Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Monday Happenings

Two  health care appointments were accomplished.  Far Guy had a "Port Study" done by the Interventional Radiologist...who apparently doesn't know his butt from a hole in the ground.  The port leaks as the needle is being removed...yet did he remove the needle from the port??  No.  They are alive and walk among us everyday.

I need a second consult on my hand...both the scar tissue from the Carpel Tunnel Surgery and a growth on the palm of my hand...the Ortho PA said the growth  must go.  Now we will see what the Hand Surgeon says later this month. I  had ultrasounds and that horrible test where they test every nerve in you arm and hand (Nerve Study)

Two more health care appointments later this week....I swear our social life is mainly at the clinic.

Some snow melted but we still have a fair amount in our yard and at the snowstick.

I have been working on some cards.  I got some new Real Pen Brushes and I really like them. They can be used with water.

With my hand as wonky as it is...I don't do any one activity for very long before I switch. I have less pain that way. 

Part of getting older and having more aches and pains means that you must adapt your activities.
Far Side


  1. I'm sorry for the difficulties you both are having. We run into the same kind of idiots from time to time at the clinic...so frustrating. I've had the nerve study on my leg before and they are no fun. I love the cards you have created. God bless you both.

  2. Sorry to hear about all your difficulties. It sure seems that as we age we spend more time sitting in the doctors office than in our easy chair. Hang in there, I'm sure things will improve. You both are in my prayers. Raining here today so all the snow from Sunday has melted.

  3. The Nerve study is the absolute worst of all. I had it once and I think I said something very naughty to the doctor who reminded me that he had the needle.
    I do wonder about the idiots who 'practice' medicine. Some know their stuff.

  4. Sorry you had idiots to deal with at your appointments this time. I've dealt with doctors like that myself, and it makes the appointments even less fun than they already are.

    Glad you were able to do some craft projects. Switching activities regularly is a good idea anyhow, even for younger people; it's always a good idea to get up and move about from time to time.

  5. Ah yes, clinic and doctors' appointments often make up my social life, too. I hope you and Far Guy can find solutions/answers soon.

  6. Sorry to hear the Port "Study" was a bust. And sorry to hear about your hand. For those of us who use our hands a lot, a wonky hand is more than awful. The Showy Lady's Slipper arrived yesterday. Beautiful. I will give Jeanne's gift to her the next time I see her. If it doesn't rain, we will walk on Saturday.

  7. Yes, they walk among us--LOL!
    I hope the growth removal on your hand goes easily and quickly.
    The having to adapt your activities--yes!
    Looks like some cool waterbrush pens.

  8. I sure hope you and Far Guy can turn the corner to 'better', better is a good thing. Of which I know you want! Hugs

  9. This is what they call the "golden" years!?!? Hoping you have a good week!

  10. Sorry to hear about the lack of knowledge of the doc doing the port study. That has to be a real nuisance, hopefully he clues in or another doc can be seen.

    Yikes, the hand issue doesn't sound good. Hopefully the hand surgeon will be able to repair it so you can keep doing what you like to do. Good luck!

  11. Tasks of all kinds as we age are a constant exercize in adaptability isn't it.

  12. Sorry you had to deal with one of "those" at the clinic. It is amazing some of the things some medical professionals will do and say. I've had several of those nerve study tests - I call them electrocution tests! I hope you can stay home and relax for a bit.

  13. Sorry you are having trouble with your hand again. It sounds like it is your dominant hand, too, so that even makes it worse. I never thought about all these appointments we would have as we got older and they sure do mess up daily life. We seem to be in one of those spells of way too much time in waiting rooms, too.

  14. I had that nerves study on my arms, hands, legs and feet in December. You're right. It's awful. I'm so very sorry you had to go through that and that you have to have surgery. I'm also sorry about that guy at Far Guy's appt. Sometimes I think we know more than they do and I'm sure you feel the same.
    Take care and stay warm.

  15. Yes, change is necessary but nobody said it would be easy.

  16. I am adapting, but I don't like it.

  17. Hand pain. I'm not looking forward to that when I reach my 50's. It is bad enough now! I'll try to eat more jello to keep the doctor away. ( jello is supposed to help with ligaments and stuff... So they say)

  18. I had a nerve study done of my feet and lower legs back in the 90's and it wasn't nice

  19. My Goodness! If it's not one thing it's another. I hope they get the problem with your hand(s) sorted. I have Depuytren's contracture in my left palm. Luckily I'm right handed so that doesn't keep me from doing most things.

  20. Ew...I've heard about those nerve studies. I can totally understand--hope not to ever have to do one of those! I hope you and Far Guy find some good medical experts and insightful answers soon!

  21. I had never before heard of that nerve study. After reading your post and all the comments, I'm convinced I'll avoid it at al costs. Also sorry to hear of the idiot that was supposed to help FG with his port. :-(

  22. You need to tell those doctors that you are not going back unless they make the situation better...not worse. What a bunch of bozos! Can anyone be trusted nowadays? It seems not.

  23. I did some major work in the yard and I kept finding that I am really in bad shape. The tipping forward keeps happening but I didn’t fall down. Warm and humid is coming our way.

  24. I do not envy you any of this...It always scares me that people like that do walk among us. I think on Ellen game show a couple weeks ago one question was to name states that touched the ocean...I think the girl name two! I won't say what I say to my husband...but it truly concerns me.


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