Friday, March 6, 2020

The Snow Curl

We knew it would have to come down some day.

March 5 morning

Its last morning with icicles underneath.

The curl finally came down stabbing itself into the snowbank.

Making a snow wall outside.

And a snow wall outside the Living Room window.  We won't be able to see out that window for awhile.

There is still snow up on the roof so more will be coming down.
Not sure if it was the wind or the tiny bit of sunshine that finally did it in.

We had a ground blizzard and the roads were crappy yesterday morning.

Far Side


  1. I am still in awe of all your snow. You must be pretty tired of it by now but for those of us who had to do without this year it's been fun to watch.

  2. I am just glad that when that snow curl comes down no one is underneath it. That is so awesome looking. Have a great weekend.

  3. Pretty cool snow! We have no snow left here at all, though it's starting to snow now.

  4. That's amazing! Especially since it blocks your view now. I wish winter were still here as now comes my "double-duty" work for a long time now.

  5. Glad to know everyone is safe and the curl is no longer a threat to anybody. :-)

  6. I imagine it would make quite a noise as it comes off the roof? You certainly wouldn't want to be standing beneath it!

  7. We often got a similar snow curl - and then wall - at our previous house. The living room windows looked to the south and the curl would be right above those windows. A couple of times my husband went up on that roof to push it off so it didn't bend the rain gutter.

    I notice you have a "spam" type of comment above. I've had several of this type again lately but have been able to delete.

  8. Thanks for the step by step photos of the snow curl. We don't get enough snow to see something like it.

  9. You have so much snow! It always seems strange to me that places south of Canada can have more winter weather than we do.

  10. The textures of all the parts made it look kind of spooky. I am glad it is down and I hope more heat will come your way. The sun should help warm the metal sooner or later.

  11. Very neat snow curl and now wall. We seem to have been luck with a relatively mild winter. We have rain/snow predicted for tonight and tomorrow but it's not supposed to accumulate. I like your view though and it's nice to be inside looking out. :-)

  12. I believe we're just 2 weeks until the Equinox and you are still very much buried in snow. A LOT of SNOW. Keep safe and warm.

  13. We've had the wind advisories here, too. That really did block most of your window and will for a while. But we're supposed to maybe hit 40 tomorrow here so maybe not as long as it could take. ;)

  14. Big snow coming here this evening. I'll do my best to try to not send it your way.

  15. Well, that window blocking feature wasn't nice.
    It got cold again here, with lots of snow in the mountains. Watch out if this front reaches you.

  16. I know EXACTLY what you're dealing with. Same at our last place. Steel roof?

  17. Wow ...that big snow curl finally slid down huh? And now it's in front of your window. The temps are warming for a bit...maybe it will melt some! I love all the pretty blue things by your window! I'm looking forward to the warmer temps starting tomorrow. We had nasty weather yesterday too! Come on Spring....let's work hard at this! Take care you 2!

  18. I have always loved Magazines and my husband has a fit because I don't get rid of them! Sharon


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