Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Covid Arm

 WELL... I have Covid Arm.  Leave it to me to get something.  The red area where they gave me the injection never did go away and it kept getting larger, sore, hard and hot to the touch. 

I filed an adverse reaction report.  

It is supposed to go away on its own.   My Doctor had never seen Covid Arm before now she has.  Leave it to me to teach the medical community. 

Far Guy had markers on it and they have washed he just measures it.   My Doctor said "I bet they won't give you the second injection in the same spot...probably the other arm." No way they can have a different spot on that same arm...I would like to keep my good arm a good arm.

Well it is better than getting Covid, in the hospital on a Vent and possibly death. 

I cannot believe all the anti vax people out there....someone said it is the mark of the beast...I don't even begin to understand why they would want to take the chance on getting Covid or passing it along to someone else that could possibly die...does that mean they could be charged with murder...or reckless endangerment??  It sure opens up a whole lot of questions. 

Today is day 15 for me and in 13 days I get my second vaccination.  I am still a bit tired, like my body is trying to fight off something...I imagine after the second vaccination I should just put on my jammies and go to the couch.

I had a nice video visit with my Doctor I needed a couple of refills on meds, it has been a year since I saw her in person.  She says at the local clinic anyone with respiratory symptoms is taken in a separate door from everyone else and is seen in a different part of the clinic. 

Far Side


  1. I saw an interview with a load of French people who work in a hospital saying things like they think their body is perfectly healthy without the vaccine thanks. Why would you go into health care if you don’t believe in one of the most important strategies in modern medicine?
    I’m so sorry you are still suffering. Will anyone get back to you about your adverse effects report?
    The Chef is taking lots of medication for his eyes. His side effect is horrible stomach cramps.

    1. I got an email back that they have received my report, so far that is all.

  2. We aren't getting the shot because of lack of testing. You are case in point, why do you have covid arm? What substance in the vaccine didn't agree with your genes. Story on Newsmax right now about Japanese woman dying after the shot and she's not the only but they can't cause a panic by telling of the other deaths. Understand now?


  3. Ouch. I am NO anti vaxxer, but I do know those who think they know better than all scientists and doctors. It frustrates me because my fun friends still think that Covid is nothing to be afraid of and vaccines are not going to be worth it.
    I think our new rule in the future for visits will be: No indoor company without vaccinations.
    Hubby gets his second shot next week.
    I hope things improve for you. But obviously your immune system is putting up a fight.

  4. Wow, I have never seen or heard of anyone getting that bad of a reaction on the first shot. Hope you feel better soon.

  5. Sounds like, among other things you are more than ready for spring. I hope the winner of the snow stick contest is someone who picked a day in March. Quite a few of my friends have had the second Covid shot. Some had reactions, some didn't but all of us are ready for herd immunity.

  6. Seven days after my first shot I got Moderna Covid Arm also. It lasted 3 days. Very itchy, swollen, sore and slightly painful. I put an icepack on it for relief. It got black and blue. Not looking forward to the 2nd dose which will be on March 15 but gladly taking it over the chance of getting Covid! We're so lucky, you and I, only a small amount of people get this.

  7. Doggone it, I wish you didn't have COVID arm! I was warned about it before I got my jab on Monday. I'm guessing you won't have a choice about which arm will receive your 2nd jab. I don't think they'll entertain the idea of adding insult to injury if your arm is still red & swollen by the time your appointment rolls around. And you still feel yucky too? I'll venture an educated guess then that it's a good-good thing you got the vaccine as you might have gotten very sick (or worse) if you had caught the virus itself.

    I don't understand why folks aren't getting the vaccine either. I read that 1/3 of the armed forces personnel are refusing it but it sounds like a showdown might be coming, with the government forcing the issue. We'll see. I was leary when the vaccine first came out. I wasn't about to be a guinea pig. But enough data has come out now and I believe it's safe. Whether it works on the variants that are in the world now or are to come, is anybody's guess.

    I hope you feel better, my friend. ~Andrea xoxo

  8. Hope your arm gets better, and soon. My arm reacts like that to stings, without the tiredness. Hopefully dose two is less problematic.

  9. Not good Connie, I hope it goes away soon! I'll be worried about you getting the second dose but like you said, better than being in the hospital on a vent or worse.

  10. I don't understand anti-vax sentiments either. We keep waiting here. My county of 20,000 people has only 1 vaccine day even scheduled this week so they must not be getting very many doses. Hope that arm gets back to normal soon.

  11. I sure hate that COVID arm for you. The last two times I have gotten flu shots, I got them in the hip. I did that because of swelling in my arm to the point the shoulder almost hurt to move it. I don't know if that is an option or not for COVID vaccine. My plan is to get the Johnson & Johnson which has just been approved. With my allergies - - and seeing some of the reactions my other "allergic" friends have had - - this seems to possibly be the safer one for me. We shall see. Our Sunday school teacher still has a rash - - - blisters like poison ivy - - popping up 3-4 weeks after his COVID shot. He is not allowed the second one! Then he was allergic to the steroid they gave him.
    I am sorry that you all are still having to do Telemed. We did that last summer and it was only to satisfy insurance requirements for a "visit" so you could get refills on prescriptions. A doctor really couldn't tell if you were having problems of any kind other than what we told him/her. We were finally able to go back to offices around September or October.
    However if you have any possibility of COVID or have respiratory symptoms, you cannot go in the office but instead go to the hospital ER for treatment. They are keeping all that in one place. Too bad they couldn't keep those sick with it at home! The stories I can tell you - - but won't - - - but there are reasons COVID has not left the area and why our county was one of the highest in the nation for a few weeks.
    Oh well - - it's life and some of us are still blessed to be able to live it. Also, our weather has been springlike so it seems more optimistic when we look out the window - - - and don't turn on the news on TV!

  12. Is that the diagnose for your arm... Covid Arm? or is that just what you came up with? Interesting! Karen

  13. Tomorrow we can register to get on a list for the vaccine! I hear the list from the first and second stages is still long, but it will make me so much happier to just be on the list! We have had three health care workers, 2 teachers and some neighbors vaccinated. The only side effect has been crazy drowsiness and sleepiness. Any aches were taken care of by Tylenol. My law enforcement officer son is getting impatient to even be on the list.

    I know too many people who have died, who have had to be on a ventilator, who had a mild cases but still have side effects and symptoms months later - one had her sense of taste come back only to have food taste and smell like dog food-. This vaccine was already in development for other similar viruses. Scientists and other smart people worked like crazy to get it through trials. I am so proud of how our health and science communities have worked to make this happen.

    I have never heard of Covid arm. I am so sorry it happened to you. I hope you feel better soon. I have that same problem of being the one with weird responses. When I had shingles, I was in horrendous pain for weeks. One night about 3 a.m. I was watching a commercial for one of my medications and the list of possible side effects went into my brain. I was taking that medication and had every one of them! It ended up that you had to gradually decrease the medication and by the end, a lot of the shingles pain and discomfort was related to my reaction to the medication.

  14. I never heard the term Covid Arm, but I definitely have it! I would have to call it Vaccine Arm, though, because I get that same reaction with several vaccines and always have. I think it's probably a sensitivity to something that the vaccine in suspended in. At least that's what my husband thinks. My arm used to swell up and turn red and hurt so bad I would cry when I got DTP shot as a child. The shingles vaccine did the same thing.

  15. Ohhh, I'm so sorry about your Covid arm. It's been like that for two weeks, geez that's a long time. I wonder if they will still give you the second shot? I sure hope it improves soon. we are leaving in about an hour to get our first shot. We're going to a large "vaccination event" as they call it. I guess we'll see how that works out! Take care of yourself Connie!

  16. I didn't even know that COVID arm was a thing! It looks sore and uncomfortable. I hope it goes away soon.

  17. I had the same reaction one week after my injection. Now, two weeks later is is starting to fade.

  18. Well that is bummer, like we need reminders of the whole covid journey. Hope it goes away soon!

  19. Hope your arm improves soon, it doesn't look very comfortable. Hugz xx

  20. I'm sorry about your arm Connie. I'm preparing mentally to have something similar happen when I get mine. When I got the "old" shingles injection my arm swelled from my elbow to shoulder, fire-engine red and hot. It just kept getting worse for about two weeks. Just as the doctor was thinking of admitting me, it went away on it's own. I had a small (quarter size) lump there for a couple of years.
    I still think the vaccine is better than getting Covid. I've know several who have been hospitalized for it and three that have died. I'll take my chances with the vaccine thank you.
    Our youth minister got me on an end of day list. If there are any vaccines left at the end of the day, I might be called. The only catch is it's almost to Idaho and I'm told you only have 20 minutes to get there. No way would I do that in rush hour traffic. It would be more like 45 minutes to an hour. But I'll try anyway!
    Feel better my friend and just rest.

  21. I hadn't heard of covid arm but apparently I had it, too, but it only lasted a few days. I had a band of red that looked like an arm band on the whole outside of my arm. Itched, too, and hurt to scratch! Got mine on the 19th--am still a bit draggier than normal, but otherwise feel fine. Can you imagine what it would have been like to get covid? I am thrilled to have the shot and plan to do the same thing as you after the second one--just go home and get in my jammies. I was "sick" for a week after the first shot, so I am expecting a vaccine vacation again. But more than happy to be getting vaccinated!

  22. I hope the Covid arm improves soon, it looks very sore and tender. Can they give you anything for it?

    As for the anti-vaxxers, including the one who commented vaccines similar to these have been tested for almost 20 years since the first SARS event. Yes, this is a novel virus but has commonalities. We're further ahead than when the polio virus vaccine was first administered and I suspect there were very few people who said no to that one.

    I'm hopeful I'll be able to get mine by late April, early May. And I sure hope I don't have a bad reaction like yours. Take care!

  23. I got my first Pfizer shot yesterday. Although my arm is sore, it's not really an issue. Leave it to you to get something like this, you who doesn't deserve to suffer another moment. I hope it goes away like immediately!

  24. That’s too bad that you got a reaction but as you said — better than getting “The Covid” as people say down here. I had to go to the doctor yesterday and the nurse came into my room with no mask. I got into a discussion with her over it and she said she also will not get the vaccine. She put her mask on when the doctor came into the room. I was so furious that she would expose me! Big signs all over, including on the entrance door, saying masks required and then the nurse doesn’t wear one! Hey, I think I’m still fuming! LOL.

    1. I would complain to the Doctor and to the Clinic Administrator! No excuse for not wearing a mask in a medical setting:(

  25. Sorry about your Covid arm. I hope it eventually goes away, and isn't too terribly sore or anything in the meantime.

  26. First time I have seen Covid Arm it would be annoying but I will risk that and other side effects then risk getting Covid 19. Tim isn't sure he wants to same goes for daughter No:1

  27. Well, that COVID arm looks like it hurts. That has been a long lasting reaction. I had no idea Covid arm lasted weeks.
    I don't understand anti-vaxers either. It sounds like willful ignorance to me.

  28. GOSH! That is a tad scary! I hope you heal quickly. Hugs

  29. Oh My! What an awful reaction for your poor arm. I hope it clears up quickly and that when you get the second shot this won't repeat itself.

  30. I won't let my wife read this as she would just go off the deep end. we get our first shots on Sat.

  31. Praying that you'll soon be feeling back to normal!

  32. Well I think I just caught up on about 3 weeks of your blogging. Lots of reading, you had some longer posts. I hope your arm gets sorted out and feels better soon. I wonder if you got a mild case of Covid? We won't get our vaccinations for a while yet, although our daughter, since she works in health care, got her first last week. That is good, as she is the only person we really see, although have just been meeting for a walk since Christmas. It's starting to feel a bit Spring like here, hope is is soon for you too. Cheers!

  33. Oh, no! Too bad you've had that reaction. Hope it doesn't get worse. I've only heard of one other person having a reaction to the shot (well, other than the usual sore arm). I am curious to see what they come up with for a list of official adverse reactions.

  34. Those no vac folks, don’t remember polio.

  35. Oh my that looks not so good. I wondered how you would react to that shot. It is said that they are entirely different kind of shot and not based on immunity therapy. We go for our second shot next Wednesday.

  36. Sorry about your arm! Ouch! I am glad to hear I wasn't the only one that was has lasted quite a while too. But I feel more energetic each day.


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