Thursday, April 4, 2019


We had to go to Fargo for a Doctor's appointment.  I escaped with Jen to a craft shop while Far Guy saw his Neurologist...who asked where I was and why I left Far Guy unsupervised.  All was well with the appointment....right now Far Guy's Trigeminal Neuralgia is under control.  The Doc said he is still wheezing...

Water in the fields near Glyndon Minnesota.

Water in the ditches near  Moorhead Minnesota.

We were so glad our appointment was this week instead of next week when The Red River of the North will be flooding.

The trip to K and K Kraft's was fun,  I got the supplies I needed for the May Baskets this year!  ( You all have 26 days to think up your May Basket design!)   I also bought some new stamps for cards...some for Easter and one for Spring.

Yesterday we enjoyed a day off of appointments...I cleaned the bathroom and caught up with laundry...Far Guy hauled two wheelbarrows of spent bird seed from under the bird feeders.  We went for a long walk in the afternoon and made ribs, french fries and fruit for supper.

It has snowed a little bit the past few days, yesterday it snowed during the night enough to make the ground white.  Winter doesn't want to let go! 
There is still snow at the snowstick.

Far Side


  1. So happy to hear the good news from Far Guys doc. Still praying for his wheezing to go away.

  2. Gosh, caregiving si so hard, without people judging. sigh.
    We await our PSA test results. It's been a journey, postsurgery.

  3. Great news about Far Guy but wish the wheezing would go away. I'm sure he does too. Glad the roads were clear and youdidn't run into any flooding. It seems to be everywhere. I doubt if I could make it up North right now if I wanted to as it seems the whole state of Missouri and parts of Iowa are under water.
    Thanks for the reminder about May Day! I always hear about it the day before and then it's too late. I've never done it but think it would be nice. I need to make Easter cards....hmmm...I'll google 'beginner card making'!

  4. K&Krafts is the best!!
    Glad FarGuy's appointment went so well. That's great news!
    I wonder how bad the flooding will be this year. Grateful we don't live in the flood zone.

  5. It sounds like you've had a grand few days, Connie. Why your doctor thinks your husband needs to be "supervised" is anybody's guess. I would have gone to the craft store too.... and it sounds like you found some fun goodies. Yes, it's chilly here too but thankfully no snow. Spring will arrive for both Minnesota and Indiana sometime soon... I hope! Love, Andrea xoxo

  6. All that snow water has to go somewhere, huh? Winter seems to be hanging on a bit here, too.

  7. The craft store sounds like a fun diversion. That maybe is where the supervision was actually needed. We had a dusting of snow on Tuesday evening but it's raining today and it's long gone.

  8. It's actually a credit to you that the Dr. hoped you would be there, but a little diversion from all of the health issues is good for you too.
    Mud, mud, mud. I remember it in my valley in early spring too. Sucked my boots right off out in the fields.

  9. Going shopping in Craft stores is ever so much fun! We will be very interested in seeing your new May basket design!

  10. Enjoyed this post...I like the glimpses of life and used to do posts like that...and need to get back to it. Glad things are under control fr your hubby.

  11. So happy that your Far Guy, is doing well, I also enjoy craft store shopping so many new ideas always coming up. Your water supply looks like ours, we have had the rainiest winter that I can remember, and more is expected tomorrow, I am not complaining, I am thankful it wasn't snow, living in the south I don't do well with snow., however our two older sons live in the midwest, and prefer the snow to the sweltering heat here in the south. ~smile~

  12. That's a tremendous amount of water lying on the ground.

  13. The only good thing about snow now is it makes the ground pretty and clean again.

  14. Two wheelbarrows of spent birdseed is a lot! Do you have trouble with bears coming around in Spring? Maybe they wouldn't go for the old stuff anyway preferring fresh seeds.

  15. I have a friend that lives on the Red River and I was wondering when that was going to go out. It will destroy the Missouri River along Iowa all over again. That is quite a journey you take to get to Fargo.

  16. Snow finally gone here now and no floods as feared. As to the Red River my son and his classmate were all award their PHD's by the President North Dakota State. This was for Piling Higher Deeper the sandbags during the great flood some years ago now...:)

  17. Thankful for FG's report. I guess John's dr.'s would faint if I failed to show up during one of his appts. lol Happy you enjoyed the craft store. I love your May baskets each year. Hope your snow goes away soon.

  18. Glad to read that Nice Guy's Trigeminal Neuralgia is under control. I have a fun new idea for my May Day baskets recycling something. I will still use the large origami sunflower for work, but I have some small baskets in the works!

  19. We've had a lot of flooding here in Missouri too. Glad to hear Far Guy got a good report but hate to hear about the wheezing. It's funny, the last time Tom saw his cardiologist was the first time I had not gone with him and the doctor asked where I was and said he wanted to see me with him next time. I guess these doctors know our guys need supervision! Ha!

  20. It sounds like it was a good outing. And I too wonder what it is with doctors to think our guys need supervision! You are the one who got me started with May baskets. Thanks for the reminder. :-)


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