Sunday, March 1, 2020


I am feeling very tired since early Friday morning.  On Thursday I had my first Recombinant Zoster Vaccine  or Shingrix.  I have been on the waiting list for some time as the vaccine is in short supply.

I was awake for six hours on Friday and slept the day and night away.  I was awake for eight hours on Saturday.  In a few more days I will be back to normal. Extreme fatigue and nausea are the symptoms I experienced.  Far Guy says I am pretty boring when I am sleeping and had to check to make sure I was breathing a few times.

I hate being so sleepy...but I would hate getting Shingles even worse. 

This is a two part vaccine and in 2 -6 months I will get the second part. I will have to schedule it when I can sleep the weekend away!

Far Guy finished with his series of the vaccine back in December he suffered no side effects at all....although he said his arm hurt for a few days.

  I have managed to do a few loads of laundry between sleeps but everything else will have to wait.

Far Side


  1. My sister got that vaccine, and it made her sick both times, actually worse the second time, when she had fever and flu-like symptoms. I think it lasted two days. Hope you feel better. Rest; that is what winter is for!!

  2. I am so sorry to hear that you are under the weather. I've been up all night texting with Daughter who is convinced she has the Corona virus. She's been sick since she got off a plane last week from a trip to Ohio. Sigh.....this has been a rough year for illness all over. First her husband with the regular old flu that scared us to death-he's an ex Marine and is NEVER sick and now this. At least the Grands have been healthy. I hope you are feeling better soon.

  3. Praying you feel better, I have had shingles, not fun at all! But still haven't had the vaccine yet, I know that is not smart. For some reason men seem to not have side effects like us gals. I can take some meds and have oodles of side effects, doesn't affect my dh at all.
    Thank you for visiting and for your sweet comments.

  4. It's okay to let things wait, you need to come first! Take care, and feel better!

  5. I keep thinking I need to get the shot, but never seem to make an appointment. Two close friends have had shingles so I know better. Enjoy your sleep and feel better soon!

  6. I'm sorry you had such a rough time with the vaccine. I had shingles about 10 years ago and so had the old vaccine shot a few years back. I had a horrible reaction to it with my harm turning red and swelling up three times normal. Now I'm afraid to get the new shots but the shingles "aint' no fun" either.
    Take care and enjoy the restful weekend.

  7. That looks like a load of snow halfway up the windmill blade. :)
    I don't know how a shot can cause such different side effects in two different people especially since I would presume you are healthier than Far Guy.
    Do what you need to take care of you , if it is nothing, then do nothing, if it is sleep ...I could manage a nap right now.

  8. Well, since you are snowed in, it's a good time to hibernate.
    I finally got my second shot of that vaccine and with no side affects.

  9. I'm sorry it has affected you like this. You always do so much and work so hard. You should take some time to rest up and feel better.

  10. Uffdah. Rich had that and just had soreness where the shot was given. I am waiting on my shots, sure hope I don't get sick!

  11. I still need to get that vaccine. It is available but it's very expensive, so I keep putting it off. Sorry to hear you had such a strong reaction to it.

  12. I had my second shingles shot back in the fall. Like, Far Guy, I only had a sore arm. I'm sorry you had such a reaction. Hope you are feeling back to normal soon.

  13. I've thought about getting that because my mom had shingles and said it was really irritating and itchy...and lasted a long time. Makes me nervous because I have heard of people getting terribly side effects from the shots. Probably less of a pan than having shingles, though. Sleep all you want. You deserve the rest, regardless. ;)

  14. I had a really sore arm but don't think I was overly fatigued. I tend to sleep a lot in January anyway, so hard to say.

  15. Feeling tired and lethargic sucks, Tim had shingles 20 years ago but thankfully it wasn't too bad.

  16. I felt terrible after the first shot, hoping the next one is better. I've had the shingles though and definitely don't want to do that again!

  17. That is some snow load there. I still haven't had my shot...I know, I know...sigh!

  18. Get well - I am happy that I have had that series and hope it works. Love that windmill!

  19. Side effects to medication are a bummer. Shingles does go on for months.

  20. I just got my second dose of Shingrix. I put it off as long as I could because I had every side effect listed at the CDC website with the first dose. Second dose was just as bad. But like the CDC says, getting shingles is worse than the side effects (somebody at the CDC has a sense of humor). I did go to the VAERS website to report my side effects.

  21. Wow! You sure had some reaction to that shot. I hope you're back to normal soon.

  22. So sorry to hear that the vaccine is affecting you like that. Hope you feel more like yourself soon. Blessings sent up for you and far guy. Take care.

  23. Oh dear, I hate hearing all the side effects to the new shingles shot! I, too, had the shingles a few years ago and it was the worst experience. I have sciatica and the shingles followed the nerve from my hip to my heel. I did get the vaccine that year as soon as they said I could. I had to pay almost $300 out of pocket, but was reimbursed by my insurance company. The next year the new vaccine came out. Well, my new insurance does not cover "well care" so no reimbursement for this one. I am trying to delay it until I hit 65 so that medicare will pick up the cost.

  24. Sounds like you had the worst of the side effects, but you are right: still "better" than getting the shingles. Hope you spring back into action soon!

  25. Shingles is no fun. Not an experience I would want to repeat.

  26. Hope you're back to your old self soon. In the meantime, if you need to sleep, sleep.

  27. Oh my word! You and shots do not get along. You poor thing,,,what an awful reaction. I got the shingles vaccine several years back and don't remember having any reaction nor did I think it was 2 shots? I can't remember a darn thing anymore except for things I wish I could forget! I hope you feel better soon!

  28. Our daughter-in-law has shingles. She is in her middle 40's. Our son is taking care of the daughter as she is the only one that has not had the shots. The boys are protected. I remember them advertising to get shots for shingles, They sure didn't mention any side effects. I am glad you are better.

  29. I know I wrote a long reply here but I don't see it....sorry. I have bo idea unless I forgot to "publish" it. So sorry you
    re having that reaction though.

  30. I had the first shingrix, just a sore arm. Second shot, I woke up during the night with chills, fever, body aches! Lasted until the next day. I have to say though, I would still recommend it, since I have seen how people suffer with shingles in the hospital! And, yes, my husband had no problem with either shot - no fair...

  31. I had shingles in my 50's. Caught it early, went to the Dr's office to confirm and get a prescription for the anti-viral Valtrex (valacyclovir). It helps shorten the duration. There are some other antivirals for shingles also.

    I was 'too young' at that time for the CDC recommended single shot. Mine was brought on by stress. It knocked me down so much I had the flu twice that year (I get flu shots, but they often don't cover the bug or don't take).

    When Shingrix was available, my health care provider (same as treated me before) wrote the prescription and I went to the local Walgreens (since the clinic did not stock that vaccine).

    Shot#1, felt like a nail in the arm. Did not notice a any other side effects.
    I also got the flu vaccine at the same time, since it was early fall.

    Shot #2 was delayed because the vaccine was not available. Got #2 about 6 months later.
    Felt like a nail in the arm, and a few days later I started slowing down, not feeling so well. My brain was not putting 2 and 2 together for a while, but it was apparently an immune response to vaccine #2. It felt like what many people complain about with the flue ... tired ,achey and just overall not feeling good. Probably took more than week to 10 days to feel marginally better.

    Everyone is going to have a different response since we all have different immune systems.

    This past fall I had a lot of stress, illness and death in the immediate family. It really took it out of me. I had shingles in the back of my mind, but I did not have a 2nd episode for which I am truly thankful.

    Like Marie above, if you can tolerate vaccination, I would recommend it as Shingles can be a very problematic illness that can cause permanent nerve damage / pain especially if you break out on your head. Your hearing/vision can be permanently impacted.

    I was lucky. My breakout was on my trunk/back and was limited because the anti-viral was effective for me. I don't want to repeat it.

    M in NC

  32. My husband got his first shot for shingles and only had a sore arm too. I'm glad you were able to sleep. And hope you are feeling better now!


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