Monday, April 1, 2019

Goodbye March

It had to snow one more time in March.  The ground was all white for awhile and then most of the new stuff melted.

We walked to the mailbox even if it was Sunday.  Along the way a Chippy greeted us. 

At one point he ran right toward us and went across the road.  I am certain he went to find all his friends and alert them to the bird seed in our yard.
We had a quiet day yesterday.  Far Guy did a batch of Popcorn Shrimp in the Air Fryer.  I like shrimp but only fresh not I had a freezer meal...hotdish  the one with tator tots, mixed veggies and hamburger.
Only three Doctor appointments this week....practically a week off.   Far Guy told one of our Grands that we have no social life except for the medical people we see every week.
Far Side


  1. April already! What a darling little chipmunk.
    Have a great week! :)

  2. Ugh, I understand about going to doctor appointments. But it looks like you had a pretty nice day. It was sunny but windy and chilly here.

  3. Awwww, we had snow too, most of it is still here as it never got warm. But the pretty stuff up in the trees has fallen, so now not so pretty. I hope your 3 appointments go well and that next week you'll have none!

  4. We lucked out and it only rained here. Tis sad when your social life is doctor appointments. Sure praying for you both to get well soon.

  5. Isn't it the truth...that the doctors and nurses get to feel about like family when you see them so much.

  6. Sounds like a nice day. I know you're sick of it, but I'm jealous of all your snow.

  7. I am just glad you have such good doctors and other health care workers to keep the two of you going. You sure do have a lot of appointments. We've had a good long run of sunshine and now the rain returns. I don't mind too much. My raincoat needs to get some use! :-)

  8. The winter has been a long slog for you and Far Guy. Hopefully, the remaining snow melts quickly.

  9. Sorry, we have you beat - between the two of us we have five appointments for April. I have thought about just canceling all of mine but decided against it. Hope yours all go well!!

  10. TODAY IS APRIL 1 YAY! We are on are way, you and I to SPRING real SPRING!

  11. Oh how I detest doctors' appointments. Even approaching the parking lot of their office is enough to make me crabby! How do you like that air fryer, Connie? I've contemplated getting one as I love fried foods. Does it taste the same? Love, Andrea xoxo

    1. French fries taste great we have a french fry cutter and just add about a half of a teaspoon of Olive oil...I was not impressed with the shrimp they were breaded and frozen:(

  12. I share today about the chippy that is living on my back deck area. That is a first for me in Iowa ever. The birdseed is drawing him in as not one person all around me feeds the birds. I hope that you snow goes completely away very soon. We still have dirty piles of it in shopping centers only.

  13. We walk to the mailbox every day because Chloe doesn’t understand the concept of Sundays! She loves her walk to the mailbox. She knows every bush and every tree that she wants to explore along the way.
    Isn’t that the truth about doctors? But hey ho! I only have two appointments this week. Hoping for good results at all of your appointments my friend.
    Blessings, Betsy

  14. Having our social life shrivel up and disappear has been one of the things I've struggled with the most in the past couple of years. My husband has become a hermit since he began to work from home 6 years ago - except for golfing season. Then he has guys he plays with regularly. But they are guys we don't socialize with outside of golf. Luckily I have some card playing friends and quilting friends that I can socialize with.

  15. Well, it's not any fun to have that many medical appointments.

  16. Hooray for April! We're getting rain today so ought to lose the remaining bit of snow that's hanging around. Of course we didn't get the volume you did!

    My social calendar is starting to get a little busier. This week I have the hot water heater company coming to do the annual service, I have lunch planned with a former co-worker on Thursday and breakfast on Friday with fellow retirees.

    Have a great week!

  17. Hoping April will be kind to you in many ways.

  18. The mail just delivered a delightful sparkly object! Thanks you! The B. D. was the 28th - the big 88.

  19. Sorry to read that you have doctor appointments. Not that much fun. I'm nursing a dislocated rib. Not an April Fool joke either. Such wonderful photos of the chippy! Fun to see. We had a snowfall yesterday that didn't amount to much except an accidental bad word from me. Well... maybe not so accidental. Happy April!

  20. I don't like prawns or sea food at all

  21. I am very interested in your air fryer. You seem quite happy with it. Does it matter what brand one buys?

    1. I don't think it makes a difference, we bought one with a basket versus shelves....ours is a Secura and it does what we want it to:)

  22. Maybe you can have a little fun while making your "social rounds" this week!

  23. Cute little chipmunk. We are the same way - our lives revolve around dr. appts.

  24. Cute little guy. And encouraging that he is out and about and thinks spring is coming on.

  25. Wonderful shots of the squirrel!


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