Friday, April 19, 2019


Far Guy is having a real hard time breathing.  He is very short of breath and wheezing.  I insisted he go to Urgent Care after his weekly infusion... luckily he got to see his own Doctor...not a specialist  just his primary care doctor.

He began another round of steroids. The Doctor is not sure if he is getting a bacterial infection, a virus or has allergies.  He had a Kenalog Injection last Monday and it helped for a few days.   Thursday morning he woke up short of breath and it continued to get worse throughout the morning.

His Port is no longer safe to use for his weekly infusions.  It leaks and possibly has a appointment is being made at a far away hospital for a new port.

If it isn't one thing it is another.  It might be a bit rocky until the steroids kick in.
Far Side


  1. I am sorry to hear this. I hope those steroids kick in fast. This is the last thing you two need. You are both in my prayers.

  2. Keeping you, Gene, and your family in my prayers.

  3. I am hoping for the best and for a resolution soon so that you know what you are dealing with. Also for both of you to get a break!

  4. So sorry to hear this. I will say an extra prayer for him. He is in my daily prayers. Hope you have a Happy Easter and that he gets better soon.

  5. Sorry for your troubles. Hope he gets feeling better very soon.

  6. So sorry to read this. Praying for Gene, hoping things will improve very Soon.

  7. Sorry to hear that. Hope things improve for him soon. Glad he got to see his own doctor at least.

  8. Prayers for healing. So sorry the Far Guy is having these issues.

  9. I hope the shots help him. Will send up prayers for both of you, and I hope he feels better soon.

  10. Will keep him in y prayers. Hope the shots help him.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope the medicine helps and he's feeling better soon.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear this, Connie. I will keep your husband (and you!) in my prayers. My youngest daughter told me about an article she read online a few days ago that stated there are more people having allergy issues this spring than at any other time in our history. The reason she told me was.... I am having allergy issues for the first time in my life, believe it or not. I have never before had any type of sinus issues with spring but boy, I sure am having it this year. My lungs are tight, my sinuses feel "full" and are draining, I have headaches, it's crazy!! So I'm wondering if this has triggered Far Guy's problems too. Only time will tell. Take good care. Love, Andrea xoxo

  13. Keeping both of you in my prayers!!! Hugs Dear Friend

  14. I hope thinks work out for Far Guy.

  15. Oh, I'm so sorry. Sure hope Far Guy gets better soon. Hope the steroids work fast. Will be thinking about you, and hope you have a good Easter.

  16. Oh no! I hope the steroids help until he can get a new port set up. I know being in my thoughts and prayers may sound trite, but it's true. Much love! :)

  17. I am so very sorry to hear this. Far Guy has definitely had more than his fair share of health "stuff'. I will be keeping you both in my prayers. I know how hard this is on you too. Worrying takes it's own toll. Much love to both of you.

  18. Oh, Connie, that is troublesome news. I hope FG gets the help he needs soon to restore his breathing and comfort, and your peace of mind.

  19. Oh no.. not good. I hope he gets the help he needs and recovers from this.

  20. Oh! I sure hope that Far Guy gets exactly what he needs. How stressful for you both.

  21. I am so sorry to read this...I will be praying. It is hard to see the ones we love suffer.

  22. I'm so sorry to read that Nice Guy is having a hard time. And a far away hospital sounds like extra or both of you. Sending you both good wishes.

  23. Oh no! I sure hope things get better real fast. I will be praying for healing! God is able! Sharon

  24. Hope Far Guy is feeling better.

  25. diane in northern wisApril 19, 2019 at 7:45 PM

    Praying for Far Guy, that his breathing and everything will get better very soon. Praying for you too, Connie, through all these many difficulties.

  26. The spring weather is going to keep things flying in the air. I hope it warms up for you up there and he can get away from that cold dry air.

  27. I am sorry to read this and will be praying for you both. xo

  28. I got a day behind reading blogs and I’m so sorry to see this happened. I imagine the far away hospital is in the Cities. No fun. Sending you both a big hug.

  29. Oh, no! I hope the meds kick in soon, the infection stays far away...but most importantly, that you get good medical care and fast attention to take care of that port. You'll be in my prayers for sure!

  30. Oh, I am so sorry to hear that you are having all these issues with Far Guy's health.....not fun for him or you. To not be able to get a good breath is the worst I could imagine. I will pray for him to heal and be able to breathe freely and for his port to get 'fixed'.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie