Wednesday, March 4, 2020


We had snow yesterday, not much but it sure came down.

There is still 17 inches of snow at the snowstick so I am not wading out there to get that branch.  The snow has quite a crust but I would certainly fall through...

Our snow curl has icicles.

We are done at the Dentist for another six months..."Look Ma No Cavities!"

 We did a few things before the appointments...housework stuff and I managed to pack up two more containers for the big sort.

Today is a day off for appointments! 

Far Side


  1. That snow is just crazy! It's hard to believe we live on the same planet today. It's been in the 60's here which feels so weird. We won't be enjoying it for long if those mosquitoes wake up early though.

  2. Congratulations on your "No Cavities" visit to the dentist. Monday I go in for a new crown. Not looking forward to it.

  3. Glad you are having a day off from appointments.

  4. Wow! Look at that snow curl with icicles! We didn't get any snow when you got your last snowfall. I would be okay if we were done for the season. We'll see. Happy Wednesday.

  5. You don't have many off days, so I know you will enjoy it and find something to do anyway. :-)

  6. Enjoy your "day off" and good job on the sorting! I have never seen a snow curl like that one! Amazing!

  7. Icicles on the snow curls? How interesting and pretty.

  8. Glad you are having a day off! I love a day when I don't have to go anywhere.

  9. That snow curl is really interesting.

  10. That snow curl looks like a claw! I've never seen one like that and we have lots of weird snow shapes on the roofs in the mountains. :-) Good for you on the dentist visit and enjoy your day off. You both deserve it.

  11. We've been getting the "little snows" lately. Just enough to have to shovel.

  12. It's funny how we look forward to going out when we've been cooped up for awhile. And then we look forward to NOT going anywhere when we've been running around every day with errands/appointments. Enjoy your quiet day at home!!

  13. Enjoy your day off! The snow is just about gone from here though we do have snow showers in the forecast.

  14. Thanks for showing a picture of the snow curl. I don't think I've ever seen one. Isn't it a great feeling when you have a good dental checkup and don't have to go back for 6 months! Enjoy your day off!

  15. I am actually intrigued by the snow curl and icicles! I have never seen that before!
    Enjoy your appointment free day! :)

  16. Our roof load slid off in the middle of the night. It blocked out front door with about two feet of hard pack! It was a real devil to dig out.

  17. A little snow huh? It sounds like we're going to get some of that white stuff tomorrow but oh the temps look rosy for Sat. and Sunday! Can't wait. The snow is melting off the driveway finally...and it's melting around the base of the trees out front...the ice on the lake is even looking a little iffy in some spots now...just saw snowmobilers zoom across about two days ago....hope they stop that pretty soon! No appointments today? Good for you. I didn't either...but have to go to the dentist tomorrow for a "not fun" appointment. Stay well you two....hey, we can Spring ahead this weekend! Then it'll be light til 7 PM.

  18. I hope you enjoyed your day off!! You deserved it.

  19. Glad the dentist appointments went well. Wish I had 17 inches of snow. Actually, even two or three would be nice...

  20. I changed my dental visits to 12 months now. Our dentist office is in really bad shape financially as few people have insurance anymore.


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