Monday, April 15, 2019

Yard happenings

There is still plenty of snow...we don't have a shortage.

Three plus inches at the snowstick on Sunday afternoon.
We sat outside for a little while.  The wind was chilly...coming off the snow...but the sun felt good.

Our first Common Redpoll showed up....they like thistle seed just like the little Pine Siskins.

We had a quiet day yesterday at home, we went for a short walk...walking is tough in all the slush.
Far Side


  1. We had the white stuff here also; about 3 inches worth. Saw my first Northern Flicker yesterday. The Robins were going nits again with all the snow.

  2. Glad the snow is gradually disappearing again. We had about five minutes of rain, wind, and pea-size hail here. Further north in our area, the weather station confirmed 2 tornadoes. Can't remember the official rating system but they were "zeros" in force. Strong enough to tear down a few buildings. No one was hurt.

  3. I visited my friend down the way yesterday. While we chatted, I saw a flicker, yellow-bellied sapsucker, bushtits, and a hummingbird come to her feeders. We are in full-on spring around here, quite different from your area. :-)

  4. I haven't seen or heard any "new" birds in recent days - hopefully, soon.

  5. The birds have been busy at our feeders since the big snow. But I haven't heard any cardinals since the snow. Before we got 17" of snow we were hearing them. Hoping that by tomorrow we might see a few little spots of lawn again, but we have a LOT of snow to melt yet.

  6. We had snow yesterday and I swear I almost puked! Today starts out at 37 degrees but is supposed to "warm up" to the 40s... with the 50s tomorrow... and the 60s on Wednesday. This spring sure is starting out chilly. It means one of two things: an extra ordinary chilly summer or a summer that's horribly hot. There never seems to be a happy medium here in northwest Indiana. :-/ I hope your snow MELTS soon, my friend. Love, Andrea xoxo

  7. You must be so ready for Spring . . . snow, snow go away so you can get out and play. Thank you for your prayers and for your blogging friendship, it means a lot :)

  8. Slush and mud--another sign of spring--LOL! ;)

  9. No snow here, just lots of days of rain. However, it's sunny at the moment. Hurrah!

  10. You folks need SPRING!!! COME ON SPRING!!!

  11. Early birds are in for a surprise when they arrive out your way this year. Hopefully your snow doesn't last long.
    We have far fewer birds in our back yard this year and I can't help wondering if all the construction noises from next door are keeping them away.

  12. April 14 and that much snow is depressing.

  13. Yes walking in snow and slush not that east, tried it once

  14. And that snow was gone on our driveway and getting pretty dried out and whammo another 10" - it is melting quickly though.

  15. I've only seen one or two redpolls this year. Seems they are late, as I understand they like very cold weather.

  16. We have a visitor from Wisconsin here and he left snow/slush also. It is to warm up to 80 by tomorrow and he brought flannel shirts!

  17. I love those little redpolls and we don’t see them down here. We did see a bluebird in our yard yesterday, a first.

  18. Winter knows it's days are numbered!

  19. We saw some snow over the weekend but just for a few minutes!


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