Monday, December 24, 2018

Lights and Shiny Brites

Last night we picked up the elderly folks and went to Wadena to see the Christmas lights.

Lights in Wadena

This place has quite the light show during December.  They have their own radio station and the lights are in tune with the music.   It was the first time my parents had been there.

On the way back home since I had my camera all set up and on the tripod for Christmas lights …we stopped by Main Street.

Main Street at night

Nice to have one block of Main Street all to myself.

The Shiny Brite tree didn’t happen this year.  I was way to busy with other things.  However I did put some of the new/old Shiny Brites on my spinning wheel.  I bought two packages of ornaments at a second hand shop for $1.50.

Shiny Brite Wheel

There is a tree up there that hangs there all year…the Angel stayed up all year too…I added the Santa from Maddie to the grouping.  Tis very festive! ( And will be real easy to put away)

Happy Christmas Eve!

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  1. Well, I never thought of decorating my spinning wheel! (I might as well as it doesn't get any other use since I've become a Southernor!). We found a light display to take my mom to last night and she just loved it. Merry, Merry Christmas to you both!

  2. This is beautiful! And I love your shots of all the lights! I wanted to take my son's family to see the Rotary Lights this year but all the kids were too tired. Have a great day.

  3. That is a clever idea, decorating the spinning wheel. Love the pictures of Wadena. Merry Christmas

  4. The Shiny Brite tree did look like lots of work. It will wait for another year, but I sure did enjoy seeing those on the spinning wheel! Those lights outside are fun, too. Merry Christmas to the whole fan damly! :-)

  5. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas. Chance will be watching you from above.

  6. We have a farm in the country that decorates with displays and broadcasts over a radio channel while you drive the mile long attraction. Your spinning wheel idea is great!

  7. Light displays add so much to the cold, winter landscape.

  8. Thanks for the outdoor scenes. I really like the ornaments on the spinning wheel and the arrangement there! In other words, I enjoy your present day photos and all he older ones too!

  9. I love the putting up and dread the putting away! Very nice, Connie!

  10. I always enjoy seeing the lights at Christmas, and fireworks on July 4th. I think this year I need to "weed out" the holiday decorations no longer being used before I put away the things we did use.

  11. The town looks so festive! Those lights that respond to music are fascinating!
    I kind of figured you weren't feeling in the holiday mood enough to do the shiny brites tree. You hadn't mentioned it and it is a huge process that takes a long time. I love what you did instead. Yes--much easier to take down--LOL! Merry Christmas to you both. :)

  12. Merry Christmas to you and yours. I have enjoyed your blog all year long.

  13. The spinning wheel is lovely! Merry Christmas to you both! Thank you for your blog! xxx

  14. Lovely and simple is sometimes better and not as stressful! I told my husband that we need to keep it simple this year ,because it gets to be too much with all four kids and eight small grands with three under the age of three ,all belonging to my daughter! BUT, my husband started bringing up thirty-four years of Christmas! Ugh! I asked what are you doing? He just smiled and that was it. I told him to remember what I said, when it comes time to put it all away. I've enjoyed you Blog so much again this year!

  15. Connie, may you & your family have a very blessed Christmas & new year to come! God bless you all!

  16. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  17. New shiny brites is wonderful. I like the display. All of our displays are just for us this year unless we find a couple of fiends to come by after Christmas. No family with grandkids is a bah humbug but it is what it is. I hope we can have a nice quiet day and enjoy all the foods that we bought a couple of days ago. You two have a good Christmas and do take care.

  18. We’ve gone to look at lights several times this year and plan to drive around after the Christmas Eve service this evening. I love how you decorated your spinning wheel. Merry Christmas!
    Blessings, Betsy

  19. Merry Christmas! I like your little grouping of decorations. It's good to change things up now and again.

  20. Happy Christmas Eve to you too! Thank you so much for sharing the beautiful Christmas lights and tree. I don't get out to see anything! LOL! I feel 'worldly' thanks to my blog friends!

  21. My Shiny Brites didn't make the cut this year, either. Our tree was too puny to fit all the usual favorites on. But you? An entire tree? That must take a LOT of time to do!

  22. Perfect! I've never thought to decorate a wheel :-D.

  23. We love riding around checking out the Christmas lights. We took a couple of our grands (ages 5 and 6) a couple of weeks ago and they just loved it!


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