Sunday, December 23, 2018

December Wedding

Last evening we attended the wedding of my cousin.  He has been a widower a number of years and found himself a gal who has been a widow a long time.  They are both 70 something.  They enjoy each others company and make each other happy.

IMG_3213 (2) 

The minister said that they are the most “in love” couple he has ever counseled before marriage.


I was the official photographer….what are cousins for anyways!  The grooms brother was the best man and the grooms aunt was the matron of honor.

It was a lovely ceremony with a wedding supper that followed the ceremony.  Sandwiches, chips, pickles, pasta salads and jello salads….oh and punch, coffee and wedding cake.


I may share a photo of the happy couple someday…but for now the groom and bride have not seen the photos…and they should see them first.

The church was packed, there was standing room only for the ceremony.  This couple has much support from family and the community. (They didn’t send out any invitations.  Invitation was by word of mouth only.) 

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  1. Sounds like a wonderful start to a wonderful marriage. Congratulations to the new husband and wife.

  2. What a great day! It's so nice to see people happy and supported and loved! Tis the season! Congratulations to all!

  3. It was a very Happy wedding. I wish them many years of Happiness. I know your pictures will be lovely. Hope I get to see them.

  4. How lovely! Congratulations to the happy couple!

  5. Congratulations to the happy couple! December wedding are also very nice!

  6. It sounds like a lovely wedding. Wishing them many years together.
    Blessings, Betsy

  7. Congratulations to the happy couple! Your photograpy skills do come in handy!

  8. What a beautiful story. Love life's most important gift.

  9. How wonderful! It's great to find love at any age, but those of us who are older are even happier when it comes along. Congratulations to the happy couple. :-)

  10. Awww! That's wonderful! Congrats to the happy couple. :)

  11. I think that it is so wonderful. I think it is great how the whole community showed up to honor their marriage.

  12. Congratulations to this newly wed couple. That cake is pretty with the red and green decorations.

  13. Sounds like the best ceremony! What a wonderful Christmas wedding!

  14. I'm so happy for them! What a heart-warming story.

  15. How good that they found each other later in life making each other happy is so important

  16. This is a very happy event to happen just before Christmas.

  17. diane in northern wisDecember 23, 2018 at 7:17 PM

    What a delightful celebration of that wedding this close to Christmas. It sounds wonderful. Glad you were there and could fill us in on the details.

  18. I'm happy for them. The ceremony sounds simple but very special.

  19. We widowers married two months ago. Our friends seem happy for us but my kids and grandkids have been awful. I envy your cousin.

  20. That is a sweet story of love later in life and that the minister said they are the most in love couple he has counseled.

  21. Sounds like there was much love in the community for this couple, as well. How encouraging to hear such a sweet story. Congratulations to the newlyweds!

  22. Congrats and best wishes. What a blessing that they found one another.

  23. How lovely that these two found each other. I have photographed a couple of family weddings... it's fun... and I'm a whole lot cheaper than hiring a professional. I only require a piece of wedding cake!


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