopter took a very long time to land. 

On the way home it was like a dust bowl just out of the cities, visibility was reduced due to the dirt in the air.    It was 79 F degrees  yesterday...and today the high will be about 30F.  March in Minnesota weather can do just about anything.  

We stopped by Crafts Direct a huge arts and craft store in Waite Park Minnesota.  I bought some paper to make the owl May Baskets and one skein of scrubby yarn, a whirly gig and a pretty shopping bag.

 Last of the big shoppers!   It was nice to be in a store again.  Everyone had a mask on. 

It is good to be home.   We returned home before dark...Jen had to drive in the dark another three hours to reach her home.   We were so thankful to have her go with us! 

Far Side


  1. I am so glad Jen helped with the driving. No way can I drive in a long distance anymore or drive in a big city. Hope the test results are good.

  2. That was a long drive! I dislike driving in the night, but always have disliked it. Now even more. Thank goodness for Jen!

  3. Sounds like a nice day with your daughter. We have the same weather here. A semi blew over just up the road yesterday. Karen

  4. I'm so glad Jen came to help you. That was definitely a long day, I would have been totally worn out!

  5. Good that you had a safe trip, and hopefully all of the tests come out with good news. We had 82 degree high yesterday and 40 degrees less today. Both days with 40+ MPH winds. It howled all night.

  6. I so hope the test results are what you want and need them to be! I'm also glad you had help driving, that was a long day.

  7. So very glad Jen came with to help on that long trip with the crazy city traffic. I hope the test results come back good. Glad you got to get a few goodies on the way, too. :)

  8. I don't drive in cities either, big or mid-sized. WHEW! What a long day.

  9. That's a long day, glad Jen was able to do the driving. We had a nice day on Sunday, then yesterday we had an end of March blizzard blow in. It was pretty ugly last night, with lots of power outages around the province. I was grateful to be home, safe and warm.

    Take care, stay well.

  10. How nice of Jen to help out. I hate to drive in big cities and avoid it when I can. I bet both you and Jen enjoyed the craft store. I'm sending good wishes for positive tests results.

  11. I'm glad you had Jen to help with the driving. Your weather sounds like our Sunday and Monday. Sunday were the 70 mph winds and duststorms. (We even made the weather channel!) Then yesterday the high was 32. Last night it was 22 which is pretty cold for the end of March. The warm up is supposed to begin tomorrow. Yay!
    I hope the tests all went well for Far Guy and I will be praying for that. You both deserve some wonderful news.
    My night was not fun. Fever, body aches and head ache. Much better this morning but still tired.

  12. Few things are more tiring than a long day driving and waiting. I’m glad you were able to sneak in some shopping. The last two days, I’ve had a couple of lightheaded episodes and nausea and the joint stiffness continues. I would rather have COVID arm over this.

  13. Hey, for sure I sent you that weather. It his us Sunday night. It was vicious.

  14. What a sweet daughter! After being out of stores for so long, it is nice to browse-n-shop in person for certain things. Best wishes for favorable test results!!

  15. It sure must be dry to have that much dust in the air. We need to send you some of our rain.
    Here's hoping the test results are favourable.

  16. I am glad Jen could drive you through the cities. I am very familiar with the buildings as in 1978 my late wife underwent chemo treatments in the building next to the boxy gray building. I would look for that building from the freeway to know where I had to pull off the freeway. I hope the tests prove to be successful.

  17. A very long day. Prayers for good results on all these tests. Happy to hear that people were wearing masks in stores, too. Jen is a blessing.

  18. That really helps alot when you have somebody helping you drive on those long trips. Hope far guys tests come out good! Yes it has been really windy...two young guys took a canoe out on Lake Winnebago in our state, without life jackets, in that horrible wind and lost their lives. They haven't been found yet. Such a shame. Glad you got to do some shopping. We used to live in Saint Cloud, so not very far from Waite Park! Take care you two.

  19. Well, that would be an exhausting day for anyone! Glad you had Jen along to help with the long drive.

  20. God Bless Jen! I hope the tests all come out alright!


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