Friday, April 13, 2018

Skiff of new snow

We got a bit of new snow.  Enough to help cover up the dirty snow.

snow April 12

It melted quickly in the bare spots on the snow banks not so much.

I decided not to take a day off of spring cleaning but to switch things up a bit and tore the linen cabinet all apart in the downstairs bathroom…it is all put back together again.  When I get to that room it will go much faster.

I got a bit of summer in the mail! Made my day! I also heard the weather forecast and the big storm is supposed to go south of us…sorry southern Minnesota and Iowa.

 springtime in a card

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  1. :)
    We could see much of that storm. I don't mind it because I won't have to drive in it like I've had to for so many years.
    Ice/sleet/ heavy rain and then snow? Oh my!
    Love that shot of the chairs.

  2. Glad to hear that the storm will pass south of you. It's really getting way past time for spring in your neck of the woods! :-)

  3. A predicted storm skirted around this area, too. I can see a light dusting of snow on the neighbor's roof. I'd gladly welcome some rain.

  4. Here in downtown Mpls we are waiting for a mix of rain and snow.

  5. I thought you needed a little shot of summer! ;)

  6. Chance always looks so handsome! Love the card, I think we are all dreaming of warmer days.

  7. I hope it does miss you as my Daughter is looking forward to a last big hurrah! They (Cedar Rapids, IA)actually haven't had too much this winter. Probably because you got most of it! LOL! I'm glad it falls on a weekend for those that work...safer that way.
    We're supposed to get 'stormy' weather which could be anything down here in the Spring. I'd rather have snow.

  8. ...and I had 2 in of snow last night. I had to shovel.

  9. You deserve a bit of summer. We have had steady rain all day. I wouldn't be surprised if it is a couple of inches or more before the day is done. Got Larry's cold which has hit me like a truck, so just as well I didn't want to be outside.

  10. Hopefully the storm does miss you.
    How handy to have a linen cabinet right in your bathroom!!

  11. The weird weather just keeps happening.

  12. Poor you! Hope it warms up soon.


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