Saturday, March 28, 2020

Biscuits and Yarn

The grocery store was out of several items that were on our list.  Carrots... who knew there was a rush on carrots....maybe people have more time to peel their own now.  English Muffins that Far Guy likes to make egg and ham breakfast sandwiches and Pillsbury Biscuits that I wanted to use when I resurrected some Thanksgiving Turkey out of the deep freeze... for Turkey and Gravy over biscuits.

I spring cleaned one of the kitchen cupboards.  I filled the flour containers...I use a mix of white flour and wheat for bread.  I wanted to make sure I had enough if it comes down to me making bread.  I had a bag of self rising I decided to see if I could make biscuits.

I could and they are really good!  They are a bit tall and rustic looking!  Far Guy said they were really good too...I handed him the recipe card and said "You can do it! " 2 cups self rising flour, cut in 1/4 cup butter then add 3/4 cup milk stir well and then knead make biscuits bake 12 minutes 400 degrees on a greased cookie sheet.

My new yarn arrived earlier this week....I have four shawls in the works will be frogged as I am not happy with is being blocked and two others are in is one. 

You will see more of this yarn as I had to order five skeins.  It is called Restful Rainbow.  This is another Crochet Along called Keep Calm and Crochet On hosted by a gal on a facebook crochet group.

Far Guy did most of his walking outside yesterday.  I started  to watch a show called Tiger King on Netflix.  (I have to keep closing my eyes during the sssnake parts and one time I forgot to open them back up and fell asleep.) This week I watched Valentine's Day and give it a 9 out of 10 stars....a fun movie.
Far Side


  1. I have a friend who is making shawls too and knitting is her way of comforting herself in these times. Love the yarn! Thank goodness you guys are staying well.
    I took a very long walk yesterday!

  2. I didn't get many things on my delivery either so now I am trying to figure out how to make meals with the odd things I have. I did try to make biscuits since I couldn't get bread flour but they didn't rise. I think my baking soda has fizzled. It hasn't expired but it sure didn't do its job. I guess I'll be making soda bread from now on. Araignee

    1. Baking powder is the key ingredient, not baking soda.

  3. Seems like everybody you make turns out great. Well, maybe except for that one shawl that you're frogging. :-)

  4. You aren't alone in the "not finding it on the shelves" department. I think we all are finding new ways to make meals with what is already in our cabinets. Love the yarn colors.

  5. My mom taught me how to bake as a young girl, and I have enjoyed it ever since. Biscuits and gravy is a decidedly American thing, for us it was biscuits and butter with honey or jam... mmm! And always served hot.

  6. Flour and eggs are impossible to find on store shelves in this area. The baking aisle is as bare as the toilet paper aisle. My Mom made the best baking powder biscuits; mine are basically hockey pucks.

  7. I made bread this week...turned out great, I will make again. Might make your biscuits too, though I don't have any self rising flour at the moment. Love your yarn...where do you order from? I have scoped out another shawl to knit...but one question I have...if I order yarn from online, do they wind it into a ball or does it come the way it's sold? I enjoy the yarn shop making it easier to work by balling it up...I'm sure there's a technical term for rewinding it from the skein into something more manageable.

    1. Make self rising flour....1 cup flour
      1 1/2 tsp.baking powder
      1/4 tsp. salt
      Mix all together thoroughly.

    2. Yarn comes the way it is sold. If it is in a hank put it around something back of a chair or a open drawer to roll into a ball or else you will have a mess. I ordered from The Lion Brand Company:)

  8. Homemade biscuits are the best! I frogged an entire baby blanket last night, finished except the border. The bottom had gotten slightly wider than the top, which I blame on the tension of Covid-19! When I started it I was relaxed and as the days have gone by I crocheted tighter and tighter without even realizing it! Bah! I just love your new yarn and can’t wait to see it crocheted up.

  9. Your biscuits look delicous. I haven't even tried to make a store run but I keep hearing from friends that a lot of things aren't available.
    I love all of your shawls and that yarn is very pretty.

  10. Staying awake while watching TV is getting more and more difficult lately. LOL I've been watching Downton Abbey on Amazon Prime.

    Can't wait to see how those shawls turn out with such pretty yarn.

  11. Love the color of the yarn! The biscuits look so good. I've made homemade ones for years and for some reason I can't get them to rise even with a new can of baking powder. I'll have to try the self rising flour.

    I've heard lots about the Tiger King but I didn't know what it was about. Snakes...I don't think so, yikes!

    Take care and stay well!

  12. I've heard that the baking aisles were pretty empty. I bet a lot of people are learning how to bake from scratch these days or going back to doing it. Looks like a success at your place! :) Oh, and pretty yarn, too.

  13. I love the rustic looking biscuits in my mind they taste better! On our last trip our store had no toliet paper (of course), no dried beans, rice, few eggs and limited on other items. I hope we have enough to last awhile. I have some bread and english muffins in the freezer but we will run out of milk. I love the colors of that yarn!

  14. I love your new yarn. I will be excited to see the garment when done. We are farming here...lots of outside. Which I love!

  15. Rustic biscuits taste just as good as perfect ones!!
    I must watch Valentine's Day. Thanks for mentioning it here.

  16. I think carrots are in demand because people are doing slow cooking, like stews and pot roasts and soups. I'll be doing a pot roast with carrots and potatoes tomorrow.
    I have never purchased self rising flour. I didn't even know what it was so thanks for the recipe. I just always use regular flour and baking powder. I do use Bisquick for biscuits though. Cutting in the butter is tedious.

  17. Looking at your delicious biscuits is making me hungry. I love the yarn you bought too. Can't wait to see your newest projects bloom! Ooh I couldn't watch a movie about snakes or even including a snake or two. Yuck. Don't think I would do well living down South. Nice to get out and take a little walk...although we have rain today and tomorrow too, I guess. Hope you two are doing fine! Take care.

  18. Your biscuits sound very much like what we call scones. I have never tried them with gravy - we usually butter them and use a sweet spread like jam or honey. If you can get Far Guy making them, you won't need to buy them anymore! Mxx

  19. We've been on a biscuit baking binge in our house lately. Himself calls them scones. I put a shot of vanilla in mine. Takes the flavor up a notch or two.

  20. Rustic looks good and always seems to taste better. Actually, Karen's idea of adding vanilla sounds interesting, too!

    We had the same thing with empty shelves here, when we first entered the "shelter in place" phase a couple weeks ago, but now things seem to have righted themselves a bit. Essentials like toilet paper are limited to 2 per purchase to help slow down the hoarding panic. We've taken to making soups lately--anything that might taste good together goes in the pot. We are getting creative...

  21. Oh what pretty yarn... and those biscuits are equally as pretty, Connie. I'm all for eggs... any day, any time, any meal. I can just taste a nice egg and a piece of ham on one of them! Yumm!! Love, Andrea xoxo

  22. That issue with not finding things on the shelves that are usually easily found is over here too. Some of the things people have been hording make sense, others don't so much. Hopefully people will stop panicking and hording things, and we can get back to normal soon. In the meantime, at least we get to find new ways to be creative in the kitchen, which can be fun sometimes, and often results in a tasty new favourite recipe.

    Glad you're making progress on more projects, and enjoyed the movie you didn't fall asleep during.

  23. I too like egg sandwiches using english muffins toasted. I should get some Canadian bacon as those little rounds would fit perfectly on an English muffin. I didn't get any but thought I might try a recipe for English muffin bread I saw. Carrots? Who knew? I wrote down your biscuit recipe as a biscuit egg sandwich sounds good too. I couldn't get bacon. I ordered on a Thursday with pickup on Friday and I think they restock on Sunday and Monday so maybe I would have better luck if I ordered then? Bacon was all I couldn't get. I didn't try tp as I had some. I've always stockpiled since when I was on the farm it was 10 miles to town so you learn to have 'backups'.
    Your yarn is gorgeous! I just found out that Knit Picks is closed! I need to find yarn somewhere! LOL!


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