Saturday, December 8, 2018

Cookie Exchange

I am part of a yearly cookie exchange.  I buy the containers first and then figure out what I will put inside.

This year I made Turtles.  Pecans covered in caramel and chocolate.  I made them ahead of time and incased them in Press and Seal inside the tins. Usually there are 10-12 participants…this year only 6.  So I have left over tins in the fridge.


I bought Kraft Caramel bits, you add a bit of water and microwave them then stir them up and pour that over piles of pecans.  Melt chocolate and put over the top…then I cooled them in the freezer before I packaged them.

Cookie exchange Tins

Far Guy and my other baby brother were taste testers and declared them delicious.

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  1. Another one of us up in the middle of the night. The cookies look good. Hope you have a good day dawning in a few hours.

  2. Interesting way to decide which cookies to make! The tins look pretty with the wide ribbon bows.

  3. I used to help my mom make cookies this time of year, but it was such a chore it seemed. I love your cookies! Love the idea, and your set up and photos are excellent! Those tins are worth having just because they are so pretty!

  4. I am glad I am safely nowhere near those delicious looking turtles! They look great. :-)

  5. Yes, I think just by looking at them that I would agree with the testers! :)

  6. I have not been to a cookie exchange in years. This year our local PBS station is sponsoring a cookie exchange along with cookie tasting and a preview of the Great British Baking Show's Holiday Special. I bought tickets for myself, my two daughters, my two daughter in laws and one of my "co-grammas" - my oldest daughters mother-in-law. The event is tonight and I am so excited!

  7. It does require people to bake cookies to partite . People must have been too busy. I like that recipe and they look really good to eat.

  8. Pecans, caramel, and chocolate - a great combo!

  9. Oh I LOVE turtles. My Mom used to make them. I don’t dare because I would eat them all. A cookie exchange sounds like great fun.

  10. I have never made them, but they look wonderful. I'll file this one away. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Those turtles look yummy! Thanks for providing your recipe, I just might have to make some.

  12. Yummo!!! I love Turtles and every year my children would get me a box. But every time I went to get one out of the was empty! LOL! I think they didn't quite understand the spirit of giving.
    Of all the things I make I never thought of turtles but now I will. Maybe I will make them just for me! Your packaging is lovely!

  13. Yum! One of my favorites! Enjoy the exchange!

  14. They look delicious! Such a great selection of packaging at those dollar stores (assuming that's where yours came from!)

  15. Well, that sounds simple and good!

  16. The turtles look so good! I've never thought of it but rectangular tins make a lot more sense than the round ones I usually buy. Much easier to arrange the different kinds of cookies.

  17. The pecan turtles look delicious! I might try your recipe!

  18. diane in northern wisDecember 8, 2018 at 6:47 PM

    Oh they sure look delicious to me! I used to do a cookie exchange many years ago and we would have about a dozen people participating. That was such fun! Glad to hear it still goes on! Love your blog connie and far guy. Hope you're both doing well!

  19. They do look delicious! I bet Far Guy and your OBB worked hard on that project!!!

  20. I love turtles but I've never made them. Yours look delicious!


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