Saturday, March 21, 2020

Mud and other stuff

The driveway is almost free of snow...Spring brings with it mud season...sometimes frozen sometimes soft and greasy.

We have mud until the frost goes out of the ground.

Here is our patio... perfect for social distancing. No one is allowed in the house. 

We had a quiet day yesterday...a walk to the mailbox, I sat outside in the sunshine watching the birds, cleaned the bathroom, did some laundry and crocheted a bit.  Far Guy made his famous dip (Italian Sausage, Chili with no beans, Cream Cheese, Peppers and Velveeta)  I made a Pulled Pork Quesadilla for supper.

We got a message from the church.  Only ten parishioners are allowed at a service and you must sign up to attend.  Church will be live streamed on their facebook page or website.

Yesterday I was thankful for fresh air and sunshine! 

Far Side


  1. I did the same thing when I had people come by. They can't come in but they are welcome to sit outside. We yell back and forth from a safe distance. If this wasn't so scary it would be hilarious.

  2. I never have visitors so I don't have to worry but that's a good idea! Do you think Far Guy would share the recipe for that dip? It sounds delicious! What do you use to dip in it? I think it's wonderful how everyone is adapting to "the new reality". At least it's Spring time where people can get outside and soak up some "rays". Have a good Saturday and I hope the sun shines on you both!

    1. Perfect for Tortilla chips We like Tostitos Original chips Brown one pound Italian sausage, add one can chili no beans, one package Philly Cream Cheese, one pound plus velveeta cheese and jalapeno peppers chopped or whole to your taste.

  3. How different our lives are. Before we chose when to be on our own or...isolated. Now it is a must.

  4. I am trying to find my own "new normal" but I'm not there yet. It's nice out when the sun is shining, and it raises my spirits to walk. Stay safe, dear friend.

  5. I think spring sunshine will do a lot to ease the situation for a lot of people who aren't used to being alone. But for some it will make them fret because they wanna be out doing stuff!
    We don't get in house visitors, usually just Ted goes to the neighbour's shop to work on stuff for other people and one fellow who comes to visit my horses so life is pretty normal for us.
    All our Masses are canceled until the end of the month but I do like that sign up idea. Our Sunday Mass has about 120 people on average so not sure how that would work though.

  6. We are being encouraged to live-stream weddings and funerals as well. Your mud sounds horrid, but I guess if it means summer is coming then it is easier to deal with. Your patio set-up is a great idea. We seldom have visitors but we could easily do this if needed. Stay safe, the both of you. Mxx

  7. My church has changed services too - everyone is now being asked to bring their own hymnal (we don’t have the big fancy screens where the service is projected). Services have been added to accommodate for social distancing. I do like the sign up idea your church is using.

  8. It's a new normal for everyone now. We have only had a couple of visitors since it all began and they stayed in their cars while we talked from the porch. And the news gets worse every day.
    Your dinner sounds lovely and I've been so grateful for sunshine this week too. Next week? More snow and rain.

  9. My Church has gone totally online for now. on Wednesday March 18 we only had five people there and Pastor called it quits - online from now on.

  10. Glad you were able to get out in the sunshine and fresh air for a while.

  11. I told my husband about Far Guy's dip and now he wants some! It does sound good and easy to make. Our church is closed but will have services online.

    My youngest son is coming out to celebrate his birthday today. He is single and lives alone and has worked from home the past week and will continue to work from home for the next month. It will just be the three of us and I want him to have some kind of birthday. It is terrible when you have to question whether or not you see your own family.

  12. The patio looks like a great place for a visit with the sun shining brightly. My sun room is open today, the cats are out there now and I plan to join them shortly.

    Take care and stay well!

  13. What a clever idea for church services! Although I'd look pretty funny coming with my latex gloves and a face mask--ROFL!

    It does seem like warm weather might be here earlier than we expect. Possibly, anyways. That would help with mud season. ;)

  14. Oh it will be a while before I experience the pleasures of the frost coming out of the ground.

  15. Our church is closed and having services online.

  16. At least we don't have any mud nearby.

  17. Looks like your patio is all for all the snow to finally melt. We still have a ton of snow everywhere we look...but starting tomorrow our temps are going to warm up so there is hope for the future. Last year in mid-April the loons returned to the lakes we'll see what happens this Spring. I'm sitting here eating Russell Stover's Iddy Biddy chocolate bunnies and enjoying your blog. We have to watch our church online too. Let's keep praying for a rapid end to this virus. And you 2 please stay well!

  18. Yes! Let that sunshine work its wonders. Not just the vitamin D or the suntan, but uplifting all our spirits when we need it so much. Glad the sunshine finally made it your way, Far Side!

  19. Even with the mud, the woods are pretty there. We had some sun and warmth yesterday. Today a cold front and a little rain. Oh, I just looked back at the pictures of Hey Mikey and Cee Cee. They are both adorable. Hope everything gets back to normal soon...with this virus scare.

  20. Mud or snow, take your pick around our place too. We went bird watching today without much luck, but it was good to get out and about. We saw a family with two teens picking trash in the ditches. My kids would have been driving me right 'round the bend about now.

  21. Fresh air and sunshine have been most helpful to me as well. We will miss it when we head into the week ahead, where rain and chilly temps are predicted.
    I feel the same way about no one coming into my house, not even my family right now. We had an outside wok visit with daughter and grands today, gardening in their yard.

  22. Sound sso tasty. Looks like you guys still have a ton of snow! In Alaska. Spring was called "break up" because everything melted within a week, flooding roads with mud and slush. and then... Heaven! 65 degrees and sunny! Everything dried up and was pleasant... My perfect weather.


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