Monday, March 16, 2020

Happy St Urho's Day!

St Urho's Day is a well known day of celebration in Finnish communities in Minnesota. 
Parades and Outhouse Races and Bar Stool shenanigans were held over the weekend. 

We usually go to the parade held in Menahga.  This year we decided that the risk was too great to attend.  Darn Corona Virus anyways. 

St Urho chased the grasshoppers out of Finland and saved the wine crop.

Far Side


  1. Very neat celebration! Staying home is the smart idea. I actually happened the official Finland site over a month ago while looking for advice on preparing for the virus. Great worksheets on supply recommendations. I went weeks before crowds formed here. The Finnish are ahead of the game!

  2. Smart move. Miss Merry, ... thanks for that tip!

  3. Happy St. Urho's Day to you. Sorry you are missing all the fun, but better to stay home and not get sick. All my friends are avoiding crowds this year also. Better safe than sorry .

  4. Isn't that fun! I have never heard of it. I am sorry you missed it. We are all missing so much. This is just crazy. I keep thinking I am going to wake up and this has all been a bad dream,

  5. I only know about this holiday from you. To me, it seems like it belongs to you. Happy St. Urho's Day! :-)

  6. Happy St. Urho's Day! I've never heard of it, but it sounds like fun. Too darn bad this virus is creating havoc in our world.

  7. I know very little about Finland and Finnish customs, so thanks for sharing.

  8. Happy St. Urho's Day to you and Far Guy! If it wasn't for you I would not know about this special holiday and I have since enjoyed hearing about it over the years!

    Sorry you missed it but that was a wise decision. Here Kansas City has a big St. Patrick's Day parade each year but like everything else, it has been canceled. We can all still celebrate at home and maybe when these days are past we will appreciate such celebrations even more.

  9. All the fun is being sucked out of the world, isn't it? We did celebrate our granddaughter's 8th birthday yesterday. But it was just family at home as the original venue is now closed, and mom decided to un-invite the kids from her class as a precaution.

  10. Replies
    1. Legend has it that he chased the grasshoppers out of Finland that were eating the grapes :)

  11. All of our spring "fun" events have been cancelled. We look forward to the maple festivals and pancake breakfasts, but alas they are all cancelled. We are so disappointed!

  12. How fun but I think you were wise to stay home. Life has changed as we know it for awhile anyway. The whole world has changed.

  13. Oh, I do love your St. Urho's Day posts! Happy day to you, safe and snug at home.

  14. Sorry you couldn't get out and join in the St Urho's day fun. I think we'll all be frustrated before this virus dies out. At least we can go and putter outside. Finally we're enjoying nicer weather.

  15. St Urho chased the grasshoppers out and saved the wine crop but I doubt he can do much about Coronavirus. Sorry you had to miss the fun.

  16. Happy St. Urho's day to you both. Sorry you didn't get to attend the parade this year, but hopefully when next year rolls around all will be well! Stay well you 2.

  17. Happy St Urho's day to you. Lots of Finnish people live here.

  18. St Urho's Day?????????????
    Never heard of it or have I..........

  19. Very wise to stay home. I always enjoy hearing about the grasshopper chaser.


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